Sunday, October 8, 2017

Things I Need To Do and Stop When Shopping

I have a problem. I like to shop. *GASP* I'm pretty sure every girl has a problem when it comes to shopping. However, I am going to nail down my spending habits so that I can be more responsible with my money so that I have some when I want to do something nice.

I need to start using my cash only system. I used to only use cash for gas, food and pet supplies and I really need to do it starting when I get my September paychecks.

I need to use more coupons and Ibotta.  I so far have earned 50 cents back from purchases at Fred Meyer. I need to use coupons to take money off my total when shopping. I did use my store rebate at Fred Meyer and saved $6 dollars and I also used coupons!! Go me!

I need to keep up with bringing my own bags when grocery shopping. I've been pretty good at it so far, I just need to use them for groceries and for other stores. It is better for the environment because we are wasting plastic bags and such. Every store should have their own bag that you can buy when your shopping. PetSmart now has them and I bought one! I take it with me all the time when I am pet supply shopping.

I need to get back to using a shopping list and not throw unhealthy food in my basket. I tend to put candy and ice cream in my cart. It should be fruits and veggies. I need a notepad that has a list of groceries on it that I can mark when I am out of something.

I need to stop shopping when I'm hungry. It's bad when I do that cause I buy a ton of comfort food instead of healthy fulfilling foods.

I need to start shopping with someone who can reign me in when I buying stuff I don't actually need. Mom, where are you? I need my mom or another mother figure to tell me no.

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