Monday, August 28, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's sunny, but I really want fall right now.

I am thinking... That school for me starts about a month from now.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I ate a sausage.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type.

I am watching... Trolls.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Nothing.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I have a YMCA training this morning cause I missed it last week cause I was in Virginia. I will be working every day at the YMCA until Western starts. I will be working at St. Paul's doing lunch duty starting tomorrow. I need to get my finger prints done on Tuesday and then take my ID and SSC into St. Paul's for Dawn to scan for my W4. I have so much to do right now, it's crazy.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well, she is laying next to me on the floor. I've been taking her on long walks every morning and evening and then on Padden hikes on the weekends, and she loves it.

College Update... I'm going to focus on graduating this fall, working at the YMCA and at St. Paul's. Then I will work on finding a job in the Bellingham School District or at the YMCA.

Riding Update...  I haven't ridden for a while.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Branding Myself and My Blog

I have officially decided what I want my brand to be for me and my blog. I've decided to brand myself as a PNW girl because I love the style and I also love being outside.

I've gotten to that point where style for me is complete comfort. I've worn the same outfit for a week and that didn't bother me at all. I literally wore one dress for the majority of the time while I was in Virginia.

I've been getting outside more and more but I can only do so much with my little Hyundai. I take MudLynn to Padden and we walk/hike the off leash trails, each time going farther and farther; pushing my comfort levels.

So right now, I am making it my goals to revamp my wardrobe into one a PNW girl would have and also save my money to get a 4WD car.

Definitely going to go check Labels and Goodwill to see if they have any brands REI sells at a really good price. I've gotten into thrifting since I started hanging out with Michelle and Myriah this summer. It's so fun seeing what deals you find on certain pieces of clothing. I've found a denim jacket that was Levi's. Score!

But yes, this is the plan for fall when it comes to focusing on myself. Stay tuned for posts about my PNW self/blog branding.

Goals for Fall 2017

I have quite a few goals for the fall.

For starters, #1 is to graduate from school at the end of December. I am almost done with my major and my minor, so as I inch closer and closer to the end mark, I get more excited and nervous at the same time. I would really like to pass my classes with mainly B's this quarter.

Then, #2 is to get a car with 4WD. I want to have a car that can get me through snow, but I also want a car that can get me up mountains for some mini adventures. I want to get outside more and venture outside of my comfort zone.

#3 is to find a full-time job that has benefits. Since I am graduating, I need to find a job that will support my outdoorsy lifestyle and my dog and possibly my future dog.

#4 is to put every spare coin and dollar bill in my rainy day jar. I'm doing well with spare coins. I wanna say it's about 1/6 of the way filled. Gotta keep filling. I think right now it will be my new car/Dobie fund.

#5 is to get outside at every opportunity that comes my way. So that means every school holiday or snow day this year, I will be outside somewhere getting outside of my comfort zone and exploring things. Mud and I will be hiking Padden every weekend going on longer hikes each day.

#6 is to keep MudLynn is the best shape I can have her in. That means no human food, coconut oil for her coat and skin, joint supplements, and arthritis supplements to keep her in tip top shape. She needs to be healthy cause she still has a few years in her.

#7 is to build my resume to be amazing for prospective employers. I'm continuing my job at the YMCA as an after school counselor, however, I am going to be working as an instructional assistant at St. Paul's Academy doing lunchroom duty and maybe recess duty. Right now it is just lunchroom duty.

#8 is to find a full-time job after graduation. Since my major has no specific field, I need to find a job that is full-time in order to support my passions and my dog/future dogs. So I am going to try to work within the Bellingham Schools in any job that fits me and my work background. I would like to move into working for the YMCA in the childcare office if an opening comes up.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Visiting Home: Day 4

Today was a great day. Well, these past few days visiting Mom has been awesome. Today, we went to the NEX so that I could get a pedicure with our nail stylist Celeste. It was nice getting to catch up with her on life and all. I've missed nail appointments with her.

Then Mom and I went to the MacArthur Mall to look for teacher clothes and to browse around. I found some nice pants, a gorgeous sweater and shirt for work. They are all gorgeous fall colors. We then bumped into one of my friends from high school and that was nice. He is probably one of the only people at Maury that I am still in contact with.

Mom and I had Captain D's for lunch and by God, it was so good. Although, I'll be glad to get back to eating cleanly when I am home in Bellingham.

The rain has come and I couldn't be happier. I have missed the rain so much this summer and this fills my heart. Along with some thunder, it was pure bliss.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Visiting Home: Day 3

Today, Mom and I went to the British foods shop. And I'm gonna say one thing, we spent more money there than we did at Nordstrom Rack. Crazy, right? Nah, I just love my British foods. That was pretty much our only venture out of the house cause it's so bloody hot outside. We spent the afternoon going through bins she is taking to the Treasure Shop to see if there was anything I wanted out of them. 

