Sunday, June 29, 2014

I Have a Water Dog

Today on our walk, MudLynn and I went to the little beach by the marina. The outcome really surprised me.

MudLynn used to be terrified of water, but now she has gone into water only mid-leg deep. She actually once swam in the water when we lived in Rhode Island. Today was something else though.

She was looking at my dad when he was standing and then when I said "sit," she sat down on the wet sand. That was the first thing that astonished me about her being at the beach.

The next thing that astonished me was that she lay down in water. The water was shallow enough that it almost reached her collar. I think it was because it was hot outside, she needed something to help cool her down. 

Since my parents and I are moving to Washington, I know want to own a paddle board and a kayak.  I'd like MudLynn to love the water since I want to one day live on the beach. I'd like to one day own a property in Malibu, right on the water. That way, I could take long walks along the beach in the evening. 

Just one of my many different plans for the future.


FYI: MudLynn is wearing the Anchors Aweigh collar and leash from Up Country Inc.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Influencing Children with Animals

When I was a young girl; by young I mean around 11 years old, I used to go to the local library and read to therapy dogs as a sort of community service. I then always wondered how I could influence children with animals like my dog and the horses I ride.

I currently babysit for a family down the road from me, who I have also become very close to. One of the girls I watch, Bella, has been absolutely terrified of dogs, especially of their neighbors two rambunctious terriers. Lately, I have been using MudLynn as a sort of therapy dog with Bella trying to get her to become more comfortable with and around dogs. 

And it has been working. Bella is often playing outside whenever I have been walking my dog around my neighborhood's common area, and she comes up to me asking if she can pet MudLynn. I am always glad that she asks me because I know she likes MudLynn and I want her to like dogs. Today, she asked if she could hold the leash, and I was astonished! I was amazed at what MudLynn and I have influenced in Bella. She just became a whole different little girl. I think it is because she is so calm and docile around children that know how to be around dogs.

With this little event, it makes me want to go to training with MudLynn to train her to be a therapy dog in order for her to meet children and elderly people who would love to see a calm companion. Also, it makes me want to do the Canine Good Citizen and train MudLynn to become a therapy dog. I have just spent an hour looking at training videos and the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test. Just takes repetition, practice and positive reinforcement. I think we could do it.

Comment your thoughts! Bye!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tidewater Collection Shopping Spree

Since I help at the Tidewater Collection, I get to do some shopping and I get to see what new things come in!

A majority of these things are either jewelry and scarves that I will wear or they are items that go in my Hope Chest for my future apartment/condo/home. 

I really loved these kitchen towels for the 4th of July. I fell in love with the Lab because A. It's a dog, B. I love dogs, and C. It's adorable. I don't have many 4th of July items in my chest, so I decided to start adding some.

Next, I have these adorable crane card holders. These are perfect for place cards at the dinner table or buffet signs. The crane is my favorite origami design so I couldn't pass these up. These are really popular in the shop as well. 

Along with that, I also bought the mermaid charm for my Pandora (Not official Pandora) and another starfish necklace. The necklace is similar to my coral one, I just wanted to get the blue one as well. Bright collars are perfect for summer, especially turquoise and coral.

This is close up of the charm. It is adorable and fabulous.

I also bought this pink scarf. I have started to learned more to feminine shades like pink, light blue and such. I thought it was a smart idea for MudLynn to model my scarf. Doesn't she look precious!

Now, I have a bracelet like these but it is blue, so I thought I could be patriotic and have red and white to go along with the blue. Perfect to wear on 4th of July.

The next two things I bought are two napkins and two placemats made by the Williamsburg Marketplace. I loved the Taupe and White, very mute but classy. They had navy and white but it was too dark for me. Once I get some of my paychecks from sitting, I am going to four more of the napkins and placemats. Just to make an even six for 3 sets of couples. 

The awesome fact about the placemats is that they had two designs.

Last thing I splurged on was this necklace and the matching earrings. I am so sorry if you can't see the earrings, they are like the necklace only small rectangles. I just love how it makes a huge statement. I am starting to grow fonder of statement necklaces. They are more eye catching than the single pendant on a chain.

Hope you liked this!


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

MudLynn's Presents!

We all know that we love to spoil our dogs; especially with fancy collars and leashes. The best place to get the fancy collars and leashes is Up Country Inc. I have actually had the privilege of touring the back room where the make the collars and leashes. It's quite fascinating what goes on in the back behind the polished collars and leashes. You guys really need to check them out, lots of new designs! Even some horse designs!

