Friday, June 26, 2015

#1 Thing to do when You're at Camp

It is very, very hot here at camp and I've started to worry for when the girls get here. Not only is it hot on the main portion of camp, but it will be about 10-15 degrees hotter in Horse Haven. I'm starting to worry because the girls who will be coming may become dehydrated and get heat stroke. 

The number one thing to do is to CONSTANTLY HYDRATE. Water is important to drink when it is hot because we sweat out the water we have in our bodies. But it this heat, we need to double on the amount of water we drink because it will sweat out twice as fast.

So readers, hydrate as much as you can. I know I will be saying this to every girl I see at Horse Haven and at camp. Water is our best friend.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Camp Life: Update

Lots of things are happening at camp. The other wranglers and I will be doing our swim test so that we can swim if we have time. Then we have staff know-hows at Horse Haven to see who is good with tacking up and such. And finally, we have the night off! We may be going to a movie or out to dinner. We just need to get away and have some fun before the campers come!

Monday, June 22, 2015

A Day or Maybe Week in the Life of a Wrangler at Girl Scout Camp: Week 1

Girl Scout Camp is going great so far. I got welcomed by the riding director Arrow, who is awesome! She is very funny! She made each of the wranglers a clip board with a camp survival pack. This was a smart little pack, it includes: hair ties, hand sanitizer, chapstick, candy, makeup wipes, gel pens, and a horseshoe charm for our penny necklace.

We had a little adventure to Yelm to pick up the mini horse, Jelly, to bring to camp. She is an absolute doll and very sassy! It makes me want to get a mini horse now. I used to drive one, but I never showed them. However, I would love to get into that again. We also got to meet a new baby who was a month old. His name was Wizard and his daddy is a gorgeous Friesian. 

I got a new book for the summer! Can I hear an applause? The book is by Tanya Biank who also wrote Army Wives, which is the base of the tv show Army Wives on Lifetime TV. Undaunted is about the strong women who are leaders in our military today. I've decided to read more books about the military since I am a Navy brat and I want to learn more. I was very into my government class in high school where we watched many military films.

I've grown very close to the horses already. I mean, when do I not get close to them?! I have fallen in love with a gorgeous 9 yr old grulla mare (pictured on the left) who is name Fiona. She is so much fun. Since she is a draft cross, she is very baroque in my opinion. Her canter reminds me of a war horse. She would fit into a medieval fair as a jousting horse and/or in a costume class. 

We did a lot of shopping for the horses this weekend. We bought salt blocks because the horses need their minerals. It is vital. Today, we have also been putting hoof moisturizer on their hooves to add moisture (obviously). They will definitely need it when it is 100 degrees at Horse Haven.

Stay tuned for more!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Going to be MIA

Hey everyone! I'm starting my summer job at a camp tomorrow and won't be able to blog at all. So, I will try to blog on the weekends I am home and to show you pictures!

Have a great summer!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

San Andreas Review and Thoughts

Oh gosh, I do not know where to begin on this movie. Honestly, it was a fascination and horrification for me. The way the movie was made and the whole natural disaster just blew me away with fascination. The special effects were incredible, plus it was in 3D so it was way cooler. I've been in love with the whole film industry since I had the chance of being an extra when a tv show pilot was being filmed in my area. This movie did have me on the edge of my seat or biting my nails, it is that suspenseful and intense. I loved it. The part that absolutely horrified me, well I shouldn't say horrified; I mean scared, was that this could actually happen in our lifetime. If you think about it, we have had earth quakes, tsunamis and many other natural disasters happen in the past or just recently. 

It also made me think about preparing for natural disasters. I have an emergency prep backpack that I bought at the start of my freshman year, but I need to make an emergency kit for MudLynn since she will be living in at the apartment with me in Bellingham in the fall. 

Even if there is no natural disaster approaching or happening, make a kit just in case so that it is easy to grab, throw in the car and hit the road.

For more information, go to,, and/or for more information on making a kit for your beloved pet(s).

June Ipsy Arrival

I am super excited about this month's bag! Specifically because of the three lovely masks that I received. I've already used one - the cucumber breeze; I used it because my allergies were going crazy and it soothed my skin very much. I love the bag this month because it is very summery, reminds me a bit of the material of a swim suit.

Stay tuned for a review of all the items!

30 Before 30 is posted!

If you would like to look at my 30 Before 30 you can click here or click the page tab for 30 Before 30.

I hope it inspires you to create your own list!

Friday, June 12, 2015

30 Before 30

Ever wish you could do things you've wanted or go on trips/adventures you longed for? I have. Since I am now 21, I have decided to start a 30 Before 30 list. I got the idea from Mrs M's Meanderings' 50 Before 50 and I thought it was a fantastic thing to do. It gets you to set goals and helps you accomplish things. 

I will be posting my 30 Before 30 list as a page tomorrow afternoon.

Go and check out Mrs M's Meanderings' blog! She is absolutely fab!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Hunger Games : Mockingjay Part 2

Who else is excited for Mockingjay Part 2?! I saw Part 1 and literally was glued to the screen. Each of the movies have improved as they filmed. I am looking forward to how well they stay to the book, so far it has been excellent. 
Stay tuned for film reviews to come for: Jurassic World, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay and San Andreas.

The End of Freshman Year at Western

 It is safe to say, I will miss living here for the next three months of summer break. So much has happened in just one year of living on campus. I've made so many memories and I look forward to making more in the fall. Bellingham has just become my home, it will be weird to go back to Poulsbo for the summer (my other home, no offense Mom). Then again, I will be working all summer.

I will miss living with this girl the most. She has been my partner in crime, greatest friend and adventure pal. We went from being neighbors to roommates before Winter Quarter. Room 453 will be missed, so many memories in that room. Even though you will be on the opposite end of campus, I come sneak in for Late Night.

I will definitely miss going on adventures this summer with Jo and Shana. Don't worry, we will go exploring when we are all back up here in Bellingham. We'll go hike Oyster Dome again... Hahah, just kidding.

I am super excited to be living with this furry little one in the fall. She will make the apartment a happier place. Every home needs a dog because they are little bundles of joy. Mud will be very spoiled because many of my friends may come over to see her for dog therapy. I am excited that I will be starting another chapter in my lifeIt will be an amazing start to my second year at Western. I move into my FIRST apartment. It will be a challenge and a reward at the same time.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is cool and sunny.

I am thinking… about finals and moving out of the dorms.

I am thankful… That I have an amazing mom who makes me food to take to the dorm.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I had some mandarin oranges.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook.

I am watching/listening… Star-Crossed last night.

Always one of my favorite things… is watching Netflix and riding.

I am reading… Nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today - I have class and barn duties. Tuesday - I have no classes, meeting with my lab teacher, studying for my french test and I also had a riding lesson today. Wednesday - I have Personal Finance and my Biology class, and French. Thursday - all I have that day is my Biology lab and I am going to hit the gym that day in the morning and then study before and after my class. Friday - I have barn duties in the morning then French and Biology. After Biology, I am my parents are coming to pick up more stuff to take home so that move out can be easier. I've already taken a lot home. The weekend is filled with studying and barn duties.

MudLynn Update… I can't wait to see MudLynn next Friday! I am lacking her cuddles right now.

College Update… I am so jealous of the semester kids because they are out of school and I have a 2 more weeks.

Riding Update… Riding is going really well. I rode Koffee yesterday and he was great.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...