Monday, October 30, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's sunny and a bit chily, almost chilly for gloves.

I am thinking... That school is going great.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I had some water and now I just ate some yogurt.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and Netflix playing.

I am watching... Hacksaw Ridge.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post and an English assignment.

All the plans I have for this week... I will be working at the YMCA every MWF and I am working at St. Paul's doing lunch duty every MWF.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing wonderful! She is on Dasaquin and Proin and now on some Omega chews every day to help her stay fit and healthy. We're starting to go to the dog park more when I have time to take her. Weekends are definitely a double dog park time.

College Update... I'm going to focus on graduating this winter quarter, working at the YMCA and at St. Paul's. Then I will work on finding a job in the Bellingham School District or at the YMCA. 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Salty Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Seeds

I made some amazing pumpkin seeds from the pumpkin I carved yesterday.

Ingredients I used:

  • 3 TBS of butter
  • pumpkin seeds
  • 4 TBS of sugar
  • 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 2 tsp of cinnamon 
First, I mixed the sugar, cinnamon, and salt together. I melted the butter first and then took it off the heat and added the vanilla. Once that was done, I added the pumpkin seeds and thoroughly coat them in the butter and vanilla. After they were coated, I added the dry mix. I then put it in the oven at 325 degrees for about 25 minutes, stirring the seeds about every 5 minutes. I then transferred the seeds to a clean sheet of parchment paper where they could dry.  

My roommate says they taste aamzing. They almost taste like candy to me. So happy with how they turned out!

Pumpkin Patching in Bellingham

I did it again! I went to the pumpkin patch for that classic white girl picture with a pumpkin. Just kidding, I just love going to Bellewood Acres in the fall to get a pumpkin to carve and to roast the pumpkin seeds. I went with some of my friends and it was a lot of fun. Once I got there, I realized I could have taken MudLynn. Now that would have been an adorable post, her sitting amongst the pumpkins. I'm kicking myself for not taking her with me.

Right now, I'm sipping on some delicious cider that I bought at Bellewood Acres, Honey Crisp Cider to be exact. Mmm, such a lovely drink to have during fall.

I did carve a face into my pumpkin. I kind of liked carving it alone. I was in the zone the entire time taking parts of pumpkin out and seperating the seeds from the pumpkin guts. I put all the seeds on a paper towel on a cookie sheet to dry over night, so I will roast them later today or really whenever I feel like getting up and out of bed to become an actual human being for the day. I will do a post on how I roasted them and also what flavor I did them. They are going to be delicious.

What is it about fall that is so amazing? It's everything. It's the changing of the leaves, the hot cider in the mornings, carving pumpkins, making pumpkin bread, and watching every movie on the Halloween movie list.

I just love fall. 


Friday, October 27, 2017

More Decluttering

I literally can't stop cleaning. I haven't for the past few days. I've cleaned out so much stuff again!

However today, I got rid of 2 of the 6 bags I cleaned out. I did make about $31 at Buffalo Exchange, so it was a good day for me to sell clothes to them today. It felt very relieving to get rid of clothes that I don't wear or ever will wear. My closet is slowly opening up.

So y'all, if you're cleaning out the closet, try going to second hand shops like Buffalo Exchange. You get rid of clothes and make extra cash!

I still have a bin and two paper bags of cleared out stuff, but I think I'm gonna save the clothing items and see if I can get more cash next season. Or I might see if Label's will take them. I already have a $30 account balance, so if I ever need an item of clothing, I can go there.

For some reason, my brain mindset has been, "What if I lived in a studio apartment or smaller place with roommates next year?" I guess that has been what's making me clean out and downsize so much.

I've kind of just realized that I buy stuff that I will never use or will never wear. So I'm going to be more conscious of what and why I buy things now. I waste so much money buying useless things.

Have you tried minimizing your goods?
Do you want to know how I minimized on my physical possesions?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


You know what is frustrating for me right now? The whole game plan I made this summer was dumped out the window the minute I started Fall quarter. I'm not graduating till the end of next quarter, I won't be working as a para until next year and my life is just not where I want it to be including how it's gotten to where it is now.

I know I should focus on the positives as well as be grateful for the positive things in my life, but I'm just that kind of person that focuses on the negative a lot. And that isn't a good thing to do. I guess what I should say is that I'm not happy or satisfied of where I am in my life right now.

Earlier this year, I had my game plan and everything was how I wanted it to be, it was perfect. And then this summer happened (even though camp was a positive, it was also a negative for me).  Don't you just ever wish you could change things in your life? I really do right now and have been since the summer.

