Monday, September 30, 2013

My AWESOME lesson on Hercules!

My lesson on Hercules was amazing! I worked with Jamie because my instructor Kitchie was at a funeral. Jamie worked on shoulder-ins and shoulder-outs, simple lead changes on the diagonal which went absolutely amazing, sitting trot, canter-to-sitting trot transitions, and some jumping exercises. Hercules was such a good boy at jumping. He only refused twice but that was my fault because he wasn't straight heading towards the jump. He's still a bit hard to get to canter, but I have one more week to work with him before we show. I just need to set him up for the canter and then we will be fine. But man, I am so sore. I had to hold a two point position for at least 10 minutes during the beginning of the lesson. Oh well, pain means dedication. I couldn't get any photos but I'll put an old one for you :)

My Riding "Uniform"

Everyone has that preference of clothing that they wear to their riding lesson. With me, it's my ESE polo, breeches and tall boots. I feel a lot more professional if I wear a polo. I don't like wearing tank tops when I am riding anymore. Like, you don't know if there's some guy at the barn who is taking pictures of you riding your horse while wearing a tank top. It is a bit inappropriate because your top can come down and flash someone a bit; we don't want that now do we? I now stick with tee shirts and polos for when I am riding. I don't wear colored breeches at all anymore, they're too child like for me. I stick with my usual khaki/beige breeches in the summer/spring/fall and black fleece and beige fleece in the winter. And then always my lovely Ariat boots. I love them so much, they're so comfortable. I think they are nearly broken in because they don't hurt as much as they used to. Oh and always wearing my helmet, I don't know who is made by but I will find out later and blog about it after my lesson! 

My usual riding habit

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lesson tomorrow!

Okay, just as a heads up, I don't know if I'll get any photos of me riding tomorrow cause my mom has to run a few errands during my lesson, but I'll try!

Thursday, September 26, 2013


So I am finally getting some of my book money from the VA to replace the money I used to buy my books! Yay! Money for horse shows and maybe a clinic if the clinic isn't the day of the Washington International Horse Show! I really want to do the clinic. The guy that is doing it used to work with George Morris. It would be amazing if I could do it. Something to put on my resume for riding!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I keep saying this over AND OVER!

Okay, I can never make a decision with myself. It's so hard to make a decision about certain things. For example, how much I want a horse. I really want one of my own. I know for a fact that I have a plan concocted in my mind to show my parents that I can handle having a horse while in college and such. I need to get straight A's, be an angel and work hard at my riding. I already know the horse I am working for.

Have you ever?

Have you ever wanted something so bad, but you know it's not the right time for it to be in your life? I have constantly. I am always figuring out a way to get a horse now but I know it's not the right time because I have no job to help pay for all the bills and I am very far from the barns where I can board the horse. I am now going to save my money and focus on showing. Right now, I am just going to be me! 

I think I might start a girly blog.... I want to redo my whole room though..

Daily Dose of Me and First College Class

Daily Dosage!

I actually got up before 10 am today! Woohoo me! That's like a gold medal for me in my award mind. I can actually eat breakfast for once, which is what I need to start doing because lately I've been feeling like blah. I slept pretty good last night too! Another gold medal for me! 

I have been so addicted to this show I found on Netflix. The Adventures of Merlin. It's such a good show because it keeps you on your toes. You just have to know what happens in the next episode. I'm on season 3 I believe. That's how addicted I am to it. 

My first college class is tonight... NAIL BITTING! I'm so nervous but excited. It's an American History class so that's pretty good. I like history, kind of inherited that love for history from my mum. I've already read the first chapter of my history book and made notecards for the keywords. I am so determined to get an A in the class. That's my goal for the year!

No lesson today! Only on Mondays though I wish I could ride today cause I just love to be around. It's like my natural environment. I just sometimes prefer to be around horses than people. Horses don't cause drama like some people do.

So yeah.. Bye guys!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I think Great Danes make an equestrian estate look very regal. I know after college that I'll have at least 2 or 3 Danes, but rescued danes. There are so many interesting Great Dane rescues out there! I found one call "Dames for Danes" and I loved the name! It's so catchy! There's also MAGDRL (Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League). I knew three-four danes from there. I believe rescuing dogs is better than buying a puppy from a breeder. You're giving a homeless dog a true home where he will be loved and cared for.

