Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I Love My Job

I thoroughly love my job. I get to be around horses and my dog at the same time.

Working in the mornings is totally worth it. I get to see the sun rise and be greeted by the horses every morning. I'm that kind of person that prefers to work around animals than people, but I still like to work around people.
I like cleaning stalls though, I did all the time when I was in 4-H so I am pretty much a pro at it. Is there an award for best stall cleaner? I am so picky about stalls, I sift so much bedding out of the fork before I throw it in the wheelbarrow. Bedding is SO expensive.

Mud loves coming to work. She gets to run around and sniff every spot. She is getting better at coming when I whistle for her. She usually goes off to do her thing and then comes back to check on me as I clean a stall. It's funny watching her act around horses. I think she finds them interesting but she is on guard around them. It's funny watching her get excited around Abe the Mini Horse.
Thus concludes why I love my job.

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