Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Why Community College is Sometimes a Good Start-Off

I just recently read this article on Pop Sugar about a girl who went to community college and saw it as something positive than negative and I completely agreed with her.

I went to community college for a few reasons. Although I did achieve good grades in high school, graduated with honors, and got accepted into the university I wanted to go to; the university wasn't a good fit for me.

Now, I didn't get my AA or AS, I only went for two semesters but it was enough for me to do in order to get into the university I am at right now.

1. It was a way to be closer to home. While some young adults want to go away to college far from home, it didn't work for me. I like being near my mom and dad, it was my comfort area. I wasn't hundreds to thousands of miles away from them when I went to community college. I was living at home, eating home cooked food and going to school.

2. It made me get up because I had to drive to class rather than walking. I might as well add that I had my parents as an additional alarm clock, but I did use my phone a lot. But, it made me get ready to drive to class.

3. It made me use the library during my breaks. Since I had short breaks in between classes, I stayed on the campus and went to the library to do homework. I am actually going to do this again next fall when I have a break in-between two classes. That way I don't waste time. I would go home after classes and have no homework because I would have had it all done.

Community college is great for those who don't know what they want to do because they can get all of their prerequisites done early before they decide what they want to be in life. It definitely helped me figure out what I wanted to do and also what college I wanted to transfer to. I now go to Western Washington University, majoring in Therapeutic Recreation, minoring in Journalism and riding/competing with the WWU IHSA Riding Team.

1 comment:

  1. I think community college is a great place to start, for exactly the reasons you list! My daughter will be graduating high school in just over 2 weeks and she can get her associates in the field she's looking to go into from the local CC. Even if they didn't offer that program, she could go and get her basic classes out of the way and then later transfer to a 4 year college.
    I'm hoping she uses her time as wisely as you do!


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