Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's cloudy right now, but I think it is supposed to rain more today.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week since it is officially Spring Quarter.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I ate some cheerios today.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type, MudLynn's snoring and a video playing.

I am watching... Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity for my Psych 119 class.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch scary movies with friends and eat delicious food.

I am reading... The Rebel Queen.

I am making... Nothing really.

I am writing... This blog post, my introductory discussion post for psych 119, my spring quarter assignment due dates doc.

A plans I have for this week... I work on Monday-Friday in the mornings and afternoons. MWF I have my Psych 101 class, TR I have my English class. Thursday, I am meeting the chair of the Elementary Education Professional Program so I am hoping that he can help me work something out so that I can apply for the program. I don't know when I can ride during the week yet.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing on her bed.

College Update... I am going to apply to the Elementary Education Professional Program next year. I will still graduate but I will go back to school to get the program so that I can become a teacher! I have already started filling out the program application.

Riding Update...  Since it is Spring Quarter, we don't have any shows. However, I believe we are going to be doing some clinics and volunteering opportunities.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Mass Spring Cleaning and Toss Out

Since Spring Quarter is starting, today I decided to have a mass clean out of my stuff in the apartment. I realized that I have too much stuff and I really needed to downsize. If you saw my closets, you would think that I was nuts to have so much stuff. This year, I am going to focus on buying fewer things for the apartment because sometimes I never even use it. It might just stay in its packaging for months on end.

I also wrote my recent article on Spring Cleaning from a Neat Freak's Perspective so I will share the link to it once it is live on the Odyssey Platform.

This is all the things I have found in my apartment that I am going to donate/sell. The things I will donate will go to the Goodwill and the things I will sell are going to go to Buffalo Exchange where they buy certain items depending on if it is within a season. Hopefully, I will make a few doll hairs. We shall see!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Senior Year Realizations

Do you ever realize something long after the time you wish you actually went with it? Well, I know I did.  I honestly wish I could go back in time and actually stick to what I originally wanted to do with my life. While working at the YMCA and talking to one of my coworkers, I realized that I do want to become a teacher, not just any teacher; a kindergarten teacher. I love the kinders that come to the YMCA site I'm at. They're so full of life and happiness, and sometimes can be quite honest with you. 

Yes, yes, I know working in the education industry doesn't mean that I'll be able to afford all those luxuries that I wish I could have, but to me, working as a teacher means that you could be changing their life somehow, giving them someone to look up to. 

I've figured out that I am going to meet with the chair of the Early Childhood Education major but still graduate this fall. I'll then keep working at the YMCA, get some volunteer hours in a classroom, get my certifications as a Paraeducator and as an emergency substitute and then I'll go back and get the major. 

Since I've been moved to another school to work at for Spring quarter, I am definitely going to keep in contact with one of the kindergarten teachers because she said that if I would like to volunteer in her classroom, I was more than welcome. That is the best thing about working at the Y, you generate contacts who are teachers who will write you awesome letters of recommendation that you can use for any job that you apply to in the future.

I love working at the Y, even though sometimes it can be hectic. Although the kids that get really attached to you make it worth it.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday Shenanigans

Since it is Spring Break from school, I am trying to get myself into eating better meals. I literally go down hill when its finals week because of the stress wards off any hunger from me.

Today, I started my day with a blackberry-raspberry-strawberry and almond milk smoothies with some scrambled eggs and bacon. The smoothie is so refreshing in the morning that I am so excited to make more over the spring quarter and in the summer. My goal is to start eating better and eat more meals instead of going out to eat all the time. I need to get out of the too-lazy-to-cook funk.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Regionals - Go Team

The group of riders from the team that went to the mini show and regionals did very well. I am really proud to be on the team and apart of this team.

WWU took home reserve team which is awesome! I am so proud of the riders as I am the hunt seat assistant coach. 

