Sunday, July 30, 2017

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 6

Today was okay. I went to the barn this morning and rode Fiesta and then I took pictures of the ponies. I was really happy with how the photos I took, they came out so well!

I then came home and bathed Mud who really needed a bath and stress cleaned the apartment again cause really, that is pretty much all I do.

But yeah, I think that is one hobby I am going to work on from now on: Equine Photography. I love horses and taking photos so why not.
Also can we just talk about how gorgeous Suzy's horses are? I can't even. Giselle especially! She is literally a golden girl.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 5

Today was a good day. Took Mud to the vet to get her eye checked out and ended up leaving Petsmart with a new snail for Siracha's tank. I went to the mall and spent some time with Melissa P. and bought some dresses and jewels and swatched so many high lighters and lip sticks on my hand. My hand was covered!

I then went over to hang out with Courtney who was pet sitting/house sitting. The house that she is staying at is house goals for me. A nice big yard, a little zen pond, an amazing window in the front room! Ugh, dreams. The people she is house/pet sitting for said she could have friends over, so I went and hot tubbed the day away, then I made adobo for everyone at my place!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 4

Today, I decided to pamper my face. I washed it deeply with my Clarisonic and Simple face wash. My face felt so clean and fresh! I think pampered my face even more by doing a sugar mask, which really exfoliated my skin to the next level. 

That is pretty much the only selfish thing I did today since work was crazy.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Life Update 2.0

I have a had a clearer realization while working at camp. I have realized that I want to do jobs that a more behind the scenes rather than being a full-time teacher. So basically, I want to work as a substitute at first and then work my way more into administration positions.

All I have to do is to retake the reading portion of the West-B, finish my application of being a substitute teacher and email the principal of the lower school of St. Paul's about the positions I talked about with Mrs. L when I was volunteering.

I have decided after the almost 6 weeks of being at camp that next year, I want to apply to be a coordinator next year. I have already had a ton of experiences already and I have over 3 more weeks more of incredible experiences that it will add to my experience. I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer brings me in regards to memories and experience.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Selfish Soul 30- Day Challenge: Day 3

I only managed to do two things today...

This morning, I went and got a protein smoothie and ended up splurging on some new oils for my diffuser. I bought Cheer Up Buttercup and Jasmine. The Cheer Up Buttercup smelled so good, it was citrusy and minty so I was drawn in. Jasmine just smelled amazing. I'm really trying to use oils every day. I think my next oil I want to get will be Vanilla.

I then came home from work and literally got in bed with Netflix because I had a long day and I still kind of feel nauseous for some odd reason. So I'm just relaxing and watching Friends. I might do a face mask in a while so that will be my third selfish deed for myself; beauty treatment. Maybe the sugar or peel off mask... I don't know yet. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's sunny so I'm happy with that.

I am thinking... That we only have 4 weeks of camp left.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I didn't each much this morning, but I made a protein smoothie.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type.

I am watching... Nothing.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Nothing.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work on Monday-Friday as a camp counselor. Monday's, I have a camp meeting after my shift. Then I'm trying my hardest to distract myself in order to not let my mind wander to the dark area. I am going to try to go ride again this weekend cause I love how much I enjoy it and how therapeutic it is.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well, she is laying next to me on the couch. She has been antsy lately so I think that means she wants to do more hikes so maybe I'll see if Courtney wants to do one this weekend.

College Update... I've kinda decided to just graduate from Western in the fall and try to pursue a career through the YMCA. I'm already looking at job possibilities.

Riding Update...  I rode yesterday and I have decided that I am going to try to go ride on weekends.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 2

Today was a fun day. I went to the barn and did chores and then rode Fiesta for a little bit.  I felt very happy being back on a horse again. I just missed feeling the wind on my face as I cantered around the arena. It felt so good to be cleaning stalls and paddocks again. I just love knowing I worked hard on a stall or run knowing the horse living in that stall would be happy with the clean stall. I am definitely going to try to get my finances in order so that I can get a horse.

I hung out with Orca and Starfire from camp helping Starfire pack up her apartment. It was fun and we helped her accomplish her goal to get the majority of her things packed up for when she moves next weekend. We also splurged on lunch at Ovn Wood Fired Pizza, which was so good! So going there again!

I then treated myself to ice cream and chips from the store and watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones on my Fire Stick. It was intense! I can't wait till the third episode to come out next Sunday. I love Game of Thrones cause I practically live the time period I wish I could live when I am watching the show. I want to get a medieval dress and have a photo shoot with a horse while wearing the dress.

