Sunday, October 30, 2016

Happy Halloweekend!

Happy Halloweekend everyone! I hope you are having fun either going to costume parties or giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters. This Halloween was a fun one with friends and fun!

Friday night we began. We got all dressed up and went downtown to get food and some drinks. I went over to Kaveh's to get ready with him and Annie, mostly Annie since she and I had to do our makeup. If you look at the photo to the left, I hand drew the bat symbol on my face starting with eye shadow to map it out and then filling it in with Nyx's jumbo eye pencil in black.

Downtown is so close we walked there and back home. Kaveh and I dressed up as Batgirl and Alfred. You know Alfred? Batman's butler.

MudLynn didn't dress up, she was just her old lady self and I didn't want to bug her with the pumpkin costume. She hates the little pumpkin hat. She was honestly the star of the house because of how cute she is. Pretty much everyone that comes over says that about her to me.

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