I placed third at Regionals all thanks to this stud, Luka.
I would like to say one thing and that is good luck to our senior who graduate this quarter and in Spring quarter. I have loved being teammates with you and wish you the best of luck in your futures as graduates. 
Although, as I approach the end of my time in college, it makes me sad that I will be leaving this family that I have been with for the past three years. I don't know what I'll do without the team once I graduate, I know I will want to do alumni for shows post-graduation.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wish Me Luck!!

I have qualified for Regionals since the beginning of February and this weekend, I am heading to compete against two other girls from the University of Oregon. My goal is to either make 1st or 2nd in order to go to Zones down at Stanford. That is the main goal. Two years ago, I went to regionals but I didn't make it to Zones, so that is my mindset right now.

I can't wait to see what horses they'll have at Regionals and who I will draw for my class. Fingers crossed for good results! I'll be texting my mom, Suzy, and Kaveh about what horse I got, how my ride went, and what placing I got.

Currently working on my finals so that I have nothing to worry about until Sunday when I hammer out everything that is left to turn in on Monday.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Beauty and the Beast Music Video: A Brutally Honest Review

Okay, so I have a bit to say about this music video. First off, the vocal were on point. They are amazing musicians who have extraordinary voices. I love John Legend and Ariana Grande, and this collaboration just made me love them even more.

The only thing I didn't like was a lot of the things that Ariana Grande did in the video.

1. What the hell is she wearing?!

I understand she is supposed to be the enchanted rose, but seriously? It looks like she just got wrapped up in tule the way the bust of the dress looks. If the top was made differently so that it looked more like a ball gown, I would have liked it more. The only thing I loved was the train and the color. Even my roommate was like "What is she wearing?!"

I mean, come on. John Legend literally looking like the Beast once he was transformed back into a human body.

2. I don't like the fact that she didn't do anything to her hair.

It just looks like they were like, "Oh, we don't have time to do anything nice, let's just straighten it!" kind of thought. Pretty lazy and lame in my opinion. I would have thought Disney would want her to have a similar hair style like Emma Watson's character Belle. I just thought Disney would have wanted to make it look amazing and over the top.

3.  She always has that same facial expression.

It's almost as though she cares more about looking pretty than lip-synching the lyrics correctly. I just get so bored watching her in music videos because it is the same expression in every video.

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's cloudy right now, but I think it is supposed to rain more today.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week since it is Dead Week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I ate one of the prepped meals today. I had steak with sweet potatoes and asparagus.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type, MudLynn's snoring and music on Spotify.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch scary movies with friends and eat delicious food.

I am reading... The Rebel Queen.

I am making... Nothing really.

I am writing... This blog post, my EDUC self and peer assessment compilations, EDUC personal project and my last Tatters assignment.

A plans I have for this week... I have class and work on Monday-Friday. Tuesday - I have my practice in the morning and a team meeting in the evening.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing on her bed.

College Update... I am already stressed with classwork, especially since the quarter is coming to an end soon. I am trying to whip my butt into putting over 100% of my effort into my work so that my grades are good.

Riding Update...  I am heading to regionals this Friday!!!

Finally Meal Prepping

The weekend was a good one. Stayed in Friday night, spent Saturday with friends, and then meal prepped with Kaveh for the week. He and I had been talking about doing it for like the past month but never did it. Today, we actually did it and we did pretty well for our first time doing it together. We're gonna look for some new recipes for next time so that we have a nice change.

It was fun to be cooking together and I can't wait to do it again. It was crazy with a number of containers we had to fill or were filled on the dining table. It was like Tupperware madness.

We made three dishes. Steak with veggies and sweet potatoes, salmon with pasta and asparagus in pesto, and barbecue chicken with rice and veggies.

I can't wait to try the other two dishes since I had the steak and veggies yesterday. I'm going to save my other steak and veggies for Friday so I'll just heat it up and go hit the road to Oregon.

I think I'll have the chicken for dinner today. That sounds yummy. Barbecue chicken... Mmm Mmm good.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...