Tuesday, September 30, 2014

VU Late Night: Dessert Pizza!

Who else on here loves dessert pizza? This girl! Dessert pizzas are amazing because you can make what ever kind you want. I had s'mores dessert pizza when I was in Oregon last year and let me tell you, I died on the spot. Yesterday, we had Cinnamon Streusel dessert pizza at the VU. Oh my goodness, it was chocolate and caramel heaven. That is how good it tasted.
I am definitely going to late nights at the VU more often. I just got back from Warm Cookie night. I am so gutted that I missed Chicken Nuggets and Curly Fries night this week... Next week, I am so going. I just love food; I mean, who doesn't love food. Eat, Pray, Love are the three elements I think you should have in your life. You can eat many different foods, pray and meditate for yourself and friends, and then love those in your life that are influential. Go watch the movie Eat Pray Love with Julia Roberts, you'll want to travel to Italy and India afterwards. I know I do.

I'm Back!!! Computer-wise

Hello everyone! If you take notice to this blog post, then you have noticed that the format of the posts are back to normal. Why you may ask? Because I have a computer again! I now have a ASUS 502 laptop. I have to send my MacBook Pro back in for repairs since it wouldn't function when I pressed the power button.
Anyway, I am super busy with school and classes it is crazy. I have been doing my homework. Shout out to all the cool kids! I just turned in my first paper to my SMNR class today. I turn in another assignment tonight once I tweak it some more. I tend to do a lot of tweaking to papers and assignments. I read my paper for SMNR about 5 times before printing.
Hope you are all having a great night! I am off to Warm Cookie Night at the VU on campus.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

WWU vs. MSUB Men's Soccer Game

I went to attend my first college sporting event and I sadly did not stay the whole time due to me getting very cold.

However, I was one of the 500 students to arrive early in order to get a free scarf. 

And I got a photo with Victor E. Viking... 

Can you see I am sporting my WWU Vikings scarf? Loving it already!

Also got a button. Pretty awesome. 


VU Late Night

WWU holds a lot of events for students so that we can have fun safely. One of those events was the VU Late Night.

This event had a Reptile Man, Photo Booth, Tarot Card Reader, Mechanical Bull, and many other events such as raffles and games.

I however only did two of the many things I could have done that night. The two things I did at the VU Late Night was the Mechanical Bull and the Tarot Card Reader.

The Mechanical Bull was so much fun because to me, it was a test of my equestrian skills. I've had to ride a few bucking horses so this was a challenge. I used my hips as I did if I were riding a horse. I stayed on the bull for about 10 seconds. I was very proud of my self. 

NOTE: If you have instagram follow @lafille_sophia if you would like to see me ride the mechanical bull. 

I enjoyed the Tarot Card Reader as it was my first time to have my cards read. I totally didn't mind standing in line for two hours since I had a dorm mate with me and she and I were just chatting and bonding away. I won't reveal what my cards said because I don't want to jinx its message. But, I recommend having it done! I picked on the reader's card and joined her mailing list.

Well, toodles everyone! 

May the odds be ever in your favor...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

How to Avoid College Drama

Many girls may have those days when you want to scream at your roommate... Don't worry, we all do.

Here are some tips to help avoid it.

1. Always have good communication 

Good communication is key because then you don't have those awkward conversations about how your roomie wasn't included in something. Always tell your roomie that she is welcome to join you and your other pals.

2. Have a list of Roomie Rules 

Roomie Rules are a smart thing to have in case you or your roomie have any certain pet peeves that could make the time bomb easily explode. I will be making some Roomie Rules soon for my dorm room.

3. Do things together!

It's good to do things together. It could be joining a club or going to an event together. This way, you can bond with your roomie.

Convocation at Western

Convocation at Western is the welcome ceremony for all freshman students whether straight from high school or transfer students. It included speeches from the president and student body president of the university. At the end, we walked through a tunnel of upperclassmen including faculty, got cookies and watched fireworks. I got some awesome shots of the fireworks! 



Whoa, Mindblown

Guys, I have my first homework assignment already... Crazy, right? However, it's due in about a month, but I'm already starting it. I like having things done before due date.

My notebook for my seminar class already has writing in it. I prefer to have separate notebooks and binders for my classes. It's gives me better focus to have one classes assignments in one binder. 

First Day of College Outfit

The first day of school was definitely what I was expecting; RAIN. I was actually almost late to my first class but I made it on time. However, this is my official first day outfit.

My sweater is by Old Navy which I am in love with so much. It's so cozy and soft. My top underneath is from Target. 

My lovely skinny jeans are from J. Crew, which I am in LOVE with. I love how they become a second skin. And lastly, there are my Hunter Rain Boots. Best thing a girl can have in the Pacific Northwest.

What's your first day of college outfit? 

Monday, September 22, 2014

First College Care Package

Parents who send/give care packages should be given gold stars.

My mom is awesome. She gave this to me when they left and told me to open it once I had showered and relaxed (since I was sweaty from working my HELPS shift.

After opening the box, I was so happy!!!

In my lovely card from my parents, I found these lovely gift cards to Starbucks, Subway, and Panda Express. We have all three here on campus.

One of the thing I was really happy about. These are microwaveable footies. They're perfect for my sore feet. Plus, they smell lovely.

You can never have to many fuzzy socks. I love fuzzy socks. They're so cozy and soft.

These games are perfect for socializing. Phase 10 and Uno are my favorites!

Just so you guys know, I have a unhealthy love for Big Bang Theory. This game is going to be interesting... Where is Sheldon when I need him?

A girl can never get enough of Milano cookies

And of course! Salt and Vibergar chips to keep me sane!

Lotion is a must-have when it gets closer to winter. Don't want to have dry skin, you want soft and smooth.

A cute little Parisian notepad and some Christmas Kleenex.

