Monday, April 13, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is gloomy and wet.

I am thinking… about this new quarter and classes and hoping I hear about Miracle Ranch for the summer.

I am thankful… That I awesome friends in the dorm.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I have had Greek Yogurt and Granola.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and my professor giving a lecture.

I am watching/listening… to my Finance lecture. 

Always one of my favorite things… Watching nothing at the moment.

I am reading… nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Monday - I am having a productive day of breakfast and in a little bit, I am off to class. Tuesday - I have no classes, but then I have a riding lesson and riding meetings in the evening; I am going to hit the gym in the morning. Wednesday - I have Personal Finance, French and my Biology classes. Thursday - all I have that day is my Biology lab and I am going to hit the gym that day in the morning. Friday - I have the same schedule on Wednesday. Then the weekend is free as a bird, might go to the gym those days.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is back at home with Mom and Dad. I am missing her cuddles right now. I'm holding onto her New England Patriots dog tag so that I am motivated to save my money for any apartment costs next fall.

College Update… Third week of Spring Quarter!

Riding Update… Riding is going well. I am currently riding once a week this quarter since the show season is over. We are alternating our weeks with flat work and jump work.


  1. Sounds like someone's a little bored with Finance class. ;)

  2. Finance. Bleh! I admire anyone who is into that sort of thing, though. You guys make the world run!


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