Monday, March 30, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is sunny today, but  bit chilly.

I am thinking… about this new quarter and classes.

I am thankful… That I drove safely back to school.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I have had Strawberries, Greek Yogurt and Granola.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and YouTubeplaying.

I am watching/listening… to Lana Del Ray. 

Always one of my favorite things… Watching nothing at the moment.

I am reading… nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Monday - I had a productive day of breakfast,went to pick up one of my dorm mates from the train station, paid my down payment for the apartment, and went to a job interview. Tuesday - I have no classes, but I have a riding lesson and riding meetings in the evening; I might hit the gym in the morning. Wednesday - I have Personal Finance, French and my Biology classes. Thursday - all I have that day is my Biology lab but that doesn't start until next week. Friday - I have the same schedule on Wednesday. Then the weekend is free as a bird, might go to the gym those days.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is back at home with Mom and Dad. I am missing her cuddles right now. I'm holding onto her New England Patriots dog tag so that I am motivated to save my money for any apartment costs next fall.

College Update… Spring Break is over and I am back at school!

Riding Update… Riding is going well. I couldn't ride over break because I got sick.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'm the I in Unique

I was pondering in thought as I was working on cross stitch project, thinking about how different I am from my young adults around my age.

Let's see, I find pleasure in doing crafty things like knitting, cross stitching and beading. I mean, I only know three other girls that knit, so that's pretty unique. I like doing crafty things rather than things most young adults do today. I'm working on a new cross stitch project of a pair of horses and I've only started it yesterday and I'm almost finished with the first horse. 

I was involved in 4-H for 5 years. "4-H is the nation’s largest positive youth development and youth mentoring organization, empowering six million young people in the U.S.In partnership with 110 universities, 4-H life changing programs are research-backed & available through 4-H clubs, camps, after school & school enrichment programs in every county & parish in the U.S" (4-H). When I mention 4-H to some of my friends at college, they respond "What's that?" and I have to explain it to them. It saddens me that some do not know about 4-H. I've known fellow 4-Hers that have been involved since they were 5 years old. I've developed better public speaking skills, horse knowledge, and community service skills from being in 4-H. Along with developing skills, I was able to train and show three horses (one horse per year) and develop incredible bonds and show their talent to the judges we encountered at each show.

I am a Navy brat. When I changed schools for my senior year, a couple of the kids in my classes thought it was cool that I was a Navy brat. It is cool to be a Navy brat because I was able to live in different states, however not overseas. Since we've lived in a few states, my parents and I have been able to visit some of the presidential homes like Abraham Lincoln's Springfield Home, Mount Vernon, and Monticello. I've also been to other historical places like Colonial Williamsburg, Yorktown, and the Jamestown Settlement.

You know me, I always find a horse.
I am a third generation on my dad's side. Can you see the resemblance between my dad and grandfather? Both are leaning and have their hands in their pockets. I'm pretty sure my hands are acting as though I have invisible pockets... Odd.

So you see, those are the four facts that make me unique in today's society. Everyone is different and always have a few unique facts about themselves.

A to Z Blogging Challenge- Theme Reveal!

Hello bloggers! I am proud to announce that my theme for this blog challenge is the College Lifestyle! I'll be blogging all about my life on the gorgeous college campus of Western!

Stay tuned for some awesome posts!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Break!

Hello readers! It's me and guess where I am! I'm home for Spring Break. I drove home, which went very smoothly. It is so great to be back home. I get to eat home cooked (nutritious) food, spend time with my parents, cuddle with my dog and go on daily walks. 
Since I am home, it gives me great motivation to eat better and exercise more. I almost gained the Freshman 10 this quarter due to the diet I had while at school. Spring quarter, I plan on making most of my dinners in the kitchen that is in the dorm. I am so glad I am home because MudLynn is the reason I get out and walk, she motivates me. In addition to walking every day, I am also starting my rider fitness workouts every morning. I need to get back into doing them every day since my level has the most people in it and I need to step up my game!

Bring it on 2015!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Finals Week

It's finals week here at Western! I'm so excited that I have another quarter almost under my belt. I have two finals today and one on Wednesday. Wish me luck, they are challenging classes but I have been studying my butt off since last week aka Dead Week. 
After my final this morning, I am heading to the library to pet some dogs then after my second final I am going to go to the gym because I have been slacking really badly lately. I'm thinking core work, cardio, and machines today. Once I finish at the gym, two of my friends and I are celebrating the end of our Anthropology class with Cards Against Humanity. Yes!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Being a Serengetee Campus Rep

Serengetee is a company that supports 32 different cause through the sales of merchandise with fabric patches on them. These fabric patches are different and correspond with a country and charity. So, when you purchase an item, 5% of the proceeds will go to the cause it corresponds with. 

