Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Selfish Soul 30- Day Challenge: Day 3

I only managed to do two things today...

This morning, I went and got a protein smoothie and ended up splurging on some new oils for my diffuser. I bought Cheer Up Buttercup and Jasmine. The Cheer Up Buttercup smelled so good, it was citrusy and minty so I was drawn in. Jasmine just smelled amazing. I'm really trying to use oils every day. I think my next oil I want to get will be Vanilla.

I then came home from work and literally got in bed with Netflix because I had a long day and I still kind of feel nauseous for some odd reason. So I'm just relaxing and watching Friends. I might do a face mask in a while so that will be my third selfish deed for myself; beauty treatment. Maybe the sugar or peel off mask... I don't know yet. 

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