Friday, March 24, 2017

Senior Year Realizations

Do you ever realize something long after the time you wish you actually went with it? Well, I know I did.  I honestly wish I could go back in time and actually stick to what I originally wanted to do with my life. While working at the YMCA and talking to one of my coworkers, I realized that I do want to become a teacher, not just any teacher; a kindergarten teacher. I love the kinders that come to the YMCA site I'm at. They're so full of life and happiness, and sometimes can be quite honest with you. 

Yes, yes, I know working in the education industry doesn't mean that I'll be able to afford all those luxuries that I wish I could have, but to me, working as a teacher means that you could be changing their life somehow, giving them someone to look up to. 

I've figured out that I am going to meet with the chair of the Early Childhood Education major but still graduate this fall. I'll then keep working at the YMCA, get some volunteer hours in a classroom, get my certifications as a Paraeducator and as an emergency substitute and then I'll go back and get the major. 

Since I've been moved to another school to work at for Spring quarter, I am definitely going to keep in contact with one of the kindergarten teachers because she said that if I would like to volunteer in her classroom, I was more than welcome. That is the best thing about working at the Y, you generate contacts who are teachers who will write you awesome letters of recommendation that you can use for any job that you apply to in the future.

I love working at the Y, even though sometimes it can be hectic. Although the kids that get really attached to you make it worth it.

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