We'll just say that I'm coming home to Washington with more bags than I left with, mainly all filled with food and sweets for me to enjoy back in Washington.
Oh well, I'm bringing home new housewares, more DVDs, more books, food and candy, planner supplies, shoes, and teacher supplies (for when I become a teacher). I'm also bringing home my trophy plate from my year on the IEA team. I would really love it hang it up on the wall somewhere for people to see when they walk into the apartment. I don't mean to be a little boastful, but it was something I was proud of accomplishing.

Mom made fish and chips for dinner again but this time with mushy peas. Mushy peas are just to die for, they are much better than normal peas.

Also I am now excited that I have an actual FitBit bracelet step tracker. I need to get back into keeping track of my steps again. I did when I worked at camp last year cause that was our staff challenge.

Tomorrow is another day filled with food I've missed and maybe a little more shopping. Let's hope I don't need another suitcase, haha!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Visiting Home: Day 2

So today was busy. Mom had a stop to make and then we went to Barnes, Ulta, and Bed Bath and Beyond. I got some new books for my flight back to Washington and to add to my little library. I bought the next Harry Potter, a Doberman breed book, a Hamster care book, and a book called K9 Korea featuring true stories about the dogs that served in the Korean War. After we went to those stops, we went to Nordstrom rack. I think I found one thing I liked and it was a Calvin Klein dress, which is what I may wear for work at St. Paul's in the winter and then for graduation. 

We got Chick fil-A for lunch of course, which I have missed oh so much. They are popping more and more Chick fil-A's on the West Coast though! Mom made her fabulous fish and chips for dinner, which I died again cause it was so good and yummy in my tummy. 

Oh and I almost forgot! I met the neighbor's puppy today! His name is Apollo and he is 8 weeks old. The cutest and fluffiest pup I had ever seen. He has such long legs and huge paws, he's going to be a handsome boy when he is fully grown. Now I want a puppy, but I should wait till after graduation. I just love puppy smell and puppy breath. I know I want a Doberman pup, a German Shepherd pup, and a German Shorthaired Pointer pup. I think mainly boys though. Maybe one girl in addition to MudLynn. 

Visiting Home: Day 1

Well, I slept in till about 9 and then mosied downstairs for breakfast. Mom and I went to the Navy Exchange to schedule my pedicure with Celeste and then browsed around the Exchange looking for teacher-like clothes and shoes. I found a pair of shoes that will be perfect for work at St. Paul's this school year.

Mom and I then came home and relaxed until we went to Otani for dinner. I missed Otani cause their food is just so delicious. We had sushi and our yummy dinner. We pretty much binge-watched The White Princess, which is an amazing show, especially if you are a big fan of England's history of the monarchy. I'm a little bit obsessed with their history, so I'm an Anglophile just like my momma.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I'm Just A Modern Beatrix Potter

I bet some of you have had people say to you "You're gonna be a crazy cat lady" or "You're a crazy dog lady." But hey, that's okay! We just love animals, and if we can afford to keep them; then people have no say in what you do with your life.

I currently own 3 pets; a dog, a hamster and a fish. Funny thing is is that I want more pets. I want more dogs, a want some horses, I want a reptile (a leopard gecko), I want a bird, and I want more Bettas. Let's just say I've been watching a certain YouTube channel that has been giving me pet fever.

I love animals, they bring such a joy to my life. They are something I get to take care cause I am a naturally nurturing person. I just love the love animals give when I know that they are happy. I just want animals, so as long as I can afford it, I will have as many animals as I can take care of.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 9

If you read my post yesterday, Mud and I are now doing weekend hikes through Lake Padden State Park. Today, we went a little farther and it was a great hike. We met so many new dogs and it really gave me dog fever cause I really want to get a second and third dog. I want my house to be filled with wiggly butts and whining pups. I just love dogs okay? I spend my nights looking at Petfinder at the dogs and puppies available for adoption.

After we went on our hike, I indulged in ice cream and barbeque chips and then we went to watch movies with Michelle. A lazy Sunday after a nice hike through the woods. My goal is to be outside on the weekends as much as possible if I can't go outside during the week.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 8

I went to the barn today and it was great. I got to ride Fiesta again, and she was so perfect cause she's perfect all the time. I also worked doing some chores for Suzy. For me, doing barn chores is very zen for me, I feel at peace and calm. But then I also feel proud cause I am helping take care of the barn and the ponies. I cleaned the field of any poop piles and then I also filled a water bucket for Suzy's babies Giselle and Lexie along with their babysitter Mia.
I then decided to take Mud to the dog park and while I was there, I decided to walk the off leash trails with her. If you know me, I don't like to do things alone. I like doing things with people so this is a step to me stepping out of my comfort zone. It was a nice stroll with Mud. She would turn her head if she was far ahead of me and then when I got closer to her she would continue walking. She was so good when we would meet new dogs cause she would watch the other dogs walk with their owners and then she would come follow me. She's a great doggo.

I want a second dog so bad right now, but my apartment won't allow a second dog. So right now I am trying to save all spare change I find so that I can save up for a place of my own; like buy my first home. I read an article online that more pet parents are buying their first home for their pet's needs, not for growing a family or getting married.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Sad News

So today I found out that one of my favorite camp horses is looking for a new home because he isn't suitable to be a camp horse. I wish I could take him and make him my horse. I'm mentally at that point where I want a horse of my own, but financially I am not able to own one. I have a lot of the tack and equipment to have a horse, I'd just need a saddle and I'd probably get a Wintec again. I literally kick myself in the butt for selling my saddle. I'm an idiot sometimes.


