Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is cold and a bit overcast. I would love some snow right now.

I am thinking… about finding a good supporting job.

I am thankful… that I am home for Christmas.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I had an apple and some cereal for breakfast.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Netflix.

I am watching/listening… Sons of Anarchy.

Always one of my favorite things… is watching Netflix and riding.

I am reading… Nothing.

I am making… a blog post for AdoreMe.

I am writing… This blog post and another for AdoreMe. All my articles for the Odyssey have been sent in for the holidays.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today - I had breakfast and did some chores around the house for Mom. Wednesday - I have no idea what we are doing. Thursday - it's going to be Christmas Eve so it will just be me, Mom and MudLynn. We'll probably go out to dinner and rent a movie for the night since Dad has worked. Friday - IT'S GOING TO BE CHRISTMAS DAY. Saturday and Sunday - relaxing until Mom and Dad take me and MudLynn back to Bellingham.

MudLynn Update… She is doing well, snoozing on the couch in her new bandana.

College Update… I am all registered for classes next quarter! And I have officially decided to change my major to Recreation. I want to pursue a career in Therapeutic Recreation using animals (dogs and horses) to work with disabled kids and war veterans.

Riding Update… I am hopefully going to be showing at the next shows at OSU, UoO, and our home show! I am going to work very hard training with both Kim and Suzie, mainly Kim's cause I can work lessons off doing paddocks at Creidmount. 

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