Monday, June 5, 2017

My New Pets??

Hello all! If you asked yourself just now, "Did Sophia get new pets? Yes, yes I did. I recently have my boyfriend's snake Klaus living with me and today, I acquired a Betta fish from a college student who couldn't take him home with him for the summer; his name is Siracha and yes, he is red like the sauce.

I'm a huge animal lover, and animals just make the home feel happier and livelier. I get up each morning now and say good morning to my dog, Klaus, and Siracha. I have like a greeting schedule each morning in a sense. In all honesty, I almost adopted a little mouse who was in need of a good home, but I didn't make it in time to be his new mommy, but he has a new family now.

My next animal I know I want it to be a horse, that is my new goal for my newest family member/furry creature. I know this because I have always longed to own my own horse and hopefully one day, it will actually happen. My dog loved going to the barn, so a picture with her and my future horse would make the cutest Christmas card photo for my parents.

However, I think that is the reason why I worked at PetSmart part of my life - cause I loved animals. I've also gotten over my tiny fear fo reptiles and snakes. I've held Kaveh's snake and I've help the Bearded Dragons at PetSmart. I think that's the next reptile I'll get in my life, maybe when I'm a teacher. I remember having a Bearded Dragon in my high school Biology class.

I just really want to have a lot of animals once I have a good job and a nice house. I would like it to be on a bit of land so that I could have my horses there and maybe some goats and chickens. I guess I just want to live on a farm once I have worked a good job for a while.

Overall, I'm just a huge animal lover that loves having animals around me. I guess I'm almost a real life Beatrix Potter.

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