Saturday, June 25, 2016

Camp Love

Camp is going wonderfully. Tons of awesome kids and wonderful memories in the making. 

I have also found a new favorite at St. Albans and that is Hickory. She is a super fun mare and really athletic. Arrow says I should care lease her over the offseason, so I have to figure out my finances to see if it is a possibility. I would love to do it, but I also have to figure out if I want to continue my last year on the team. It would be cool to care lease her because I could enter in shows I wouldn't normally enter in like western shows that have like a trail class. I am positive she would excel in it. She would also excel in hunter under saddle. So many decisions to make over the next 1 1/2 months. 

Also, a MudLynn update for you guys. This little furry miss has been a bit naughty for my mom while I am at camp. My mom works during the day, but one day my mom found that she shredded a paper bag, the bathroom trash and a box of tissues. Surprisingly, she didn't go after her bones, which are in her reach. In my opinion, she misses me and isn't used to this new schedule. I'm sure she'll be happy once we are back in Bellingham.

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