Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bellingham Adventures

Today, my friend Mekare and I went on an adventure! We literally wanted to find a beach and we ended finding not to far from campus! It was such a beautiful day that an adventure was an absolute must.

We followed this little path down to the water.

The really cool stairs. Can you tell I'm practicing my photography?

The view was amazing, Mekare and I could not get over it.

We walked a long ways out in the "water" since the tide was out. The sand felt amazing in between the toes. A little natural spa treatment.

The sun was addicting today, it felt amazing.

We found this really weird bug that was trying to swim towards the land. 

I snagged a gorgeous find today! It's on my desk now. I love collecting shells and little treasures, that is my new goal for my adventures; to find a memento.

Some cool graffiti! Can you spot the little photo bombers?


  1. We live close to the beach and it never gets old. A bad day at the beach is still better than a great day anywhere else.

    Stopping in from A to Z and thanks for the continued participation!

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Co-host
    Twitter: @StephenTremp

  2. Isn't it fun to discover something previously unexplored? It looks so peaceful and full of nature and negative ions, the ones that make you feel wonderful! Thanks for sharing!


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