Friday, October 17, 2014

University Tip: Take Advantage of a Professor's Office Hours

Take Advantage of a Professor's Office Hours

This is a huge thing in university and an important thing students should do. Do you ever struggle on an assignment or project that is due in a few days and need some sort of clarification? Go see your professor. I just recently went to my Journalism professor to get his input on my assignment and I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders because of a few things.
One, he clarified to me that I had to follow a certain order for my variables to follow and two, I found out what my grade could have been if I didn't tweak and fix my assignment. I have to have a certain grade; a high B or an A-. I can't have anything lower than that. I guess you could say that I am a perfectionist in my school work.
Your professor is there for a reason you guys. They're there for clarification and to help if you are struggling in a class. Your professor can tell you whether the assignment is on the right or wrong path and they can also aid you by giving advice to bring it to the best it can be. I've scored A's on high school papers because I went to peer reviews with my teachers.
I hope you take advantage of your professor's hours because it can hugely benefit your grade as well as your peace of mind.


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