Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The College Dos and Don'ts

Here are some Dos and Don'ts that I learned from my first year at Western!


DO try to get your books from sites such as Amazon or Abe Books. Any type of second hand book site is a best friend to you and your wallet. You can also RENT your books because it's easier to turn them in at the end of the quarter rather than struggle to get all your money by selling them back.

DO take advantage of your meal plan. My meal plan had dining dollars and I was able to buy lunch with it instead of using my credit card. It saves money; honestly.

DO try to give friends rides if you own a car at college. My friends would give me $5 for gas when I loaned them my car, dropped off or picked them up from the bus/train station.

DO use your planner. It can make your life a lot less chaotic. Log in your study groups, assignment due dates, test dates and library cramming sessions.


DON'T skip office hours, study sessions or tutor sessions. I did that Winter quarter and did my best picking up my slack Spring quarter by attending every Biology study session I heard of before a test. Fall Quarter, I got an A- on my American Indian History term paper just because I went to see the TA to go over the progress of my paper.

DON'T forget to call Mom when she calls you. She really wants to know how you're doing and how college is; her baby is growing up. Let her hear your voice.

DON'T forget your student ID. You need it for basically everything. From dining hall meals to student discounts at stores. 

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