Saturday, August 29, 2015

One Week and Counting!!

Hey guys! Super exciting things happening! I mean, if you call moving exciting, then awesome! But Mud and I just hit the one week mark until we hit the road back to Bellingham. I did some more packing today, I packed up all my shoes and about half of my closet. 

MudLynn goes to the vet on Thursday to get her yearly shots a month early since it will be less expensive, plus we need to get her more flea, tick and heart worm medications. Another thing coming towards MudLynn is that she'll be getting a new bed since we cannot wash her old one's liner.

Tomorrow is officially my last day working at camp, so I will have some extra funds for apartment bills.

Stay tuned for the weeks countdown!

My New Hair Post #2: More pictures

Here are some other shots that Rachel (my stylist) took after my hair was finished!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Life Last Week 2015-1


1. I got to spend a good three days at camp working with Arrow doing pony parties and trail rides. I love the camp atmosphere and the ponies. Plus, I love spending time with Boss Lady.

2. Saturday just hit the one week mark until moving day! I am super excited to go back to Bellingham and have MudLynn with me. She's gonna love it in Bellingham and everyone will love her.

3. I found that Victoria's Secret is carrying a NFL collection. You know what I found? PATRIOTS CLOTHING! There's a shirt I am dying to wear! Victoria's Secret has the cutest clothes, especially in the PINK line.

4. Bought a pair of Reebok sneakers that were on sale at the NEX. Sale to a college student means bargain!

5. I got my Recreation class for the fall approved! I am so glad that weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don't have to worry about finding a new class now.

6. Got my pink hair done! Absolutely loving it!


1. MudLynn got stung by a bee last week. Nasty little devils. While I am still at home, I am going to start getting up early to take her to go potty in the front yard.

2. Adult life is a struggle this week. I was on and off the phone with so many different people (really only 3 plus Mom) trying to figure out the little glitches I have been hitting.

My New Hair!!

If you guys read one of my previous posts, I am getting some new hair. What hair you may ask? I'm getting the underside of my hair bleached and dyed a vivid magenta! The only thing I suffered during the process was a consistent itch on my head where the bleach went, I couldn't scratch it at all.

I absolutely love my hair! I was so glad to get it done before I go back to school. My friends get to see my new do for school! Maybe next time once it has faded, I might do blue. We will see, I am very satisfied with my pink hair. My stylist at Bon Cheveux did a fabulous job. The other stylists at the salon loved my hair as well. I will have more pictures later because I am waiting for the salon to load them onto their Facebook.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The College Dos and Don'ts

Here are some Dos and Don'ts that I learned from my first year at Western!


DO try to get your books from sites such as Amazon or Abe Books. Any type of second hand book site is a best friend to you and your wallet. You can also RENT your books because it's easier to turn them in at the end of the quarter rather than struggle to get all your money by selling them back.

DO take advantage of your meal plan. My meal plan had dining dollars and I was able to buy lunch with it instead of using my credit card. It saves money; honestly.

DO try to give friends rides if you own a car at college. My friends would give me $5 for gas when I loaned them my car, dropped off or picked them up from the bus/train station.

DO use your planner. It can make your life a lot less chaotic. Log in your study groups, assignment due dates, test dates and library cramming sessions.


DON'T skip office hours, study sessions or tutor sessions. I did that Winter quarter and did my best picking up my slack Spring quarter by attending every Biology study session I heard of before a test. Fall Quarter, I got an A- on my American Indian History term paper just because I went to see the TA to go over the progress of my paper.

DON'T forget to call Mom when she calls you. She really wants to know how you're doing and how college is; her baby is growing up. Let her hear your voice.

DON'T forget your student ID. You need it for basically everything. From dining hall meals to student discounts at stores. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Planner

Hey everyone! I have recently been hocked onto the Happy Planner by my mum. So I thought I would share a picture of how mine looks for this week.

So this is my week! I used washi tape that I got from Target to form a little outline. I thought the flower would make the week pop! I have water bottle stickers to monitor how much was I drink. Inside the little bottles, they have little tick marks, so two mark equals one bottle. I then used horse stickers to mark the days I work at camp! If you guys have any tips or advice on making a planner better and more useful, comment down below! 

I hope you guys like this week of August! I will be posting another one of September around this time! So stay tuned!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is sunny and cool.

I am thinking… about how I need to pack all of my stuff at home for the move to Bellingham.

I am thankful… That I have made many new friends at camp.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I had chicken and rice for dinner.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and the TV.

I am watching/listening… The Golden Lady.

Always one of my favorite things… is watching Netflix and riding.

