Monday, October 31, 2016

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is a bit gloomy and a bit rainy.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I'm eating some yummy cereal for breakfast.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and Netflix.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment, but I am typing this blog post, my skills resume, 

Always one of my favorite things... To watch scary movies with friends and eat delicious food.

I am reading... My assignment directions.

I am making... I am working on the next infinity scarf that I am making. I think I'll give it to a friend for Christmas. Homemade gifts are the best.

I am writing... This blog post and my resume skills sheet.

A plans I have for this week... I don't have classes today, so I am spending the morning/afternoon doing homework readings and assignments and then I go to work. Tuesday, I have class and then a team meeting. Wednesday, I have practice, errands (food shopping), and work. Thursday, I have classes again. Friday, I have practice and then work. This weekend, I have nothing so far but we will see what comes our way.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She enjoyed her weekend adventure at Winchester. She is snoozing in her bed in my room as I am watching Gossip Girl and doing assignments.

College Update... I just realized that I need to have a degree evaluation and turn in papers for my major.

Riding Update...  I placed first at the first show of the season and now only need 4 points until I can go to Regionals. My goals are set high this year since it is my last year on the team.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Saturday Adventure

Saturday was our day to spend time with Annie and Michael. Kaveh decided that we should all go to Winchester and hike up to the cabin and then hike back down. So that is what we did on our gloomy Saturday.

It was beautiful.  All the snow made me wish that I could skip Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas. Although, with all the snow, the trail was covered. We got about maybe halfway up when we concluded that we shouldn't try to go any farther. Instead, we hiked around the area we were in.

MudLynn thoroughly enjoyed the outing. She was dashing here and there when I let her off her leash for a bit. She really missed all the snow since she grew up with it in Rhode Island and Virginia.

She was making us all giggle and laugh because of how much energy she had. If you saw her run around, you wouldn't believe that she was 12 years old. I still can't believe it sometimes.

I am definitely going to try and invest in some winter booties for her and a winterized jacket by Ruffwear at REI. They'll come in handy since I like taking her on outings. Plus, it gets pretty cold in Bellingham in the winter.

We then came home and went to the store to get some food for dinner. I made us all fish and chips with mushy peas and everyone loved it. The fish came out well, but not the way it does when Mom cooks it. I need to work on making fish and chips more.

Happy Halloweekend!

Happy Halloweekend everyone! I hope you are having fun either going to costume parties or giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters. This Halloween was a fun one with friends and fun!

Friday night we began. We got all dressed up and went downtown to get food and some drinks. I went over to Kaveh's to get ready with him and Annie, mostly Annie since she and I had to do our makeup. If you look at the photo to the left, I hand drew the bat symbol on my face starting with eye shadow to map it out and then filling it in with Nyx's jumbo eye pencil in black.

Downtown is so close we walked there and back home. Kaveh and I dressed up as Batgirl and Alfred. You know Alfred? Batman's butler.

MudLynn didn't dress up, she was just her old lady self and I didn't want to bug her with the pumpkin costume. She hates the little pumpkin hat. She was honestly the star of the house because of how cute she is. Pretty much everyone that comes over says that about her to me.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is a bit sunny, but chilly.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I haven't had anything today.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and MudLynn snoring as they sleep.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment, but I am typing up emails and assignments.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch chick flicks with friends and eat yummy food.

I am reading... My assignment directions.

I am making... Nothing at the moment, I am going to try to work on my knitting again. I need to YouTube a tutorial about knitting a sock.

I am writing... This blog post, my peer review emails, and my resume skills sheet.

A plans I have for this week... I went to classes today and ran to Buffalo Exchange to sell some clothes. Tomorrow I have practice and work. Thursday, I have class and I am going to get a pedicure with Annie. Friday, I have practice, homework to turn in before Halloween weekend, work and probably going out with everyone. Saturday- we (Kaveh and I) are going to the mountains with Annie and Michael. And Sunday is the lazy day.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing on the couch next to me right now. Such a sweet baby. She was very good when Kaveh watched her while I was in Colfax at the WSU horse show.

College Update... I am currently working on a list of classes I'm hoping my advisor can wiggle me into so that I can get the higher paid position at work by the time I'm graduated.

Riding Update...  I placed first at the first show of the season and now only need 4 points until I can go to Regionals. My goals are set high this year since it is my last year on the team.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Post-WSU Show

What a weekend. That's a little of what I have to say, haha! It was a long but fun weekend.

