Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip

Well, this weekend was a great one with Kaveh. We went to the area of Packwood and Randle to check out some hikes and camping spots. We had a very scenic drive to the southern area of Washington. However, our plans changed a bit when we saw that Goat Mountain's road had three washouts, so we camped at a camping site. We started the backpack up the Tatoosh Trail but was told by some hikers that the ridge was still snowy. We then hiked about another mile (2 miles tops) until we decided to go down to one of the spots we drove past. Did I mention we sort of heard a bear? To be honest, I was a bit terrified, but then again, I am trying to step of my comfort zone.

Overall, it was a great weekend, I want to say about nearly all of it I spent off my phone which was wonderful when it came to sleeping. I slept so well at night. We went to bed around like 10:30-11pm and I still woke up around 5 am. I guess that is my normal wake up call. My sleeping pad and bag from REI were so cozy. I am very glad I bought a pack during the anniversary sale because it was a lot easier to have everything in one bag.

Sleeping was fun because I wore my hair in braids the whole time because a rats nest is not fun to deal with in the morning. So braids and a beanie it was.

We then left Packwood and drove back to Sammamish to pick up Bruno and MudLynn from Kaveh's parent's house. They were so sweet to watch her for me. They kept telling me how much of a good dog she was, how she slept in the bed with his mom and was just all around well behaved. SO PROUD. She is glad to be home with me. However, I did get to pet Peanut, Kaveh's other dog. He said that Peanut is very particular, but at his parent's house, he just crawled in my lap when I was sitting on the floor with MudLynn.

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