Saturday, June 10, 2017

Still In A Clean-Out Phase

Is it me or is anyone else in a clean-out phase? I've been going through everything I have in my apartment deciding if it's something I'll use or if it's something that should go to Good Will. I've downsized on things drastically creating more space in the cabinets and under the counter cabinets. It's crazy. I guess I've learned that I shouldn't hoard things/buy too many things. It's gotten out of hand.

I've pretty much made my closet exist on only one side, cleared shelves in the hall closet, cleared two cubbies in the cubby shelf by the front door, cleared two drawers in the bathroom/sink area and then reduced a lot of things down to the do-able minimum. I think this cleanout/toss out is because I've read a book during one of my semesters at a community college about living below the means so I guess that's where my mindset is right now.

My car's trunk is almost full of paper bags of things I've decided to get rid of/donate to Good Will. This time I will fill out the sheet at the drop off that I think goes towards taxes for donation to charity or something like that. So I will go out during this coming week to Good Will and drop them off so that my trunk will be empty again.

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