Friday, May 15, 2015

Riding Koffee

Friday's for me are stall cleaning days, but today my trainer said I could ride Koffee. If you didn't know, Koffee was one of our team practice horses up until I believe winter quarter when he got lame.  Now, he has gotten better and my trainer is letting me help get him back into shape and soundness. He was a little off when I rode him yesterday so I just worked him at the walk doing leg yields, shoulder in, haunches out, and getting his poll down below his withers.

Today, we were able to do some trotting in addition to our walk exercises. Going to the left, he was good, but to the right he was still a bit stiff/off. However, once we did more laps of trotting to the right, he was moving with ease. He worked really well at getting and keeping his poll below his withers and I am so proud of him. Koffee just loves to work. 

It was a good morning and I hope I have more of these before the quarter ends. I look forward to next fall even more. 


DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...