Since my name is Sophia, it's our little joke that I'm Sofia the First. Can't wait to drill through these crossword puzzles!

I love baked beans. It's my life in a tub. They're really great on toast. 

And of course, some faux champagne. 

CANDY!!!!!!! More importantly, British Candy. And no, I have not eaten it all over night. I only had a Crunchie.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Got the Hall Shirts

Hey guys! I finally got my hall shirt after all this time. Crazy, right? Well, I've been busy with the HELPS that the exhaustion every night made me forget. Well, I'm off for a hike with my dorm! See ya later!

The Move-In Process

The whole line up of cars was on a huge hill and my floor was the top floor, so my dad and I got our leg workouts!

The back of my mom's car was loaded with the appliances and furniture.

Our door had the cute name tags! Loving it! (Removed for privacy).

We had to put (more like dropped) in my room since we only had 20 minutes to unload. So we got it all up there!

We moved the beds so that they were parallel to the wall, which made lots of floor space for walking and for a place to put our comfy chairs.

I decided to be funny (or maybe wicked) when my dad was leaning out the window to look out. Tehe, I'm very wicked (and no, I didn't throw him out).

This was my bed area after everything was in its right place. I do have some new photos so, I'll have them out later for you guys to see!

Being a HELPS Person

There are many awesome things about being a HELP: 

• You get to move in early
• Have a few free meals
• You get a free t-shirt (pictured above)
• Meet new people
• Get to know the area

Being a HELP, you get to see a lot of the kids moving in. I've seen a truck with a camper and a car with a UHAUL. Plus, you get to ask where they drove from, whether instate or out of state. I actually got to meet a family that came from North Carolina, which is close to where I moved from a month ago.

This is the UHAUL that moved in yesterday.

On the last day of help, the group I was in was named the most helpful group of the year. Pretty awesome. We had a one minute record of unloading a car so we're pros.

If you are planning on going to Western Washington University for college, do the HELPS program. You meet so many new people and have lots of fun!

Friday, September 19, 2014

College Blues

I'm already feeling quite blue... I'm blue cause I miss my boo. 

I'm sure my boo misses me too. Even with my parents, she doesn't know what to do. 

I can't wait till Thanksgiving to see my boo.

Author: Sophia Camaya

Sorry guys for the poem there... I felt inspired after looking at a photo of my dog that my mom sent me this afternoon. I'm seeing dogs all over my campus and it makes me miss my dog as well. Wahh, definitely doing to work hard in school and my job for an apartment where she can live with me.


Dorm Days: Sneak Peak

I'm not fully settled in yet, but I decided to give you a little sneak peak of what my form room is like on the other side of the door. 

More pics soon of before and after!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Moving to the Dorm: Day 2

All packed up and waiting to get on the ferry! I am driving so this is good for me since I not used to driving in Washington, but I'm learning. 

All decked out in my ball cap! This will be for the riding team if they don't have a WWU Equestrian Team hat. You can also see that I don't go out of the house without makeup, it's a habit.

Look guys! I just drove onto the ferry! Cross that of my driving bucket list! Haha! But seriously, yay me.

I just moved into the dorm! I will have photos of before and after soon! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Moving to the Dorm: Day 1

We just started to load yesterday, but today we did more loadingn of the big items in my mom's car. We loaded the tv stand unit, the two chairs, appliances and other items. 

As you can see, I am using a lot of Thirty-One bags which makes it easier and less stressful to pack and move up four flights of stairs.

My car will be packed soon as I fold and pack the rest of the clothes into the bags to place in the car. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fashion Post Coming Soon!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I am going to be planning some fashion posts for you to come sometime next week once I am moved into my dorm room. Along with that, I will have a dorm room video tour and photo tour coming as well.

By the way, guess who favorited my tweet on Twitter?! Yup! Old Navy!

The Three L's

I like that I am so close to starting school already. Only three more days left!! Ahh! Just think; classes, riding team, making friends, a job on campus, and exploring Bellingham. I'm so excited!

I love seafood. I had scallops, shrimp and salmon last night and it was so good. I'm debating whether or not to become a pescatarian, but seafood is so expensive.

I loathe nothing at all. I'm a happy camper. 

Dog Gone Crazy

So I got the rest of my school stuff. I got my toiletries, which includes GUD Burt's Bees, Simple products, and a first aid kit. I also got my school supplies and laundry items. This photo is a couple days old but it gives you the general idea that I head to school in 3 days. Ahhh!!' This is nuts! I'm so excited though! But I'm going to miss my puppy and my parents. Maybe my puppy more... I don't know.

I mean, how could you not miss this? She too stinking cute. I wish the dorms were pet friendly. Pets give students a sense of responsibility and are a huge stress reliever. I'm definitely going to work every morning and save my paychecks for an apartment next year.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

August 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag Review

You're The Balm Green Apple
This was the first product I tried. I'm rather obsessed with any type of lip balm. This one is so far the greatest I've tried. The fragrance of green apple is amazing but not overpowering. It's that perfect balance of sweet and sour.

Manna Sheer Glo Shimmer Lotion
I haven't done very much with this. I have blended it in on my cheekbones as a highlighter.

Urban Decay Perversion
I love this mascara! It makes my lashes so bold and thick without clumping. It looks like I have a thin pair of fake lashes on. Perfection. Thicker and more fuller lashes.

Coastal Scents Blush Sample
I tried this on the 15th, and it is very lovely. I prefer the one on the left because it is more subtle for my skin tone. The pinker one on the right is shimmery and has some glitter specs in it, so it's not for me; but I may use it for a Halloween costume since it's almost October.

Glamglow Youthheld Tinglexfoliate Treatment
Hey guys! I haven't tried this one yet but I will soon and I will post another post about it later!

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...