Thursday, February 15, 2018

My Valentine's Day

My Valentine's Day was pretty great. I spent it watching kiddos perform at school during lunch, got a valentine from one of the teachers and then took my nanny kids to Rukus Room for Duckie Day (basically they just go to a machine with a claw and try to get as many rubber ducks as they can).

I bought my friend's flowers and made cards for them but the cutest thing I did for my roommate was writing little notes on sticky notes and put them on her mirror in the shape of a heart. I know, it's so cheesy, but at least I know what a cheesy thing I would do for a boyfriend next time. I came home to flowers, chocolates and a card from my roommate and then I got a candle and KitKats from Jayme! I love my friends, I am so glad I got to spend the holiday with them. I spoiled myself with a bubble bath with a candle and Safe Haven on my Laptop while I sipped on a Seattle Cider.

We then spent the night dancing/playing Just Dance on the Wii and playing Wii Sports. Then we moved into playing Clue! I was obviously Mrs. Peacock, Haley was Ms. Scarlet, Trev was Colonel Mustard, and Jayme was Ms. White. Games are so much fun with friends, I love my board game collection!

Valentine's Day is so much more than going out with a SO and whatever. When you're single, it's about celebrating your friendships and having fun with your friends. And that is exactly what I did last night with my girls, we toasted our friendships to mimosas in fancy champagne saucers I bought from Marshall's.

Other than that I hope everyone had a wonderful night! 

Monday, February 12, 2018

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's finally sunny again! Spring is upon us!

I am thinking... That this winter quarter is my last quarter before I graduate and what I will do next year and where I am going to live.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I am having a Yoplait yogurt for breakfast, and I am making dinner.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and Netflix playing.

I am watching... Nothing.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban and my textbooks.

I am making... Shrimp Stir Fry in the crockpot.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work at St. Paul's now MTW and I now work as a nanny every day of the week except for Monday's, I have the day off nannying. I don't really have a lot planned for the week as I am on a no-spending promise this week. I'm going to trivia at Paws for a Beer in Fairhaven tonight with some friends and Mud gets to come along! I have a dinner on Tuesday with my friends and then I think a friend of me and my roommate is coming to visit this weekend.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing wonderful! She is on Dasaquin and Proin and now on some Omega chews every day to help her stay fit and healthy. We have done so much physical activity lately, it is wonderful. We hiked Teddy Bear Cove, Fragrance Lake and today we went walking with Harper and Lily.

College Update... I am ready to begin my last quarter at Western. Then, I am going to eventually get a Master in Teaching English lit for 5-12 grade.

Riding Update... I haven't ridden since my birthday, so I think I might go ride sometime this week.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Living in Bellingham, WA: A Dog Mom's Struggles

We all know that there are those college towns that are difficult when it comes to finding a place to live that fits all of our needs.

I was lucky that at the end of my year of living in the dorms, I had found an apartment to live in close to campus that allowed my dog. My current apartment is a nice beginner apartment, had all the basics in the apartment but laundry. But laundry was no issues, just a few dollars a month to do what was in my hamper.
Now that I have lived here for about three years, it's time to move on to a better place (one that has landry in the unit). As I am looking at studios, it baffles me that so many landlords do not allow dogs, yet they allow cats. Don't get me wrong, I am not hating on cats but they tend to urinate on everything and scratch up the carpets. Basically dogs and cats are equal when it comes to apartment damages. But that is when landlords can charge pet rent, pet deposits, and other things in order to allow dogs in their apartments.

I think this has come to be because we live in a college town where landlords think college students are kids who party all night, damage properties, and aren't responsible when that is clearly not the case at all. I have met so many college students who are hard working and responsible and also are pet parents. Yes, they do go party sometimes, but they are more responsible with their alcohol intake because they know they have a dog waiting for them at home.

In all honesty, Seattle is way more pet-friendly than Bellingham, but it balances out with Seattle's living expenses (higher rents). It's such a debacle for me when it comes to living right now. I'm checking craigslist every day looking to see if there are new listings, checking every rental company's listings and the housing group on Facebook. I guess I shouldn't worry right now since it is only February and lease signing is usually late March/April. So we will see. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

January Empties

Hello everyone! We are rebooting the monthly empties posts! I have a small amount of empties this month! I'm so proud of myself because I am slowly trying to use up the products I have under my bathroom sink.

Last month, I used up my Micellar Water by Simple Skincare. I live and breathe this product because it is so gentle on my skin and takes all my eye makeup off in a few swipes. I highly recommend this product. What is awesome about this product is that more and more companies are coming out with their own version of micellar water.

I've used up one of my Bath and Body Work's hand soaps that my mum passed on to me when they were getting ready to move back to Virginia. I still have about 3-4 more to go! It's the goal to use up all the soaps before I can buy new ones even if sales call out to me.

I've then used up one of my many bottles of OGX hydrating tea tree mint shampoo. This is the stuff to have in your shower especially when you are working with kids because ya know, live and nits don't like tea tree oil that much. Also, buy the conditioner as well if you want extra defense and hydration.

I also used up my latest bottle of Dr. Teal's bubble bath. It has been my weekly goal of taking a bubble bath at least once a week. It's been going well so far, gotta keep up with the self care routine. Bubble baths are just so therapeutic and relaxing in their own way.

Paws for a Beer Trivia! Disney Style!

So last night, my friends and I all went to Paws for a Beer - by far the coolest bar ever cause it's a doggie bar - for Disney Trivia. And guess what, we won! I think we only missed 3 questions. Like, I never knew Walt Disney wanted to name Mickey Mouse as Mortimer Mouse, that Woody was originally supposed to be a vantriliquist doll (scary.. right?), that in the 1950s a general admissions ticket was $1 and now they're $85. Everything else my friends and I knew very well.

 It was nerve racking waiting to hear our team name be called (The Dirty MudButts - hence MudLynn inspired), until they came to the last trivia sheet and our name was called! We've never won a trivia so this gave us confidence for all the future trivias!

MudLynn won a 2 month pass to Paws for a Beer, so we will definitely be going there more.

I bought Mud a bandana cause it was time she needed to represent our favorite bar spot. I can see summer weekend afternoons hanging out there with all our friends. It will be great.

Monday, February 5, 2018

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's been rainy for so long, I may go insane. I need sunshine.

I am thinking... That this winter quarter is my last quarter before I graduate and what I will do next year and where I am going to live.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I am having a Yoplait yogurt for breakfast.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and Netflix playing.

I am watching... Nothing.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban and my textbooks.

I am making... Beef Stew in the crockpot.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work at St. Paul's now MTWF and I now work as a nanny every day of the week except for Monday's, I have the day off nannying. I don't really have a lot planned for the week as I am on a no-spending promise this week. I'm going to trivia at Paws for a Beer in Fairhaven tonight and Mud gets to come along!

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing wonderful! She is on Dasaquin and Proin and now on some Omega chews every day to help her stay fit and healthy. Even though it is rainy, we still go on our daily walks in the morning and evening.

College Update... I am ready to begin my last quarter at Western. Then, I am going to eventually get a Master in Teaching English lit for 5-12 grade.

Riding Update... I last rode last Thursday on my birthday and it was good even though it was raining cats and dogs. Ginger was a great girl.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...