Monday, March 31, 2014

New Review Post Coming Soon!

Hi everyone! I just ordered a new grooming box from Dover yesterday so I am waiting for it to come in the mail. When it does, I am going to do a review on it once I used it for two weeks at the barn.

Then if I find time, I might do a What's in my Grooming Box on YouTube. 

I'm open to any reviews you would like me to do in the future for you guys!

The Three L's

I am starting to like the weather right now. It is still a bit chilly, but it's sunny now since we had a few days of cloudy coverage with rain. I can tell that spring is finally here. I like seeing the new flowers sprouting and the new grass turning green for summer.

I am just loving my work ethic that I've had lately! It is awesome! I just finished all of my homework for math and edited my English analysis paper for today. I am always doing my homework because I want amazing grades. I am grade crazy, I have to have an A in the class. When I get home from school, I am going to start brain storming for my demonstration speech and email my professor and ask her what I can do with my outline and speech in order to achieve more excellent check marks on the grading rubric. I am never happy when I get something below an A-. 

I am really loathing American Vogue right now since they put Kanye and Kim on the cover. It's just disgusting and unclasp of Vogue to do that. I feel like I want to hurl when I see Vogue on the magazine shelves at Barnes and Noble. Bad move there, Vogue. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lazy Sunday

Excuse my horsey socks, but how is everyone today? It's really rainy here in Virginia at the moment. I've spent the last 15 minutes brushing out MudLynn's fur since it is shedding season. Oh! And I filed her nails down a bit more since the vet gave her a complimentary nail trimming when she got her teeth cleaned. 

I love lazy days, especially on the weekend. I throw on a pair of jeans, a tee, a nice pair of socks and enjoy a few episodes of Hart of Dixie and a nice cup of cocoa. I LOVE hot cocoa, it is my favorite drink. Minty cocoa is even better especially around Christmas time. I've had vanilla, it's rather interesting.

MudLynn is having a nice lazy day other than her day of grooming. She's all nice and fluffy though. The fur on her leg is starting to grow back some more. It's growing rather fast.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!


Friday, March 28, 2014

Such a Lazy Baby

She literally sleeps all day. I wish I could do that.

Muddy Friday

It's Muddy Friday!! It's day 2 after her dental op. at the vet. She's being very clingy and lovable to me and my mum. It's her way of sucking up to us to that we don't take her back to the vet for that ordeal. You can probably or probably not see her leg that is mainly all white. That was the leg the shaved to put the IV in. Her little leg looks abnormal with the shaved spot.

Here's her little shaved spot on her leg. It looks skinny without the fur.
I honestly have no idea why I bought her a bed… She sleeps in it most times, but then she will sleep in it when she is like this; half in, half out. She's a very weird dog, but hey I love her to death.

Friday Favourite

My favourite thing today is the MTV show Teen Wolf. 

Photo Credit: Google Images
I absolutely adore this show. For the main reason, it involves a lot of supernatural elements in it. Anything supernatural will hook me in immensely. I just find the show intriguing because its use of werewolves, banshees, and other elements. I love the whole cast because I can never choose a favourite. As of now, I really like the twins. They're so handsome. 

The one element of this show that really moves me emotionally is the loss of Stiles mom. It so sad because he called Scotts mom "mom." Poor kid, he doesn't have a constant mother figure in his life. The only mother like figure he has is Scotts mom. 

It's amazing the many twists the show has! I'm trying to catch up to the current episode. I think I am on Episode 17.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Funtime

I had an awesome ride today guys! Hercules was surprisingly very good because normally he is very hyper around dinner time. We did no stirrup work again because I like to do it. It helps my leg position and my leg strength increase immensely. We did jump today! 

We jumped 2'6 as per usual, but today we jumped a roll top which looks like a huge green speed bump.  I felt him hesitate at the roll top but I encouraged him and eased his fear. I felt very confident at this time, usually I am half and half confident. I am getting much better at jumping since I am counting my strides and maintaining a strong pace with Hercules.

Although this photo makes him look like an angry pony, I love him to death. If he were ever for sale, I would sell anything and give up anything to have him. He and I are literally two peas in a pod. We respond and work so well together. 