I am reading… Nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today - I went with my mom to run errands and go to a lunch. I might have had a bit of a spend at the NEX. Tomorrow - I have work, I am doing a pony party with Arrow. Monday - I have a dentist appointment and then I run to the pharmacy. Tuesday - I am a homebody that day. Wednesday - I have to work another pony party. Thursday - I am running to the NEX to get some sneakers, cause you know a sale is amazing. Friday - I get my hair done. The weekend - hopefully some trail rides!

MudLynn Update… She is doing well, getting excited for Bellingham. Or at least I'd like to say so.

College Update… I am all registered for classes next fall and I am so excited to move into the apartment.

Riding Update… I am still riding western as I finish up working at the camp doing trail rides and a pony party.

Two Weeks To Go

Hey guys! MudLynn and I have hit that two-week mark till we move into the apartment! And of course, I could not resist a cute photo shoot with her. She knows how to pose for the camera.

Well, we've done some more packing and shopping. We just picked up some housewares and toiletries for me to start off with the first month. My stack of household goods is constantly growing because I find more things in my room or I buy something I forgot to grab. But you know what, it is better and smarter to have more than less. We also bought more wet dog food and treats for MudLynn. 
It's crazy looking at my planner and seeing how many days I have left as well as the things I have to do. I have pony parties and trails rides to do at St. Albans, a dentist appointment, hair appointment (to get my pink), and other appointments that I have no time to do anything else. I am however excited to get all my things into the apartment and start making the apartment feel like home.

Can't wait to settle down in the apartment in September!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Late Night Ponderings

Becoming an adult is a scary thing, at least for me I think it is. It's all about bills to be paid, accounts registered in your name and the list goes on and on. 

But seriously, why don't schools teach students things we actually need to know about the real world? We should be taught how to do our taxes, how to ace an interview and other skills we would need in the working world. I don't know why they don't, but this needs to be a thing in schools ASAP. 
Most of the time I am thankful for the education I receive but then I think reality wise, we should have more classes speacualized for the real world issues we will face in the future.

At least I have this buddy to keep in line. She motivates to become more responsible each day. Why? She's my furry child. I need to make sure she gets dinner every night, a warm bed to sleep in, and medications to keep her healthy. Owning a pet for me is like being a parent. 

MudLynn does wake me up and gets me moving, I can't lie in bed all day. 

I can't wait till we are in the apartment. Honestly, my friends are going to love her because she's that kind of dog who is always loved. She may even lure new friends. She has that effect on people.

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is sunny and warm.

I am thinking… about how I need to pack all of my stuff at home for the move to Bellingham.

I am thankful… That I have made many new friends at camp.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I had some cookies.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook,and the tv playing.

I am watching/listening… The Rewrite

Always one of my favorite things… is watching Netflix and riding.

I am reading… Nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today - I gave my car, BamBam a good clean/vacuum because it was well needed. I also vacuumed the house and brushed MudLynn- so much puppy hair! Tuesday - I have an eye appointment. Wednesday through Friday - I am hanging out at home, packing and sorting. Saturday and Sunday - I am working trail rides back at camp!

MudLynn Update… She is doing well, getting excited for Bellingham. Or at least I'd like to say so.

College Update… I am all registered for classes next fall and I am so excited to move into the apartment.

Riding Update… I am still riding western as I finish up working at the camp doing trail rides and a pony party.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Henna Loving

I am absolutely in love with henna. This is the third time I have gotten it done and I love it so much. I can't stop looking at my hands.

This is the pattern of my new bedding in my apartment.
Henna was and is used to adorn a young woman's body as luck and joy and beauty. It is mainly seen on the hands and feet of the brides in India. It has many different origins and purposes around the world, however I've only seen it in Bollywood films and music videos as well as in the news.
I can't wait to read my book on the culture of India. India is by far one of the places I really want to explore.

Moving with La Fille

I'm as you already know; I (La Fille) am moving to Bellingham. I am moving into the first place that I will pay for and have in my name.

My mom and I just reserved a U-Haul to pack all my things into and I have managed to get one of my guy friends from school to help me and my dad move in (still working on finding a second). 

This is currently our living room/dining room border.

Filled with a small percentage of my things. It may look like a small amount, but it's a mountain! 

I honestly can't wait till the day where I get in my car with MudLynn and drive to our new home. 
It's exciting, yet terrifying.

Friday, August 14, 2015

New Hair Coming Soon... And Maybe a Tattoo?

