Thursday, March 5, 2015

Post-Regionals Riding and Care Packages

Paddock selfie with Dot

Since Regionals has passed, I have focused on a few things since I talked to the judge. I've been focusing on my leg strength the most as well as focusing on my upper body. I rode Dot today since I need to ride more horses with an Arab-like body. He was really good today because normally he is a little out of control. My trainer just said, "It's probably because of the full moon tonight!" My leg definitely improved today in the position and heel areas. We worked on pole work today which was fun except when Dot kept tripping and almost falling on his face. Anyway, he was a good pony today!

On that note, I love my mom. I love how the care packages that she makes for me are themed to the months. The girl at the desk was jealous cause she said, "Someone obviously loves you." For March, everything was green! Like the everything was green; the card, the socks, the food packages and the candy! OH, and the socks! I love socks, I think I might have a sock obsession... Not gonna lie about that. But hey, I love my new shamrock socks!


  1. There's nothing like themed socks! (looks under the desk) I'm wearing Valentines ones right now!

    1. I have a drawer here at the dorm just dedicated for socks. I am bit obsessed with socks...


DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

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