Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Say Hello to the English Coach!

As it is my last year on the riding team, I have decided to take advantage of any opportunities that come my way. Last week, I received an email from our team president asking if anyone would like to be her sidekicks at the horse shows as the English or Western coaches. This means that my job is that I could call rerides if they needed to happen, coach from the rail, give pep talks beforehand and also to be down in the mounting area making sure that boots were polished and everything else was in tip-top shape.

I am super excited about this opportunity to help the team grow and to also grow myself as a leader. I just need to complete some forms and such and then I am all set.

Farewell PetSmart, Hello YMCA

Well, I just left PetSmart and began my new job with the YMCA. I am sad that I have left my coworkers at PetSmart, such fun closing talks on the walkies and funny moments in the store.

I am really excited about my job at the YMCA though. I had my first day yesterday and it was as bad as I thought it would be. I thought there was a whole system as to run the after school enrichment, but nope. I think today, I am going to have the kids do healthy mind time after snack and outdoor time. In order for them to succeed, we need to set a path for that succession.

But overall, I love the schedule I have because I only leave the house for no more than 2 hours (at least until school starts). It's perfect for MudLynn because then she is not alone for a long amount of time. I don't like leaving her for more than a few hours since she is older and wants to be around me a lot more.

I just can't stand leaving her at home when I have either errands, work, or school. She's such a lovebug,

Well, that is my update on life, stay tuned for more blog posts! One will be coming after Labor Day Weekend about an upcoming camping trip to Baker.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Camping at Winchester

A view of Mt. Baker
This past weekend, Kaveh, Josh and I went up to Winchester for a spur of the moment camping trip. MudLynn came along too and it was her first major trip sleeping in a tent and hiking.

At night, it was surprisingly bright with the light of the moon. We could see a lot of stars but not as many as we hoped for. I can't wait till we go back again on a moonless night so that we can see the stars, the Milky Way, and shooting stars.

MudLynn did really well for her first major hike and camp out. On the way up to the spot, she was on her leash which was attached to my pack. When we came across some snow, I let her off leash cause I needed to get down the snow. After that, I left off the leash, which she did extremely well with. She didn't venture far from us, she basically figured out that if she ran off, she'd be screwed. On the way down the next morning, she did get a little lost cause she stops to sniff everything and we just kept walking thinking she would catch up with us.

But waking up to this view was amazing. It was better than waking up to the sound of garbage trucks or car doors slamming. Since I've been with Kaveh, I have never been this outdoorsy. Granted it was because I was always moving and my parents weren't really the camping type so I just stuck with the horses. But I am glad that I am being more spontaneous, outdoorsy and adventuress. 

I am definitely going to invest in a little backpack for her so that she can carry some water and a collapsible bowl as well as some treats and her night's dinner in plastic bags. It will make my pack a bit lighter. 

I am really proud of her overall because it was her first major hike, overnight camping, and also her first time sleeping in a tent. She is turning into a little mountain dog.

Sorry For Being AWOL

Hey everyone, I am very sorry that I have been AWOL lately, well maybe like the past month. I am back in Bellingham, but my apartment has no wifi so I am not able to update as much as I want to.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...