Last week, I ordered MudLynn a collar and leash from Up Country in the pattern "Anchors Aweigh." I absolutely love this pattern because I love nautical themed patterns and accessories, so this makes me and MudLynn happy. I think it is because I am a Navy brat. I am just obsessed with anchors and anything nautical. 

MudLynn was busy sniffing and I was too busy messing with the camera, she ended up knocking the box over. This is the result. She is such a funny puppy.

She's saying, "Mom! Open the box!"

"Now what is this green paper stuff?"

"Woah! There's a bunch of stuff!"

"Hmm, that's a collar…"

This is what the collar looks like. It is a blue and white striped ribbon with red anchors on it on top of a red background. I absolutely love it!

"Mom, I love it so much!"

"Any more goodies for me?"

I was so in love with the paper that the items were wrapped it. It's adorable with the logo on it. They are definitely wrapped with love.

This is the leash. I love the length because we have an IKEA dog butt where we hang MudLynn's leash on and it doesn't touch the ground. I think I might buy a few more IKEA dog buts. 

All sleepy after a walk showing off her new collar and leash!


Style Icon: Kim Sears

Ever since last summer, I have been a lot more attentive to sports; especially football (or American soccer) and tennis events such as Wimbledon. 

There has been only one stylish lady who has been at Wimbledon that has attracted my attention. Her name is Kim Sears. She is the girlfriend of Andy Murray. 

PC: Yahoo Images
I mean, she is just flawless. Her style is so on point. It is elegant yet subtle and classy. Plus, she doesn't over do her makeup. She keeps her makeup very natural, which is very beautiful.

PC: Yahoo Images 
Yes, you may notice that she wears clothing by Victoria Beckham (Pastel green dress below), Topshop, has a Mulberry bag and wears items from Hobbs. Yet, she's gorgeous! Since she os an artist, she has the money to buy these beautiful luxurious items.

PC: Yahoo Images
Like I said above about her makeup, it's a natural looks.

PC: Yahoo Images
Kim Sears is one of those awesome girlfriends. She has a career for herself of being an artist, she does animal portraits.

PC: DailyMail
Above is Kim Sears today at Wimbledon supporting her boyfriend Andy Murray. She is sporting this NW3 Swallow Block Dress from Hobbs and a pair of classic black Ray-Bans.

PC: Mine (Computer Screen Shot)
This is the dress she was wearing today at Wimbledon. As you can see, she has good taste. I own a dress by this brand at Hobbs, but I would love to add this lovely item to my closet as well. I love the style of the fit and slight flare. Plus, it is very monochrome. I prefer things that aren't busy like most things you see in some shops. This really doesn't strike me as busy.

Hope you enjoyed this post!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It is so hot outside, I am so tired of the heat. I'd like some rain please.

I am thinking… About the upcoming move and how tired I am.

I am thankful… That I am getting more jobs.

From the kitchen… Water and chocolate covered bacon.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Netflix.

I am watching… Treasure Buddies. A dog movie is the best movie.

Always one of my favorite things… I love looking at real estate listings.

I am reading… Nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I helped at the shop with my mom as well as run to the houses that I am pet sitting at.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is doing great! She has been so happy riding in my new car since she isn't allowed in Mom's car yet. She doesn't really enjoy the heat.

College Update… I really want a class or two like badly. I am so lost since I finished school. 

Riding Update… I am not able to ride this week since I am too busy with pet sitting. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Three L's

Right now, I like eating cold food during this blazing hot summer. I have been quite fond of cold fruit mainly. 

I love grapes. I have been so addicted to them lately it is crazy. Oh, and I love mango sorbet. I can clear half of a container in one evening. I'm eating the sorbet as we speak. It's just so good.

I loathe the fact that my dog does not get along with younger dogs. I mean, I know she's a bit older but I just don't like how she gets annoyed with their immense amount of energy.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

WooHoo! Two things off my Wish List!

If you guys remember this post, then that is perfect! I just ordered MudLynn the Anchors Aweigh Dog Collar and Leash from Up Country Inc. Please go check out their website, they have some fabulous dog collars that you will fall in love with. I fell in love with the Anchors Aweigh print since I am military and obsessed with anchors. I can't wait till it comes in the mail! MudLynn is going to love it!