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Fall Fashion Wishlist

Fall is slowly creeping back into the view and I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to wear sweaters and my tall MK boots again. I can't wait to have hot chocolate when it's cold outside in one of my Starbucks mugs. This season is my favorite with all the colors and trends that come back to be popular amongst the student body of Western along with staples I really need in my closet, well more like really want... Like I said, it's only a wishlist.

Fashion Wishlist

Nordstrom, $675
Nordstrom, $134.95
Nordstrom, $295

Nordstrom, $38
Kylie Cosmetics, $29

Nordstrom $795

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's so smoky, I want rain.

I am thinking... That we only have 2 weeks of camp left.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I didn't each much this morning, but I ate dinner last night.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type.

I am watching... 13 Going On 30.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Nothing.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work on Monday-Friday as a camp counselor. I don't really know what I am doing after work each day, I just see what happens. Life can surprise me.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well, she is laying next to me on the floor. I've been taking her on long walks every morning and evening and she loves it.

College Update... I've kinda decided to just graduate from Western in the fall and try to pursue a career through the YMCA. I'm already looking at job possibilities. I'm going to be applying to do lunch and recess duty at St. Paul's. Just waiting for the email from Ms. Sue Ann.

Riding Update...  I haven't ridden this weekend, too tired and too busy.

Selfish Soul 30-Day Challenge: Day 7

Today was a good day. I slept in a little, but I couldn't really cause I always wake up at 7:30. I then made a sugar scrub for my feet and one sugar scrub for the body (both from Pinterest!) So I have two mason jars in my shower that's I am using. My skin has never felt so soft before!

I then took MudLynn to the dog park and we saw a Doberman named Zeus. It made me have some hard core puppy fever for a Doberman. I take it as a sign that I'll have a Doberman in my life soon. It was the second one I've seen this weekend!

I then went to Label's with Starfire and started an account and sold some clothes and shoes! I also decided that I'm going to go to Label's every weekend and see if I can find anything of high end items to add to my closet. I found a pair of Rag and Bone jeans that were on sale for $45 and are normally $200. MAJOR STEAL! I've decided as well that I want to start doing more fashion related blog posts. I miss doing those kinds of posts.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I Really Want A Doberman/I Really Want More Dogs

Hey readers! Are any of you big dog people? I guess you could relate to me when it comes to this post. I just crave more dogs in my life right now.

I know I shouldn't want more dogs because it wouldn't be fair to MudLynn but I feel like she needs a buddy to hang out with. She enjoyed hanging out with Bruno and Peanut and a few of the dogs that Courtney pet sits, so I say it's okay for me to want more dogs. Do you ever feel like you need to consult your current pet before you add another companion?

Also, the dog I really want to add to my life is my dream dog: a Doberman. I fell in love with the breed when I pet-sat a Dobe named Trooper. He was an amazing dog. I mean, when you live with a Dobe for a week or two all the time, you can never live without a Dobe. I was so used to having a big dog following me around the house and I guess MudLynn is a smaller version of a Dobe. Come to think of it, maybe MudLynn has some Dobe in her!

I just love how regal Dobes are. They're like Friesian horses, they move with class and regality. Plus they are gorgeous dogs. I think Dobermans and Pointers are my favorite big dogs.

The Week Ahead

Outside my window... It's sunny so I'm happy with that.

I am thinking... That we only have 3 weeks of camp left.

I am thankful for... Everything and everyone around me.

From the kitchen... I didn't each much this morning, but I ate dinner last night.

I am hearing... My computer keys clicking as I type.

I am watching... Nothing.

Always one of my favorite things... To spend time with friends.

I am reading... Nothing.

I am making... Nothing.

I am writing... This blog post.

All the plans I have for this week... I work on Monday-Friday as a camp counselor. I didn't have a camp meeting last night, but Haley and I had friends over for game night and drinks, which was fun. I'm gonna go buy some little groceries for camp lunches today after work. Then I'm trying my hardest to distract myself in order to not let my mind wander to the dark area. I am going to try to go ride again this weekend cause I love how much I enjoy it and how therapeutic it is. I'm also going to take my camera with me again cause I enjoyed just sitting in the field taking pictures.

MudLynn Update... MudLynn is doing very well, she is laying next to me on the floor. She has been antsy lately so I think that means she wants to do more active things so I am taking her on long walks. I think I'll take her to Padden this weekend after I go to the barn and walk the trails.

College Update... I've kinda decided to just graduate from Western in the fall and try to pursue a career through the YMCA. I'm already looking at job possibilities. I'm going to be applying to do lunch and recess duty at St. Paul's. Just waiting for the email from Ms. Sue Ann.

Riding Update...  I rode this past weekend and I have decided that I am going to keep trying to go ride on weekends.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...