Monday, September 18, 2017

10 Things I Am Going To Change This Autumnal Season

So lately, I have noticed a lack in attention to certain things I do. So here is the list of things I need to work on.

1. Bring more fun to work.
I need to make after school care more fun for the kids. Yes, I need to have structure, but that structure can be fun! I need to bring story time to snack time or camp songs to get wiggles out. I also need to start going over expectations more each day with the group I work with.

2. Be more proactive on walks with MudLynn.
I've noticed that I have been significantly lazy when it comes to walking Mud. I used to walk her on a good 15 minute walk and now I have turned to letting her run around at Laurel Park. Epitome of laziness.

3. Decorate more.
I need to take advantage of coupons and decorate my house more. I need more leaf decor and fall decor in my apartment and in my bedroom. I need to live as if it is fall all the time in all honesty.

4. Cook and bake more.
I used to bake so much last year and I have lost my game. I need to make pumpkin bread and coffee cake since it is fall. I should write down the things I want to bake and do that this coming weekend.

5. Socialize more.
I need to spend more time with friends. I know I love being alone a lot of the time, but I need to not seem like a loner all the tome.

6. Create more.
I need to get crafting again. Knit, bead, cross stitch, or something. I just need to do something with my hands again.

7. Start some new hobby.
I need to find a new hobby. Maybe painting?

8.  Take better care of my car.
Bam Bam needs two things: a good vacuum and a good wash.

9. Eat breakfast again/have a hot drink every morning.
Whether I eat something for breakfast or have a cup of hot cocoa, I need to have something in the mornings again.

10. Take more pictures.
I think I am going to start carrying my camera everywhere with me now. I just need to take advantage of a good quality camera to take photos of things I usually wished I could take pictures of.

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