Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend Camping Trip

Well, this weekend was a great one with Kaveh. We went to the area of Packwood and Randle to check out some hikes and camping spots. We had a very scenic drive to the southern area of Washington. However, our plans changed a bit when we saw that Goat Mountain's road had three washouts, so we camped at a camping site. We started the backpack up the Tatoosh Trail but was told by some hikers that the ridge was still snowy. We then hiked about another mile (2 miles tops) until we decided to go down to one of the spots we drove past. Did I mention we sort of heard a bear? To be honest, I was a bit terrified, but then again, I am trying to step of my comfort zone.

Overall, it was a great weekend, I want to say about nearly all of it I spent off my phone which was wonderful when it came to sleeping. I slept so well at night. We went to bed around like 10:30-11pm and I still woke up around 5 am. I guess that is my normal wake up call. My sleeping pad and bag from REI were so cozy. I am very glad I bought a pack during the anniversary sale because it was a lot easier to have everything in one bag.

Sleeping was fun because I wore my hair in braids the whole time because a rats nest is not fun to deal with in the morning. So braids and a beanie it was.

We then left Packwood and drove back to Sammamish to pick up Bruno and MudLynn from Kaveh's parent's house. They were so sweet to watch her for me. They kept telling me how much of a good dog she was, how she slept in the bed with his mom and was just all around well behaved. SO PROUD. She is glad to be home with me. However, I did get to pet Peanut, Kaveh's other dog. He said that Peanut is very particular, but at his parent's house, he just crawled in my lap when I was sitting on the floor with MudLynn.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is nice because the sun is out.

I am thinking… about how I only have two weeks left in this quarter. It is massively stressful.

I am thankful… that I have MudLynn to help me destress since I have to take her outside.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I had adobo for dinner!

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Twilight playing on the TV..

I am watching/listening… Twilight.

Always one of my favorite things… is watching Netflix and riding.

I am reading… An essay for a peer review.

I am making… This blog post because I am really slacking on the posting everyday regime.

I am writing… This blog post, reviews for my 490, an essay for 390, a group work assignment for 370.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Monday - I have no class, so I am going to do laundry and homework. Tuesday - I have class all day and then nothing, so I am either go to do homework or hangout with Kaveh or Lily. Wednesday - I have no class, but I may do a lesson with Suzie and then I have work that evening. Thursday - I have class and then relaxing. Friday - I will not be lessoning as I will be going camping with Kaveh and everyone else although, they need to figure out where, haha.

MudLynn Update… She is doing well, passed out under the bed.

College Update… College... I wish I graduated already. I do only have 3 quarters left until I graduate.

Riding Update… We are in the off season so we are just lessoning. I do feel a great improvement in my jumping. I am still debating if I want to do jumping next season.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

3 Weeks Left of the Quarter

It is super crazy how time has flown by. I still feel like I just started college at Western when really, I will be a senior this fall. It's scary to know that I am one year away from being a real adult. I have to figure out what I'll do after college for work and everything. I'm slowly figuring that out day by day.

Although there are only three weeks left, I figured out how I will balance my time and assignments for the end of the quarter. This week and weekend, I will be working on my group work and journal entry for ENG 370 and then my paper for HIST 390.

My planner helps keep my life sane. I am able to block out time that I am in class, working, or riding; showing me the areas where I can be doing homework. I highly suggest that if you are either in highschool or college, get an Erin Condren planner. Being able to use stickers and Washi tape makes your planner look cool and makes planning your weekly life fun.

I highly recommend that you should get an Erin Condren planner if you have a busy life filled with work, leisure and school! It helps keep everything balanced day to day.

Also, Erin Condren has come out with an hourly planner version, which I think I might switch to once this planner is all finished. They are all great! Personally, I think you will love the Erin Condren planner.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Spending Saturday at St. Albans

Not a day goes by where I feel the urge to get back to camp when I really only have about a month until I am back at my camp home. Today, I was able to volunteer for the day and work with Arrow and some Girl Scouts who sold so many cookies that they were able to get a horse day at St. Albans.

I left for camp really early in the morning so that I could go eat breakfast with Arrow and FOSA (Friends of St. Albans). After we ate a delicious breakfast, Arrow and I headed back to Horse Haven to tack up and hit the trails.

We have some new camp ponies with us! We adopted 4 new horses- Leo, Jay Hawk, Xena, and Duckie. All wonderful additions, I wonder how many girls will fall in love with Leo?

Leo is actually the son of the famous Novelisto D, who is an animal star who played the horse in A Winter's Tale. We basically have a movie star living at St. Albans. Leo is probably our youngest horse along with Joey since Leo is 6 years old.

Jay Hawk is our second Thoroughbred in the herd next to Joey. He is an absolute love bug and loves attention. Jay Hawk and Leo in my opinion, the top two out of all the boys. Out of all the boys, Chester is Jay Hawk's best bud. Although, Jay Hawk loves to share his hay with Duckie. 

Ah little Duckie, she is one of our seniors but she still loves to work. Duckie does have Cushings but a good shave can help with the hot summer to come. Arrow was in the midst of shaving her, and ran out of time, so she has some furry pants on her hind legs.

Xena is our new Arabian mare. Formally a children's pony and show pony, she has come to us to bring joy to the girls this summer. She is still finding her place in the herd, but she fits in beautifully with them all.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why I Love Working at PetSmart

In life, we usually have at least 4 or 5 different jobs before we hit our real life job. But there is always that one job that we love the instant we start, normally it is our first actual job before the real life job and that is how it is for me. Since I started working at PetSmart in the Winter, I grew to love working retail but more so with animals. 

I meet so many puppies and dogs on my shifts and I love it! They love coming to the register because they know I give cookies and the puppies know I get cuddles all the time. I cuddled with a black Pomeranian puppy named Vader and then later on with a Shih Tzu puppy.

 I enjoy my job because my co-workers are like family, we goof off all the time after closing when we face aisles and shut things down. We also see exotic animals that we have never seen before, tonight I met a Sugar Glider who had her pouch that said "Party" on it. It was adorable. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Amazing News!!!

MudLynn and I have some amazing news! So recently (about a month ago), MudLynn had a mass removed from her back and it was cancerous. So we recently went to Poulsbo to have blood work, x rays, and ultrasounds to make sure everything was fine. Today, my mom called and said the vet told her that MudLynn is clear and clean- meaning no cancer. It was the best news I've had today! I am so relieved. I love my dog so much, now I can make sure she stays fit and healthy so that we can have more adventures around Bellingham together.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...