It was the first show of the season so we were up against other teams. We looked at the show as having fun whether or not we placed in our classes. Next quarter, we will have an entire quarter's worth of lessons under our belts instead of two weeks.

WSU put on an awesome show. The judges were wonderful, the horses adorable (we wanted to take home at least 10 of the horses), and some pretty neat raffle baskets. The horse I rode in my class was amazing. I wish I had a photo of him, but he was an 18.1 hand paint Oldenburg gelding named Marty. I was in love when I heard I was riding him.

Our team did wonderfully in my eyes as the assistant hunt seat coat. Since it was the first show being the hunt seat assistant coach, I was a bit stressed out. I had to make sure my riders were checked in, at the gate waiting to mount, but also I was always at the gate coaching from the rail. Although it was a little stressful for me, I overcame and had a great first day. The next shows will be easier for me since I now know what to expect. 

Overall, the show was fun. But I am glad to be home with Mud back in my routine of homework, school, riding, and hang out time. I basically have a horse show hangover (exhaustion for the most part).

Friday, October 21, 2016

Getting Ready for the Show: What I Pack

Ever wonder what equestrians take with them to college horse shows? Well, I am going to share with you some of the essentials that I pack for shows. So for every show, I take with me about 5 items of luggage. It's not really luggage but it still kinda is. I take my boot bag, garment bag, yoga/gym bag, backpack and camera case.

My boot bag obviously holds my tall boots, which are wiped clean after every lesson with a damp cloth and then polished with boot polish the day before a show. Along with my boot bag, there is my garment bag which holds my show shirt and show coat, which are dry cleaned after every show weekend. I also have a helmet bag, but that fits nicely in my gym bag and it also matches the garment and boot bags. The bags are all from Dover Saddlery and are embroidered with my initials.

I always take my backpack with me. I keep it with me in the van/suv  that the teams rent when we drive to a show. My backpack is pretty much filled with things to keep me busy on the long drives/hotel stays. It usually holds a textbook, my Mac, movies (if there is a dvd player in the rentals), snacks, water bottle, wallet/check book and chargers.

My gym/yoga bag holds my clothes for the weekend and my toiletries. And then lastly, I have my camera. I started taking show pictures last year when I got my new camera and I am getting better at my photography.

Hope you enjoyed reading about what I take to horse shows!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Weekend Ahead

So I am starting this new post series called the Weekend Ahead where I will start telling you about what I did this weekend, but more in-depth. This past weekend we went to WSU for our show, I will have a follow-up post about the show later today!

On Friday, I had my last practice before our first show! Our first show is in Pullman, WA and it is being hosted by Washington State University (WSU). I am so excited to get back into showing, except this year I will be more proactive because I am the Hunt Seat assistant coach. I am very interested to see what horses WSU has at the show. WSU didn't have a hunt seat show last year, just a western one. We shall see what the weekend brings us!

I am very excited to see what this years show season will be like, I believe we will succeed and rise even higher than last year. We have so many new riders who have some amazing talent and skill.

The weekend consists of the show; Saturday being Hunt Seat and Sunday being Western. At the end of one of the show days I might be able to meet up with my friend Sunny who I worked with at St. Albans last year! I hope we are able to meet up, it would be awesome if we could catch up and everything.

Although I wish I could bring MudLynn to all the shows, but alas I cannot. She will be spending the
weekend at Kaveh's with Bruno most likely sleeping the hours away and eating her yummy dinner.

I'll miss her cuddles at night but I will only be gone for two and sooner than you know, I'll be back in Bellingham!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Up Country Contest!

Hey everyone, I just entered MudLynn in an Up Country Inc. contest! I would really love it if you voted for her!

We are huge fans of Up Country and love their products. MudLynn has about 3 designs from them as well as two sweaters. She'll be getting a coat from them this winter as well.

vote vote vote!

Here is the link!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Fall in Bellingham and Weekly Goals

I adore fall, especially in Bellingham. All of the trees are beautiful and vibrant colors. It likes that crossroad to winter from summer. But sometimes I wish it could be fall forever. I just enjoy having a hot drink in my hand as I walk to campus. Hearing the crunch of leaves under my boots or the sound of rain pattering on the windows.

