Monday, March 26, 2018

I Graduated!

I did it guys! I finally did it! I graduated college last Saturday, basically three days ago. It feels weird to say "Oh yeah, I went to school at Western" now. Plus I still feel like I have assignments to turn in, but really, I'm just waiting for my final grades to come through. So far, I have one B-, just waiting on the last two classes to have grades submitted.

Since, I am graduated and taking a little break until I start up my masters in May (and finish the enrollment by April), I've decided to do a series on being a girlboss/self care on here and on my Instagram. I'm going to start it April 1, so right now, I am going to start planning out what a girlboss means to me. We all have our own definitions of girlboss, so I am going to figure out what it measn to me.

Stay tuned for April 1st!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Two Week Countdown to Graduation

Wow. In two weeks, I will be graduating and walking to get my diploma. It's crazy! I still feel like I've only been in school for a quarter and it shocks me that I am walking in two weeks.

I'm excited to be finally graduating but then I'm nervous about becoming a real adult. I sometimes wish I could just be a little kid again, but I know I need to grow up. So right now, I'm gonna tell you the tips and tricks I'm using to help motivate myself into getting my last 3 undergradute classes done.

1. Write all your assignments out on a paper so you can visualize what you have left.
I have all my last assignments listed out and color coded in a notebook so that I can easily cross them off when I finished one. It is so helpful to color code and visualize everything as you're nearing the end of the quarer.

2. Keep your space tidy to help lower stress levels.
My room is spotless 99% of the time because I like it that way.

3. Always have a stocked snack shelf. 
Okay, just thinking about food is telling me to make a quesidilla for lunch so at least I know what I'll be eating for lunch! But yes, always have a lot of snacks. When you're doing homework, you struggle finding time to make dinner - or at least I do.

4. Take brain breaks every so often.
Trust me, you're not going to be able to get everything done if you don't take a break.

So far, I am doing my self-paced course as one assignment a day so that I don't get too overwhelmed. My other classes only have two assignments left so I am doing very well. I can't beleive I graduate in 11 days now. It's insane.

Monday, March 12, 2018

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's sunny!

I am thinking... That I have 12 days until graduation.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I am having some toast and a yogurt for breakfast.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type, MudLynn snoring in her crate, and the tv playing.

I am watching... Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban and my textbooks.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work at St. Paul's every day and nanny. I have the day off nannying so I am going to either come home and do homework or go to the barn. I don't really have a lot planned for the week as I am on a no-spending promise again this week. I know I am going to trivia on Wednesday with my friends.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing wonderful! She is on Dasaquin and Proin and now on some Omega chews every day to help her stay fit and healthy. She spent the weekend with me house sitting and I can tell that she is happy to be back in her house again.

College Update... I think I'm ready for the end my last quarter at Western. Then, I am going to eventually get a Master in Teaching English lit for 5-12 grade.

Riding Update... I went and hung out at the barn yesterday with Mariah and played with Andy in the round pen. I took some photos of the ponies too! We also talked to Suzy about camp and I will say I feel a little more at ease about my financial side.

Friday, March 9, 2018

My Best Childhood Memory

This photo is my best childhood memory. It was the day I fell in love with horses. I was in pre-school and it was picture day. A photographer had brought a pony and a little western outfit for all the kids to take their picture in. 

I still remember seeing the pony, how my face just lit up with pure joy. I want to one day have a little pony for my kids to grow up with. My mom wishes she had gotten me into horses at a younger age. I plan to do that with my kids.

This sweet little pony turned me into a horse loving girl who grew into doing 4-H, riding lessons, leasing horses, IEA riding team, IHSA riding team, camp wrangler, and now I will be co-running a riding camp this summer with my close friend.

Whenever I don't feel positive, I always look at this picture to perk my mood up and reminds me of who I am and what made me become the person I am to this very day.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What Makes Me Happy

There are many things that make me happy. I would say that the first thing that makes me happy every morning would be MudLynn. Her wiggly butt and her cute "wake up Mom" whines make me smile every morning, which gives me a positive outlook on the morning.

But really, just looking at her sweet face makes me happy every moment of the day. I honestly, do not know what I would do without my sweet pup. I'd probably be still asleep at this hour.

Another thing in my life that makes me happy is going to the barn to see the horses and go for a ride. If I'm feeling down or have a massive headache, I go to the barn and I instantly feel better. There is just something about horses that instills that sense of calm and peacefulness inside me. I love just feeling the wind on my face when I am cantering out in the backfield at the barn and seeing Mt. Baker say hello on a sunny day. Today it is sunny, and it would be the perfect day to ride in the field and maybe catch a peak of Mt. Baker.

Another thing that makes me happy is my planner. No, not cause it is a planner but because of the stickers I put in my planner that I order from Bottle Tea Designs on Etsy. I love my planner stickers. Every week is a different theme!

Lastly, my friends and family make me happy. Being surrounded by people who love you and enjoy your company is just wonderful. They not only make you feel happy all the time, but you feel loved all the time as well.

Monday, March 5, 2018

My Favorite Quotes

These would have to be my top three favorite quotes of my entire life.

