Saturday, March 3, 2018

My New 8 Habits to a Successful New Year

I spent a long time reflecting on 2017 and have taken up 8 habits that I know will help me in the year to come and make myself more successful. A lot of things happened last year and I want to make myself a better person than I was last year.

1. Eating healthy and consistent.
I have done so well the past two weeks of 2018 by eating consistent and wholesome meals. I pretty much have dinner either ready to be made or already made and just needs to be heated in the microwave. My roommate is so proud of me.

2. Going to the barn more.
I am still kicking myself for not going to the barn and missing out on time with Fiesta so I am trying to go to the barn whenever I can, even if it is just to do chores for Suzy.

3. Putting more money into my savings.
I am trying to get myself to stick to my budget and I am doing very well. I have only shopped for things I need or at places that I have gift cards to. I bought some groceries with a Fred Meyer gift card that I got in a Christmas card from the middle school families at work. It was so sweet of them to do that for me.

4. Not wasting food and eating up my leftovers.
I have two Tupperware of leftovers that I have left to eat. I also made sure I ate my Boundary Bay leftovers. I spent good money on that food, so I must eat up my money.

5. Being more selfish about what I want.
I decided that I am tired of not achieving what I want or what I want to do at night. Lately, I have been staying in more and more during the weeknights and I sleep better each time.

6. Take care of things before they need to be fixed/ paid.
I pretty much wait until the last minute to get things fixed or paid, so now I am making sure I pay my bills ahead of the due date and not on the day it's due.

7. Making more connections within my sport and other passions.
If you didn't know, I am going to co-running my trainers camp with a close friend of mine this summer. She and I are so excited about this challenge and journey. We are hanging out more together and planning. It's so much fun!

8. To photograph moments more.
I want to create an album with all the Fuji film photos I have taken so that I can remember fun moments with all my friends.

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