Hey guys, I just wanted to update you on what's going on! I just went to the salon for a hair consultation with my usual hair stylist to get an estimate on how much it would cost to add more pink to the underside of my hair. Turned out to be less than I thought it would be, which is great! So I scheduled that for the 28th of this month since I didn't want to schedule it for the 4th, which is when I go with my dad to rent a U-Haul to move my goods to the apartment. You can see the pink in my hair a bit in this photo. Yes, we even dyed the mini's hair pink. She's cute with it.

Oh! And I have decided to get a tattoo but I'm not sure when. I'd like to get it before I move back to Bellingham, but you know; I'm nervous because it is my first tattoo. It's gonna be a small daisy on the second toe of my left foot. It's from a Girl Scout song that we would sing at camp all the time.


I have a daisy on my toe,
It is not real, it does not grow. 

It's just a tattoo of a flower,
So I'll look neat, taking a shower. 

I have a daisy on my toe,
It is not real, it does not grow. 

It's on the second toe of my left foot,
It's got a stem, but it's got no root.

I have a daisy on my toe,
It is not real, it does not grow...oh oh oh oh.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

essie Gel Setter polish

I am going to start this off by saying that I am going to make this a trial by trial test. First trial was at camp, which didn't go too well. I had it on for about 4 days and then it started chipping. I think it would have stayed on longer if I wasn't lugging tack from racks and onto horses. So, once I finish working on the trail rides and parties, I shall do this trial once more in hopes to see different results. I only have polish on 3 fingers now.

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is sunny and warm.

I am thinking… about how I need to pack all of my stuff at home for the move to Bellingham.

I am thankful… That I have made many new friends at camp.

From the dining hall/kitchen… I had some waffles.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook, my laptop playing music and the tv playing.

I am watching/listening… Poldark and Selena Gomez's "Good for You".

Always one of my favorite things… is watching Netflix and riding.

I am reading… Nothing.

I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today - I have been cleaning and packing my things into rubbermaid as well as doing laundry. This will basically be the whole week. I don't have anything important until next week. I will be spending my time blogging and packing.

MudLynn UpdateShe is doing well, getting excited for Bellingham. Or at least I'd like to say so.

College Update… I am all registered for classes next fall and I am so excited to move into the apartment.

Riding Update… I am still riding western as I finish up working at the camp doing trail rides and a pony party.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Guys, Camp is Over... Back to Civilization I go!

Camp has been real. It was an amazing experience because we sent kids home happy, as well as work experience. I also made so many new friendships and connections.

Did I mention that I met a few people that will be at Western?! I did, I met five! I am super excited to see them on campus and hang out with them on the weekends. I will definitely call out their camp name across Red Square.

 It was hard to say goodbye to many of the staff. Some live far, some live close; so it's all about the strength of the friendship.

I am not done with St. Albans yet though, I am going to keep working there this month by helping Arrow with trail rides and pony parties. So it's more time at camp and a little more in my pocket for the apartment. 

Camp is a great experience and I highly encourage you to encourage your teenagers to take advantage of the summer experience and job offer. This young kids that attend camp look up to you as inspiration and role model.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Camp Life vs. Home Life

Camp life is awesome. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But sometimes a biffy (Bathroom in the forest for you) and one staff building with showers and wifi gets a bit old. That is when I miss home life.

Camp life is great because it gets me outside and working with kids and horses. I greatly enjoy teaching lessons, feeding the horses and riding them when I have a chance. I also like volunteering for driving the van for in-day and out-day to pick up or drop off kids. Drop-off means one thing: Krispy Kreme treat!

However, camp is so much fun. We sing lots of songs, have fun, play games and many other things. Closing campfire is the saddest day for me because I always have one or two campers crying on my shoulders saying that they don't want to leave camp. But then I get mail from the campers saying that they want to come back next year and go to horse camp again! One even said that they want to pass the Wrangler-In-Training program and get a clipboard and this girl is from California! It's so touching to hear that they miss you and you've inspired them to want to come back again. I've received letters and a few trinkets like hand drawn pictures or a crafted key chain in the mail.

"Don't Stop"
Mud got a collar stamped by Noodle!
Home life though gets to me and two things stick out: MudLynn and Mom. It's weird being away from Mom again but it is kinda what it is going to be like when I move back to Bellingham in September. I miss doing things with my mom like watching TV or shopping. MudLynn however is always a wagging butt. She greets me when I come home on the weekends as though I've been gone for a whole year! I am super excited for her to move into the apartment with me in September! It's going to be a great year!

 I am super excited to go back home again this weekend and relax with Mud!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

essie gel-setter

I am so excited to try this product. I am a huge fan of gel manicures, so I decided to give it a go. We shall see how this goes and review it for you guys!

P.S. I am still here, just busy with camp all the time.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...