The first is basically saying lipstick and a nice cocktail makes the day better. I will admit that lipstick has made my mood perk up substansially. Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn are my favorite classic actresses. They were the style icons back before Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone become the modern icons.

The last is a no brainer. I love my horses and one day I will have a kingdom where I can have as many horses as I want to. Plus I love my Shakespeare. I think this year I am going to try and get back into seeing shows again. Mt. Baker Theatre always has some show or ballet.

What is your favorite quote?

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's a little cloudy today.

I am thinking... That I have 19 days until graduation.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I am having a toast for breakfast.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type, MudLynn snoring in her crate, and Netflix playing.

I am watching... Sons of Anarchy.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban and my textbooks.

I am making... Orange Chicken in the crockpot. Mmm yum!

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work at St. Paul's every day and nanny. I have the day off nannying so I am going to run errands to Fred Meyer and to Costco. I don't really have a lot planned for the week as I am on a no-spending promise this week. I know I am going to trivia on Wednesday with my friends and then having a movie night after.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing wonderful! She is on Dasaquin and Proin and now on some Omega chews every day to help her stay fit and healthy. She spent the weekend with me house sitting and I can tell that she is happy to be back in her house again.

College Update... I think I'm ready for the end my last quarter at Western. Then, I am going to eventually get a Master in Teaching English lit for 5-12 grade.

Riding Update... With graduation looming in, I haven't had time to go ride. I'm trying to end my quarter really well and then I will have the time to go ride on the weekends again.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

5 Facts About Me

Hey guys! I am starting a blogging challenge to help inspire and motivate me to blog more consistently. So here goes nothing!

Fact #1
I can do both: go camp in the woods/ride some horses but then go to full fashionista. I love both lifestyles, I can't live just one. I like being immersed in nature and not caring if my hair is greasy or if my face has dirt on it, but then I also love looking cute and stylish.
Fact #2 
I'm obsessed with Christian Louboutin shoes. There is just something about the red-bottomed soles that just draw me in. (P.S. if anyone knows someone selling a pair that is a 6.5, let me know!). I've been looking at pairs on Poshmark and really REALLY want to buy a pair.

Fact #3
I LOVE THE THEATRE. I love going to see Broadway shows, plays, operas, symphonies, dances, ballets and so much more. I collect the big programs that they sell. I'd like to frame the ones I have and hang them up in my apartment. I need to find a couple that I don't have (La Luna - Sarah Brightman, River Dance, and Lion King).

Fact #4 
My main dream dog is a Doberman Pincher. I fell in love with the breed when I pet sat for one of my
neighbors who had a Doberman who was a show/stud dog. God, he was a gorgeous dog. I like how much of a velcro dog they are. Shows how loyal they are to their owner. I also just honestly felt so safe with him because of their amazing hearing - especially when sleeping in a huge house all by myself. My goal is the adopt as many Dobermans as I can when I have my own house.

Fact #5
I hate beer. I guess that isn't a fascinating fact but hey. I don't like the hoppy taste and aftertaste that you get from beer. I like my ciders a lot. Right now, I am currently loving the Lemon Basil Cider at McKay's Taphouse and Pizzeria when I go to trivia on Wednesday and the Seattle Cider Company's Semi-Sweet Cider when I am at Paws for a Beer on Monday's for trivia. I guess the other fun fact is that I love going to trivia at the local bars, I won one with my friends which got MudLynn a free two-month pass.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

My New 8 Habits to a Successful New Year

I spent a long time reflecting on 2017 and have taken up 8 habits that I know will help me in the year to come and make myself more successful. A lot of things happened last year and I want to make myself a better person than I was last year.

1. Eating healthy and consistent.
I have done so well the past two weeks of 2018 by eating consistent and wholesome meals. I pretty much have dinner either ready to be made or already made and just needs to be heated in the microwave. My roommate is so proud of me.

2. Going to the barn more.
I am still kicking myself for not going to the barn and missing out on time with Fiesta so I am trying to go to the barn whenever I can, even if it is just to do chores for Suzy.

3. Putting more money into my savings.
I am trying to get myself to stick to my budget and I am doing very well. I have only shopped for things I need or at places that I have gift cards to. I bought some groceries with a Fred Meyer gift card that I got in a Christmas card from the middle school families at work. It was so sweet of them to do that for me.

4. Not wasting food and eating up my leftovers.
I have two Tupperware of leftovers that I have left to eat. I also made sure I ate my Boundary Bay leftovers. I spent good money on that food, so I must eat up my money.

5. Being more selfish about what I want.
I decided that I am tired of not achieving what I want or what I want to do at night. Lately, I have been staying in more and more during the weeknights and I sleep better each time.

6. Take care of things before they need to be fixed/ paid.
I pretty much wait until the last minute to get things fixed or paid, so now I am making sure I pay my bills ahead of the due date and not on the day it's due.

7. Making more connections within my sport and other passions.
If you didn't know, I am going to co-running my trainers camp with a close friend of mine this summer. She and I are so excited about this challenge and journey. We are hanging out more together and planning. It's so much fun!

8. To photograph moments more.
I want to create an album with all the Fuji film photos I have taken so that I can remember fun moments with all my friends.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...