But I'm trying to be happy again, I really am. I'm having friends over more, making plans for the weekend, focusing on school, going out more with friends, spending time with my roommate, becoming more creative (painting, knitting, and such), and adventuring out of my comfort zone more. But to me that's just being busy, it's not necessarily being happy as a whole. I just still feel that I need to keep myself busy when I just want to bum it in sweats and watch I Love Lucy on Prime.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Weekly Spread

Hello Erin Condren fans! I've decided that I am going to keep sharing my weekly spreads and such. If you see a sticker in my spread that has you intrigued, I can do posts about it! Just let me know down in the comments.

So here is my spread for the week! I had some more of my Nightmare Before Christmas weekly kit and it is very fitting for October! Ugh, I love Halloween and fall so much. I'm working on building my themed decor bins (Halloween, Fall, Christmas, etc...) and also my film collection.

What's your Halloween bucket list?

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's cloudy and a bit chily.

I am thinking... That school is going great.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I had some water and now I just ate some yogurt.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and Netflix playing.

I am watching... I Love Lucy, god I'm an old soul.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post and an English assignment.

All the plans I have for this week... I will be working at the YMCA every MWF and I am working at St. Paul's doing lunch duty every MWF, however today I didn't work today because I'm not feeling very well right now.. No PTAs to work this week. But if there is an open shift for one, I will nab it!

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing wonderful! She is on Dasaquin and Proin and now on some Omega chews every day to help her stay fit and healthy.

College Update... I'm going to focus on graduating this winter quarter, working at the YMCA and at St. Paul's. Then I will work on finding a job in the Bellingham School District or at the YMCA. I just need to turn in a new degree evaluation.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

I Need a 4WD Car.

I like being outside. I like going off somewhere for an adventure that day. Except the thing is, I want to go explore other places too. I know I should be exploring the places I can get to more thoroughly, but I want to go up to the mountains and frolic in the fresh snow and all. And the only way I can do that, is by getting a car that has 4WD.
I want to wake up to this view again. I want to see nature in its glory again. And I want to see this pup filled with the need to explore every inch with her nose.  

This whole waiting till I have a better paying job is killing me. I want to go explore the mountains, but I can't cause my car is not suitable for that type of terrain. Ugh... 

 Like, being out in the fresh air is so invigorating for me. I want to be outside as much as I can now. I'm tired of sitting on my butt all the time. And by getting a car with 4WD will help me avoid sitting on my rear all the time. It will encourage me to jump in the car and go to Baker and find a new spot to explore/enjoy a hot beverage while admiring nature's beauty.

Like look how cute MudLynn looks in her coat in the snow! She gets so excited to be in the snow, let alone outide. She is an ourdoorsy dog at heart.

I need to invest in more weather friendly clothing. I've definitely stopped dressing for style now. Its turned into comfort meets chic style. Ya know, leggings and long tops and sweaters paired with booties, flats, or outdoorsy shoes (Chacos and hiking boots).

Don't worry Mud, we'll get that 4WD car asap.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Updated Fall Goals

I've decided to revamp my goals to make them more realistic and obtainable. So first off, I am going to start by depositing $10 this coming paycheck into my savings. So after my first deposit, I'll increase it by $10 at every pay check. If I want to save up and invest in a car that has 4WD, I need to be more disciplined when it comes to money. I am also saving every coin I find and putting it in a jar by my door.
Secondly, I need to give it my all at work if I want to gain top-notch recommendations. I've been working on that strictly following the schedule at work and incoporating activity sheets during check-in time. Every Sunday I search for activity sheets to use at work along with thinking of back up activities with which I can use supplies in the cabinent.

Thirdly, I need to only food shop for the essentials. Meaning, I need to eat up what I have in the house before I buy more of the same product. So I have been making list after list of groceries and finally made a small list of most needed groceries. That also means using Ibotta and coupons to help with savings and earning cash back.

So I've downsized it to three goals right now. These goals are my main goals that I am going to work toward accomplishing before I graduate.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Christmas Vibes

I have Christmas fever like crazy right now. I want to throw my decorations out and put my tree up. Although, I think I need a bigger tree this year... I have a lot of ornaments now since Mom gave a lot of new ones last Christmas. I'm already making a list of things I need and ideas I can do to decorate on a budget. Mom sent me a Michael's gift card that I still need to use so I might use that this weekend.

One DIY decor idea is tying ribbon around the cabinents to make them look like presents! How cool is that! I can't wait to decorate especially since I am hosting Friend's Christmas this year. I'm gonna go the full 9 yards.

