Monday, April 20, 2015

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge: Day 18: Letter R

Red Square. The name really says it all. It’s a square made of red bricks. The square is known for rallies, demonstrations and protests that go on at Western. However, it is also a great place to catch some sun, eat lunch outside and do some last minute studying before a class. The Red Square also features a wonderful fountain, which is currently not running. I’ve seen people throwing Frisbees trying to get them into the empty fountain. It’s really cool to watch. I always see people sitting around the fountain. I want to sit and just relax but I never have the time, I am either in class or doing homework.


  1. Pretty cool! I would be worried about it falling over, although I am sure that is not possible or it wouldn't be standing there anymore.


    1. There are some loose bricks here and there; mind you I have tripped a few times but I haven't fallen yet.


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