Selfish Soul 30 Day Challenge

So I was talking to one of my coworkers/friends last night about this challenge that she was doing and it sounded interesting. Basically, every day you do at least 3 things that YOU want to do and journal them down in a journal. So for me, it's day two and I went to the barn for the first time in a few months and it felt amazing to ride again.

This challenge is a way to help me be happy again and do the things I love doing more than I did before. I'm saying I'm not happy, but I just want to feel happier, both mentally and physically. It's been a rough two weeks being so distracted by the break up (yes, my boyfriend and I broke up about a week ago), so I'm trying to get myself on my feet and back together. But it will take a lot of time in order for me to feel 100% again.

So yes, I am going to do this 30-day challenge and blog every single day on what selfish things I do.

But yes, I was so happy to see Fiesta today. She came up to the gate with her ears forward so happy to see me. We get along like PB & J. I love when I get to have unicorn time, she is the best horse for therapy. Mostly because she's gorgeous but she has that attitude where it's "I don't give a damn, I'm a Unicorn. I'm more important." So I'm gonna try and channel a bit of that beautiful attitude she has.

I will be a unicorn.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

I'm Going Back to England!!!!

I just found out that I will be going to England next August for an entire week! What is even cooler is that I will be camping out at a campsite close to the hotel my parents will be at. Also, I found out today that there is a stable close by where I can go ride (pay to obviously), but still I could pay to go on a country or beach ride! 

I have already started making a list of things I will need to have before next August and started a list of things I will spend money on when I am in England, such as the riding expenditures. The riding will be my biggest portion of my spending budget. I already know what I will pack in backpacking pack and other things in another bag. Agh! I'm giddy with excitement!

I am so excited to go back to the motherland, you have no idea. I can't wait to see the spots where Harry Potter and Downtown Abbey were filmed, I will have photos of me in each spot for the blog and Instagram. Maybe I'll invest in a little stuffy to have for pictures. I don't know what kind of animal stuffy but I will figure that out.

Monday, July 17, 2017

New Summer Goals

This past week has been rough on me and got me thinking of new goals I want to accomplish this summer.

Goal #1: Become More Outdoorsy
 Before you assume, no I'm not doing this to please other people or be more appealing. I am doing this for me. I like going on little adventures and right now, I am starting with more hiking and such. At one point, I would like to get more into camping. I might be going camping on the San Juan islands with some friends cause one of them is working on San Juan and has a camp site there.

I plan on investing in a tent one day this summer cause I mean, I have the pack and all that jazz already. So why not?

Goal #2: Save Up For A Car With AWD
Driving this winter will be hard if it snows again, so I am going to work hard to save every penny I have in order to get a car that can get me through the snow and also maybe the mountains. Bam Bam didn't have any trouble getting to the trail head for Fragrance Lake but I just want to be safe if I decide to get check out spots that I know Bam Bam couldn't get to.

I know the car I want to invest in will be a Subaru. Those cars can go anywhere.

Goal #3: Gain A Lot Of Experience From Camp
If you didn't already know, I have decided that I want to work for the YMCA once I am done with school. I have already been exploring some job options and I am hooked on this decision. I will probably work for the summer camps again next summer, but maybe in a higher position cause I really want to do that. I bet it could make next year's camp even more amazing (not like it isn't already amazing).

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's sunny so I'm happy with that.

I am thinking... About all the camp activities I have ahead of me.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I didn't each much this morning, but I had some orange juice.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type.

I am watching... Nothing.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Nothing.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work on Monday-Friday as a camp counselor. Monday's, I have a camp meeting after my shift. Then I'm trying my hardest to distract myself in order to not let my mind wander to the dark area. Tuesday, I am going to go out to Schweinhaus to celebrate Courtney's 21st. Wednesday, I think I am going to go to Downtown Sounds.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well, she is laying next to me on the floor tired cause we just got back from a walk. I took her along when Courtney and I went and hiked to Fragrance Lake, which was a fun hike.

College Update... I've kinda decided to just graduate from Western in the fall and try to pursue a career through the YMCA. I'm already looking at job possibilities.

Riding Update...  I just haven't had any time to ride because of work. I don't know how much I'll be able to ride this summer.

New Photos from Saturday

Courtney and I went and hiked down to Fragrance Lake with MudLynn. I decided to take my camera out and work on my photography skills and camp out with a couple of nice photos. My favorite is obviously the one of MudLynn below.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...