He's my baby, I have so much love for him.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Muddy Wednesday

Today MudLynn went to the vet, although it wasn't for her normal check-up. Instead, it was for her to get her teeth turned into lovely pearly whites. Sadly, I couldn't go with her and Mum to the vet since I had school this morning. Mum said she was good at the vet, sniffing the room since we switched to a new vet. Mum also said they were a lot friendlier than our previous vet. 
Here is a photo of Mudlynn in the car, poor baby she was so tired. She still had some effects of the anesthesia in her but it was slowly waring off. While in the car, MudLynn  was very vocal. The vet said she would be doing a lot of coughing since her throat may have been slightly irritated by the tube but in Mud's case, it was a lot of whining and moaning.

If you click her name, it is a link to my Tumblr where you can hear how vocal she was. 

This is my precious right now, fast asleep in her warm cosy bed like a caterpillar in a cocoon. She's my little caterpillar. She'll be back to her normal self tomorrow morning.

Dominating my School Work!

Yes! I feel that I did amazing on my personal object speech. I think it was mainly because I loved my topic and also that I went into so many things that people probably would know or would get confused. 

4-H Public Speaking really helps when it comes to the public speaking classes because it helps you get over your stage fright. Plus it is awesome to talk about something you know because it shows how unique you are in you're own way.

When you feel that you've dominated your school work, the feeling is so amazing and immense that you want to continue your streak.

Having pride in your work helps you become successful now and later in life. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Universities Should Allow Pet-Friendly Dorms

This is just my point of view on this subject. I haven't done any research but after I post this I will and then I'll post what I've found for you guys to read as well! :) This does apply to cats, but I don't go into much detail as I do with the dogs. #DogLover

Universities should become more animal friendly. If not in the dorm, then at least in the common areas where people like to study when they weather is perfect. These areas would have dog waste bags provided to encourage people to keep the common area clean and lovely for others to use. 

I think the privilege of having a pet in a pet-friendly specified dorm helps de-stress students. It does when you're at home with your pet. This way, you have a good excuse to get up from a study session to take the dog out for a walk rather than going out somewhere as a bad excuse. The dogs provide a homely element to the dorm life. At least it is better than a fish.

When it comes to the type/size of the dog, it just can't be a dog as big as a Great Dane. The dog has to be the other sizes under a Danes height. That way, they don't take a lot of room in the dorm room. Another rule is that they must be friendly with other dogs. Also, they can't be younger than a year old. We don't know if they would damage the dorm room.

The college then would decide a pet fee for those students who wish to bring their furry loved one with them. From my point of view, I would say that the fee would be at least $150 per semester. This could cover say damaged blinds or damage to walls from scratching or chewing them. Also, the college could establish a small dog park near each dorm room in order for students to allow their dogs to run in an area that is fully fenced in with operating doggy style water fountains and poop bag stations. This way, if the park isn't clean, the park becomes locked. This will also encourage students to clean up after pets. I mean, who wants to step in dog poo?

For the dorm, the students would have to supply their own things for their pets. These items would be dog bowls, bed, blanket, lint rollers, food, vet records, identification tags (rabies, microchip, pet state ID, and a contact tag), crate (if crate trained),  some toys such as chewy bones and tennis balls, collar (obviously) and at least 2-3 leashes (extras in case of emergencies). Students would also be required to submit a pet resume and undergo a incoming student and pet appointment with the residence hall manager and his/her pet in order to know that the pets are friendly with one another. 

Overall, I hope universities across the states establish pet-friendly dorms for their students. :)

Sorry about the photo overload of my dog. I needed an example. :)

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It is rainy, cloudy and wet. It's very gloomy so I feel very lazy. Not energetic when it's sunny like most days. I'm getting a headache due to the constant weather change.

I am thinking… About my schoolwork and the many things I want in life. 

I am thankful… That I am getting more baby sitting and pet sitting clients. More money for my savings account.

From the kitchen… I had some chips and hot chocolate.

I am hearing… the television play a film and the clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook.

I am watching… BBC's Lillie. 

Always one of my favorite things… Is looking at horses for sale and dreaming of the life I would have if I had the money to buy. Oh well, motivation to save my money and get a job!

I am reading… My English and Public Speaking homework. 

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week…I have two days left of school for the week. Wednesday and Saturday are my school days along with Monday. Lesson on Thursday and some more babysitting on Friday!!  

MudLynn Update… Her nose has gone down much more and has gotten better. She hasn't been feeling good though. Her tummy has been upset in the mornings lately. She has a vet appointment tomorrow morning. 

College Update… I am working hard in my studies. I am working on my English outline for my essay.  I am also working on my Personal Object speech which is on my Zone 1 Region 3 Individual Champion ribbon and plate. 