New collar and leash?! A new style for me!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New Contest for MudLynn

Please go to and vote for MudLynn in the photo contest! She has the cutest smile on her face in this weeks photo.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It has cooled off immensely, but it is still a bit sticky and icky.

I am thinking… About the upcoming move and how tired I am.

I am thankful… That I am getting my butt to the gym to help strengthen my muscles for riding.

From the kitchen… Water for my soul.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Netflix.

I am watching… Desperate Housewives. Love the show so much!

Always one of my favorite things… I love looking at real estate listings.

I am reading… Nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I went to a going away brunch at my neighbors for our friend, then I went to the barn to watch Meredith ride Copper and then we went to the gym and worked out. Tomorrow, I am riding and then going to the gym, all with Meredith. Wednesday, I am doing to early cleaning since we have the moving inspection and then I have to babysit. Thursday and Friday, I am as free as a bird. Lastly, I am watching Charlie, the Lab puppy on Sun. and Mon.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is doing great! She has been so happy riding in my new car since she isn't allowed in Mom's car yet. 

College Update… I really want a class or two like badly. I am so lost since I finished school. 

Riding Update… I am riding Tomlin tomorrow! So, hopefully we get to do some jumping and flatwork!

The Three L's

I like Pomeranians. I just find them adorable because they are little balls of fur. I know I want to have a few when I have a place of my own. Maybe 5… I find Boo absolutely adorable as well as Gentleman Norman. They are the perfect little purse pup! I'd spoil it if I had a Pom.

I love shoes. Wait, that is a bit of an understatement… I am OBSESSED shoes! I literally just got a new pair two days after getting the Sperry's. Let's just say I have an addiction that can never be fixed. But hey, I got these of the sale rack. That's makes perfect sense. I just love shoes. I bookmark so many on Nordstroms. I need a closet that updates itself with new shoes every week. I would be in heaven.

I loathe the hot, humid, sticky and gross heat of the summer. I want rain every day. Can't wait for Washington.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Joy of New Shoes

For the past year or so, I have always been looking at Sperry's online or at the mall. I went to the NEX because I needed new mats for my car and I ended up coming home with a set of mats and these Sperry's… Let's just say I have an addiction to cute shoes. I guess I am similar to Gabrielle Solis with her shoe addiction except I don't max a card out just on shoes. 
I love these shoes! I love the green plaid that it has because it is very bright and perfect for summer. Also, these are perfect to wear if I ever go on a sail boat. I'd love to go sailing, the leisurely kind, but I would also love to learn. Haha, if you can tell from the picture, you can see the tan line from my TOMs. With these, I can even the tan out a bit more. It's better than going barefoot for the sake of a tan.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thundershirt and Cookies

Good afternoon fellow readers! You are probably wondering what Mud is doing. Well, we just had a crazy thunderstorm here in Virginia, so she felt very safe squished between the wall and the sofa. She was also wearing her Thundershirt which helped only a little bit. She still shook, whimpered and walked around since the storm released some major clashes of thunder. The thunder was quite nerve racking.

But now, she has calmed down and got back to being her happy self. This storm that we just gave me the motive to actually make a disaster kit for Mud since it is hurricane season. Just a kit to keep in my car in case I had to evacuate my home. 

Since I opened the back door to let light in, Mud got all excited since it was an opportunity to go outside (and an opportunity for me to snap pictures of her). 

"Hmm, what's that over there?"

"Oh it's you!"

SO MUCH RAIN. Time to bust out the Hunter Wellies! Love them so much, I will definitely be using them in Washington. They are so comfortable and I have the wellie warmers, which are fleece liners to keep your feet warm. Mine are made by Horseware Ireland, which is available at Dover Saddlery, but not at this time with it being summer. They do come out during the winter season.

"Whatcha doing out there, Sophie?"

"Hmm, in or out?"

"I say in and cookie time!"

When I opened the cookie bag and took some out…

This was her face of happiness.

"Oh yum!"

"Any more Turkey bits?"

She really likes the turkey treats a lot. Plus they're grain free which is a preference. I might get her the salmon or chicken flavored treats next time I go to Petsmart.

The best movie to watch during a thunderstorm in my opinion is The Day After Tomorrow. I just love watching disaster movies during a storm. You should rent it next time you are at the movie store or buy it. Very good movie.

Have you Voted?

Hey everyone! MudLynn has 24 votes on Modern Dog for the cover contest! Please keep voting. You can vote every 12 hours from one computer (votes don't count if made from computers that share a network).

Please vote @

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...