So I am going to be starting weekly goals this week because I have been slacking in errands and such. So this week's goal is to cook more food. Today, I made a crockpot for the week and I also make some pork chops and sweet potatoes. So day 1 of Cook More Goal is checked off. I've been such a slacker with cooking which made me go out to eat a bit. 
With my cooking goal, it will help me decrease the amount of money I spend on food from restaurants. Plus, I can whip up more delicious dishes to cook for Kaveh and me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

My Newish Hair

Who doesn't love a selfie stick?

Hey guys! I wanted to give you an update on my look. I haven't done much when it comes to clothes and such, it still the same pretty much. However, I did get my hair dyed about two months ago. There was a huge trend on grey/silver hair and I want in on the gig. So when I moved back to Bellingham, I found an amazing salon (The Velvet Rope Hair Studio) and got this amazing hair done. 

I feel very witchy with it and I love it so much. Since it has been about 2 1/2 months since I have had it done, I haven't gone in for a tone. It takes a long time for color to fade with my hair because (a) I don't wash my hair every day and (b) I invested in the LOMA hair products that they sold in the hair studio. It has kept my hair color on point and my hair very soft and moisturized. 

Maybe I'll ransack my closet and put a witch costume together for Halloween... I have a witch-like dress!

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is a bit sunny, but chilly.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I haven't had anything today.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type, Netflix, and MudLynn snoring as they sleep.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment, but I am watching American Dad.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch chick flicks with friends and eat yummy food.

I am reading... My class announcement for each of my classes.

I am making... Nothing at the moment, I am going to try to work on my knitting again. I need to YouTube a tutorial about knitting a sock.

I am writing... This blog post and my translation document project, memo, and job application muse supplies for my English class.

A plans I have for this week... I've skipped class today because I'm not feeling 100% and don't want to get others sick. However, I have a cluster meeting for work later. Tomorrow, I have practice and work. Thursday, I have class. Friday, I have practice, dropping MudLynn at the vet, and then relaxing. This weekend, I don't know what I am doing yet. Might go ride a horse or two for Suzie.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. She is snoozing in her bed right now. Such a sweet baby.

College Update... I am currently working on a list of classes I'm hoping my advisor can wiggle me into so that I can get the higher paid position at work by the time I'm graduated.

Riding Update...  I am heading to my first team practice tomorrow. So excited to get back to work now!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Today, I managed to kick myself out of bed so that I could do an early morning ride. And let me tell you, it felt amazing. I worked Cyd today cause I know he was a challenge when I rode him at our home show last year.

Today we worked on sitting trot, posting, overall straightness, as well as a few jumping serpentines to help fix my position (mainly my eyes since I look down a lot).

It's my goal this year to be in the top three at each show I ride. I want to work hard this year on the team, especially since I am the assistant hunt seat coach.

I've gotten so used to getting up early since I have picked up some morning shifts, so getting up early to ride is hard either.

Our first show is the WSU Horse Show and I am so excited to compete! First show of the season is the kickoff!


Monday, October 3, 2016

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It is a bit cloudy with some sunshine peeking through the clouds.

I am thinking... About all the things I have to do this week.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I had some chicken and rice for lunch.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and Bruno and MudLynn snoring as they sleep.

I am watching... Nothing at the moment, but I am rewatching Friends.

Always one of my favorite things... To watch chick flicks with friends and eat yummy food.

I am reading... My English book and my World Religions book on Buddhism.

I am making... Nothing at the moment, I am going to try to work on my knitting again. I need to YouTube a tutorial about knitting a sock.

I am writing... This blog post and my translation document project for my English class.

A plans I have for this week... School and meetings tomorrow as well as a doctors appointment. Wednesday, work and maybe a morning shift. Thursday, classes. Friday, work and maybe go downtown that night. This weekend, my parents are coming up on Sunday and I think we'll have a lazy Saturday. Just kidding, I'll probably be cleaning my life away in the apartment that entire day.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well. We just got back from the dog park an hour ago. I also took Bruno with us cause I wanted to take him and let him run around.

College Update... I am going to schedule an appointment with my advisor to see if I can change up my plan of study a bit so that I can work towards becoming a site leader at the YMCA. I have to have 30 education type credits, so basically classes that focus on children and such.

Riding Update...  We have our first team meeting tomorrow night as well as hopefully the startup to lessons. I will be riding twice a week this year (if it is possible) and be showing this quarter at WSU in Pullman.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...