Riding Update… I rode this weekend! Hercules and I had a Ryan Minor Clinic and it was spectacular. We got a lot of positive comments and feedback from Ryan. I hope he does another clinic. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Three L's

I like Newfoundlands, you know the Newfoundland Dog. Not the country, I haven't been there yet! I just like how they look like big teddy bears. That is one of my dreams dogs to own after college. Unless I find one before college or during college. I particularly like the Landseer colored Newfoundlands. They are so pretty, the black and white pattern.  

I love Thin Mints. They are minty chocolaty goodness in my freezer. I just bought to boxes on Saturday and one is nearly gone already. This is why I don't buy Girl Scout cookies. I demolish them in an hour and then they are gone. Eh, I love them all the same. 

I loathe a few things so this one may be a bit long.

Right now, I am loathing the weather. The temperature went from 72 degrees on Saturday, to 46 yesterday and now 36 today. AND it is supposed to snow tomorrow! I am so over winter it is not even funny. I'd like to have some spring and warmth please. I like riding in the outdoor arena when it is nice and warm.

Also, I really loathe people when they ask if I did the homework. Hello? Really? The only reason they ask me is because they want to see my notebook. I don't mean to sound like a b*tch, but do your own work and leave me alone. I will not let you see my notebook. A. I don't know you. And B. I am not giving you my notebook. Ask the teacher if you need help. 

Third Ryan Minor Clinic Day 2


Hercules was so good today in the second portion of our clinic with Ryan. He didn't refuse a single jump at all! He still rushed towards some of the jumps but we worked hard on maintain a cruise like speed and we did it. We went deep into our corners which Ryan said were excellent. We jumped a course that was mirrored on each side. We jumped probably about 2'6. Our distance has improved also. I'm sitting deep in the saddle when approaching and always using my inside leg to push him out towards the rail. During the beginning of the clinic, the other riders and I worked a lot on our inside leg. We worked on exercises such as shoulder to the inside and haunches to the inside. I definitely felt his hind legs cross over when we did the haunches to the inside. These clinics are awesome because they help perfect my riding. Ryan said that my riding skills with Hercules has definitely improved dramatically since the last time he's been to Princess Anne. I really hope he does another clinic in May since he will be judging a show that month at the barn. My left shoulder and my upper arms along with my bum are so sore from the riding since I wasn't able to ride for two weeks prior to the clinic.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

School Tip #6


Get a stack of sticky notes. Write down what you need to get done for each subject and work from there. Focus on one subject at a time, that is what the sticky notes are for. Use a different color for each subject like red for History, blue for English and green for Math. I made a list of the homework I needed to do each day during my classes last semester and it really does help. I am going to start doing that again. I have a stunning set of sticky notes in the style of Macarons. I love them to death, they keep my entertained. 

Throwback to Fall Semester
Find a fun pack of sticky notes to keep your brain active, single colors will probably bore you a bit.

Microsoft Excel is Fun

Ever since my mum showed me how to make a budget and since I've been in my computer class, I am really starting to love Microsoft Excel. I just made a spreadsheet/workbook on my savings and how much I need to save up for an equine lifestyle. Well, it's only the car, the trailer and the horse(s) prices. But I seriously have too much fun with Excel. It is so cool! You can auto sum certain costs and such, it makes math very easy.

Third Ryan Minor Clinic Day 1


My dad came to watch, but in all the videos, I can hear his gasps of fear. 

It was a gorgeous day today for the first day of our clinic! It was about 70-72 degrees, so we took advantage of the outdoor arena. We worked a lot on leg work. We would go to the outside of a pole, to the inside of a mounting block and then to the outside of another pole. My calves are very sore but it's a reward. Anyway, I am mainly sore because I haven't ridden in two weeks. I am already feeling it in my upper arm muscles. We jumped an oxer and Swedish oxer, but they were about 2'6. Hercules did spook like once at something I consider invisible. With that spook of his, I literally summer salted and landed on my feet. Damn, my ankles should have been down. Anyway, Ryan got him just to make sure he wouldn't spook and I got right back into the saddle. We had a few weird jumps but I think it is because I was holding him back in his canter, I am just going to let him go at his own stride but have some control if he gets too fast. Ryan had us work on a few gymnastic exercises, a copy of the picture is down below. We also worked on bendy lines in jumping which I think Hercules and I mastered very well. He and I are off to ride again, sadly it is cold so we will be in the indoor today. Stupid weather can't make up her mind if it is spring or winter!

I'm off for another clinic ride with Ryan Minor!

Toodles! And stay tuned!

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...