I'm going to do invitations, a ham, photo booth with Christmas props, and so many other things! I found this really cool idea to hot gluue painted popsicle sticks into the shape of a snowflake so I am so going to make a few of those.

Ugh, I have this Christmas fever so badly. Can we just fast forward to December?

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's sunny but it is a bit chily.

I am thinking... That school is going great.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I had some water and now I am drinking some hot chocolate and eating a souffle.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type and Netflix playing.

I am watching... Gilmore Girls because I just finished Friends.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I will be working at the YMCA every MWF and I am working at St. Paul's doing lunch duty every MWF. I'm working a PTA tonight so that's a little extra money.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing wonderful! She is on Dasaquin and Proin and now on some Omega chews every day to help her stay fit and healthy.

College Update... I'm going to focus on graduating this winter, working at the YMCA and at St. Paul's. Then I will work on finding a job in the Bellingham School District or at the YMCA. I just need to turn in a new degree evaluation.

Riding Update...  I haven't ridden for a while, been too busy with work and MudLynn.

Why Dogs Make You A Better Person

Have you ever noticed how you were as a person before you got your dog? Yeah, I can too. I was kind of a pain in the butt and when I got my dog, she made me change habits into good habits. Since I've had my dog, I've noticed that I am a more caring person towards people. I'm the kind of person that is like "Do you need anything?", "Are you okay?", or me just offering them food all the time. My dog is old, so I'm more conscious of how I spend my time and my money. Most Friday nights, I don't go out; it's more of the occassional Friday I do go out.

Whenever my dog looks at me when I'm getting ready, I feel like she is judging me with her eyes saying "Are you seriously going to go out tonight and leave me alone?" That's when I change my mind and decide to stay home and watch Netflix and knit.

Honestly, I love staying in on the weekend and on Friday nights with my dog. It's better than waking up with a hangover.

Like how could you leave this cute face?

Overall, I've noticed with some of my friends who had dogs with them last year who now don't have them that they are completely different people. Dogs really ground you and make you think about your life in a more serious way. My friend who no longer has their dog with them really changed and it saddened me in my heart. I never want to turn into them.

Dogs make you caring, loving, time conscious, money conscious, humble, and all those other positive traits. Dogs are instantly stress relieving especially when you walk through the door from a rough day of work. They are the ones who love you unconditionally no matter what mistakes you make in your life. Dogs make you a better person in my opinion.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Fall Wish List

Well, it's my favorite season of all. Leaves are turning, it's slowly getting colder, spices fill the air with their spicy aroma, and flannels are coming out! But I just realized that there are a few things my closet is missing and that my life is missing as well.                                                   

I've discovered that living in the Pacific North West, it is essential to have a Patagonia fleece in your closet. I'm going to treat myself this month when REI has their Garage Sale and get a fleece for a steal! I'm excited. These are just some of the three that I've my eye on right now that I would like to add to my closet. I've evolved my daily style to being more comfy but still looking put together. Basically a Pacific North West Style. I also need to revamp my Birkenstocks, but I want to get a pair that I can wear socks with. Yes, shocker. I've turned into the kind of person that wears socks with sandals.

So there you have it, I've gone from girly girl to comfy girl.

Things I Need To Do and Stop When Shopping

I have a problem. I like to shop. *GASP* I'm pretty sure every girl has a problem when it comes to shopping. However, I am going to nail down my spending habits so that I can be more responsible with my money so that I have some when I want to do something nice.

I need to start using my cash only system. I used to only use cash for gas, food and pet supplies and I really need to do it starting when I get my September paychecks.

I need to use more coupons and Ibotta.  I so far have earned 50 cents back from purchases at Fred Meyer. I need to use coupons to take money off my total when shopping. I did use my store rebate at Fred Meyer and saved $6 dollars and I also used coupons!! Go me!

I need to keep up with bringing my own bags when grocery shopping. I've been pretty good at it so far, I just need to use them for groceries and for other stores. It is better for the environment because we are wasting plastic bags and such. Every store should have their own bag that you can buy when your shopping. PetSmart now has them and I bought one! I take it with me all the time when I am pet supply shopping.

I need to get back to using a shopping list and not throw unhealthy food in my basket. I tend to put candy and ice cream in my cart. It should be fruits and veggies. I need a notepad that has a list of groceries on it that I can mark when I am out of something.

I need to stop shopping when I'm hungry. It's bad when I do that cause I buy a ton of comfort food instead of healthy fulfilling foods.

I need to start shopping with someone who can reign me in when I buying stuff I don't actually need. Mom, where are you? I need my mom or another mother figure to tell me no.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...