Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Look Back on February

Reading: I am currently reading three books... I know I should just be focusing on one. I am working on the first Harry Potter, The Girl on the Train, and the Rebel Queen.

Watching: I've finally finished watching the second season of Outlander since I got it for my birthday. I am also rewetting Friends, Rules of Engagement, Outlander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Gilmore Girls.

Listening: I've been listening to Evanescence lately, but I pretty much listen to Top 100 Hits and my Starred playlists on Spotify. I've also been listening to the Top Country Hits on Spotify as well, so my music is pretty well rounded. I swap every day to a different playlist to keep up to date with new songs.

Working On: I am working on my posts for the blog since I have been slacking. I am also working extra hard the rest of the month and the first two weeks of practices for Regionals. The rest of my year, I am literally breaking my back to make sure I get good grades in my classes each quarter. Need good grades and GPA. I'm working super hard to make my articles sore in page views and shares, so I am starting to work on them on Sunday's to get the best content out of my brain.

Waiting For: The weather to get warmer and sunnier. I want to go camping again and wear shorts and tanks tops. I am tired of rain and clouds and a temperature below 50 degrees. We have had a lot of snow days this month, so I am hoping the snow is done for good!

Reflecting On: My spending has been better. I've decided to get into using coupons to save a few dollars here and there. I'm also starting to shop at Winco where I can get more food for my dollar. I'm just low key reflecting on everything in my life, which is too much to type.

Researching: I'm currently researching jobs that are education/children related. I have found some awesome teacher assistant jobs near Seattle since there are very few here in Bellingham. I will continue working for the YMCA until I decide where it is I will go next. I'm also checking apartments near each job posting to see what rent would be like. We will see what will happen.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is snowing outside again!

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I ate some candy for breakfast. I need to eat some lunch before work today.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type, MudLynn's snoring and music on Spotify.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch scary movies with friends and eat delicious food.

I am reading... The Rebel Queen.

I am making... Nothing really.

I am writing... This blog post, my Zine project portion and my EDUC evaluation paper.

A plans I have for this week... I had class today and then I ran errands with MudLynn to Fred Meyer to get some tape and get my tabs done; I have work later today. Tuesday - I have practice, class, work and then nothing. Wednesday - I have class and work. Thursday - I have class and work. Friday - I have class and work.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing on her bed.

College Update... I am already stressed with classwork, especially since the quarter is coming to an end soon. I am trying to whip my butt into putting over 100% of my effort into my work so that my grades are good.

Riding Update...  I am heading to regionals this March!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

In Order to Become "That" Equestrian, I Must...

I realized that I really just want to spend my time around horses, but to an extent. I know I don't want to run a huge facility, but I would love to try to teach lessons for beginning riders. What I would need is a certification to teach lessons. I may just talk to Suzy about it and see where she started off at.

I have officially made it to Regionals this year and I can't be more excited. I am going to work hard in every chance that I have to ride. I want the snow to melt so that I can ride outside again, I hate riding inside; you can never see Mt. Baker. My goal this year is to make it to Zones in Stanford so I am incorporating squats, crunches and planks into my daily routine to strengthen the core and leg muscles.

I also realized that I enjoy equine photography. I am getting the hang of taking mid-motion pictures, but I need to invest in a good photo editing software as well as read up on tips and tricks that other equestrian photographers use. The picture above is probably my most favorite from the ones I took at University of Oregon's show.

Lastly, I realized if I want to establish myself as an equestrian and potential trainer/instructor, I need to invest in a truck, trailer, and horse once I have a good job. I mean, I could invest in a horse and truck now and get the trailer later. However, I have a lot of things I would need if I had a horse, and I think I am pretty darn ready to make that step soon. Going to work this summer extra hard, cut costs of my expenses, and save as much as I can in order to hopefully buy my first horse.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Kylie Cosmetics Collection

I have always been in a search for the best liquid lipstick. And I have found the one brand that is absolutely amazing.

I have accumulated quite the collection of Kylie liquid lipsticks (about 8). And let me tell you, I have pretty much tossed out most of my other lipsticks - my own choice of course.

I love Kylie's liquid lipsticks for a few reasons. They are kiss proof, drink proof, food proof and last all night long. Some of the darker shades though are a bit patchy (Kourt K for example), but they are amazing colors. They also smell like cupcakes, which makes them even better!

In the photo, we go from my wrist to my elbow. The first two shades are the metals Reign and Kymajesty. I love the metals, very grundge. The next two I consider my nudes, Exposed and Dolce K. The last four are my fun shades: Ginger, Kristen, Merry and Kourt K. I don't wear Kourt K very much because it is very patchy on the lips.

These are pretty much the only lipsticks I wear. Yes, they are drying because they are matte, but I make sure I take a few days off from wearing them in order to give my lips time to breathe. I also moisturize my lips a ton with lip balms.

I'm super excited to see what new products Kylie will come out with. I am expecting a small package from Kylie's Valentine's Day collection so I will have another review post soon!!

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is cloudy outside, with tons of snow on the ground.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I ate some candy hahaha, but we are making nachos later.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type, GTA on the tv and Annie's music.

I am watching... Kaveh play GTA.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch scary movies with friends and eat delicious food.

I am reading... The Girl on the Train.

I am making... Nothing really.

I am writing... This blog post.

A plans I have for this week... No class or work today since it is a snow day. I don't think I'll be able to go to my lesson because I still have a cold, but I will have to go to class and work. I will have to muster to go to the team meeting if there is one. Wednesday, I have work. Thursday, I have class and work. Friday, I have work. The weekend is fully open; just the way I like it.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing on the couch next to Dom.

College Update... I am already stressed with classwork.

Riding Update...  We have two more shows this quarter...

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...