Serengetee is perfect for college students who want to start a business because they can look up to the three college students that started Serengetee; they could see them a role models who accomplished something.

If you are interested in purchasing some Serengetee merchandise, feel free to leave to email me at for a discount! You will love the variety in patch fabrics! 
You can visit their website at

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is sunny today, but  bit chilly.

I am thinking… about next show season and Dead Week.

I am thankful… That I am going home for Spring Break.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I have had Cinnamon Toast Crunch and water.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and my music playing.

I am watching/listening… to Whatever Lola Wants by Sarah Vaughn. 

Always one of my favorite things… Watching Shakespeare.

I am reading… my anthropology interviews.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Sunday - I had a productive day of breakfast, gym, homework, and watched the WWU Glee Club perform. Monday - I'm going to turn in some papers to the VA and I have classes, but after I have my practice.Tuesday - I have Astronomy, so it will be a massive study day for my astronomy final and then I have a riding team meeting. Wednesday - I have classes and then finals study time. Thursday - I have no classes so it will be filled with finals studying, and then riding practice. Friday - I have classes and finals studying overload. Saturday - I am probably going t take a break from studying and go to the gym.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is back at home with Mom and Dad. I am missing her cuddles right now. I'm holding onto her New England Patriots dog tag so that I am motivated to save my money for an apartment this summer.

College Update… It's Dead Week! Crazy, only 10 days till I go home for Spring Break.

Riding Update… Riding is going well. I rode Dot last week and my leg felt stronger than it was before and Kim said the position was perfect.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Post-Regionals Riding and Care Packages

Paddock selfie with Dot

Since Regionals has passed, I have focused on a few things since I talked to the judge. I've been focusing on my leg strength the most as well as focusing on my upper body. I rode Dot today since I need to ride more horses with an Arab-like body. He was really good today because normally he is a little out of control. My trainer just said, "It's probably because of the full moon tonight!" My leg definitely improved today in the position and heel areas. We worked on pole work today which was fun except when Dot kept tripping and almost falling on his face. Anyway, he was a good pony today!

On that note, I love my mom. I love how the care packages that she makes for me are themed to the months. The girl at the desk was jealous cause she said, "Someone obviously loves you." For March, everything was green! Like the everything was green; the card, the socks, the food packages and the candy! OH, and the socks! I love socks, I think I might have a sock obsession... Not gonna lie about that. But hey, I love my new shamrock socks!

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is sunny today!

I am thinking… about next show season.

I am thankful… For having an awesome parents that came to Regionals.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I have had Cinnamon Toast Crunch and a few Cliff Bars and water.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Netflix.

I am watching… How I Met Your Mother. 

Always one of my favorite things… Watching Shakespeare.

I am reading… a few of my textbooks.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Sunday - I had a productive day of breakfast, gym, homework, and watched a dodgeball game. Monday - I registered for Spring Quarter, I'm getting lunch with my roomie, Jo at the VC, and then I have practice. Tuesday - I have Astronomy, so it will be a homework day and then I have a riding team meeting. Wednesday - I have classes and then homework time. Thursday - I have no classes, and practice. Friday - I have classes. Saturday - I am probably heading downtown with some of my friends.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is back at home with Mom and Dad. I am missing her cuddles right now. I'm holding onto her New England Patriots dog tag so that I am motivated to save my money for an apartment this summer.

College Update… It's March and there are only two weeks left until finals and then Spring Break. Where has time gone?!

Riding Update… Riding is going well. I'm going to try and ride Dott at the barn and learn to effectively ride Arabians.

IHSA Regionals 2015

Well, we did it! Keelin, Jill and I all pointed out of the same level and made it to Regionals at the same time. Jill moves on to go to Zones in California while Keelin and I root for her from home. Jill goes to Zones with Emily and Whitney.

I am really proud of my year. I've accomplished so much within the first year of being on the team. My goal next year will be qualifying for Zones and strengthening my lower leg. I am glad that I have an awesome team and a great coach with me all the time. I am also thankful that I have my parents who are my biggest supporters of the sport that I love to do.

I got to ride a pony named William. He was a 16 yr old Arabian/Connemara cross. Even though I placed 5th, I was happy I got to ride him. He was super cute. I hope I get to see him at a future show next season. It makes me want to purchase an Arabian so I can strengthen my leg, which is what the judge said I had to work on this summer.

We got to keep the little wooden horse that held the number of our horse on the back.
My dad got to come to the one and only horse show he could make. It was nice to have him there rooting for me along with my mom.

I'll always be his little girl, even if I'm 21.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...