Have you rescued a dog? If so, tell me about it in the comment section down below! :)

#19 - Is falling off a horse good or bad for you?

I say yes because it teaches you to not do what you where doing that made you fall. Like to fix your posture and such. I've fallen off many times, but that just encourages me to get back in the saddle. I've even summer salted over a horses head twice. Once fully over and the other time just clutching onto the neck. It makes me stronger in my determination to get back on the horse. So it is good for you to fall off a horse. 

#18 - Yay or neigh on the horse slaughter bill? Why?

NAY! Because it's cruel and also because the meat is actually bad for human consumption. The horses blood is filled with toxins we cannot consume. I did a research project on this topic.

Anyone yay or nay?

#17 - Do you think any of the disciplines are cruel? Which one(s) and why?

Saddle seat for the high stepping force and bronco busting for the forced bucking.

#16 - If you can remember, describe your first ride.

I rode western at Triple R Ranch on a Quarter Horse named JD and I loved it! It was my birthday present, the riding lessons I mean. It was so much fun. And I mean, a little girl and a horse? That's true love right there.

#15 - Have you ever done something dangerous with your horse that you know you shouldn't have? What was it?

No, because I am always looking out for the horses. The safer they are, the less likely they are to get hurt and injure your wallet.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Today's Riding Lesson = WOW

Okay, guys! My lesson with Hercules was amazing! He was such a good boy! He did refuse a few jumps but we worked around that. I learned he needed me to give him more leg in order for him to jump but the jumping was amazing! I am going to be doing cross rails at the show, so it's better to start small and work to bigger jumps. My legs got tighter! I love Herc, he's such a pleaser. I thought it would have been cold during my ride, but once I got riding, I shed off my Horseware Ireland. I got hot from working! My thighs hurt again! It's crazy how many muscles I thought didn't existed till now.

So I found out how much it'll be every Saturday I show... Talk about wallet busting. Now I am really hoping that I get the job at Muddy Paws cause it'll restock my wallet. I like need a job really badly. For buying tack, paying for fees, and one day getting a car. It's so hard finding a job these days because they're always like "Oh we need someone with more experience". I mean how do they want someone with experience when people don't have the experience! People are weird these days.

Photo Credits: My mom!

Riding today!

Yippee! I love when I'm happy to go riding! I hope Hercules will be better today since he has had the week to rest his feet since he was trimmed last Tuesday. I am going to take a crop along with me incase he does refuse still. I can't wait to do some jumping! I love it. So mom and I decided that I won't show this Saturday but I will at next Saturday's show. I can't wait to show off my new coat! It's so pretty! I love it! I'm saying "I love it" a lot aren't I? Haha! Oh well!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Is there anyone reading out there? Anyone? 

If so, comment so I can read your blog!

My Winter Coat

So this is what my winter coat for riding looks like. I absolutely love it cause well it's Ariat and Ariat is bloody amazing!

Credit to SmartPakEquine

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Applying for a job! Woo!

Right now, I am working on a cover letter and a resume to take to this pet store/doggie day care near my house so that I can apply for a job since they are hiring. I like need a job for:
 A. Pay for my equipment
B. Save for a horse
C. Save for a truck and trailer

I have lots to save up for but I am determined to get this job because it works around dogs and is something I like to do. I mean, I'll get dirty by cleaning a stall so I ca totally get dirty by cleaning up after a few dogs. I am including all my dog experience, like who the dog was and what breed it was. I am making sure my resume is in tip top shape!


Hey guys! So after my mom and I checked out the show at Roseoldian Farm, we went to Sterling Meadows Tack Shop! And guess what? Yes, I splurged on two things. I got an Ariat winter riding jacket and a new show coat for when I show! I am so happy because I found my show coat for under $200! I budgeted very well. And the winter jacket is perfect because I got it in a large because I could wear my Newmarket under it if it got really cold. And actually the farmers almanac said it is going to be a harsh winter so it was a smart idea. So yeah that was my day!

#14 - If you had to eliminate one discipline from the western world, what would it be?

I know this one! I'd eliminate bronco busting. It's like bull riding only with horses. I don't like it one bit. I think it's cruel to force a horse to buck without a reason.

#13 - If you had to eliminate one discipline from the english world, what would it be?

There really isn't a discipline in the English world I would eliminate, unless you would count saddle seat. I am absolutely not a fan of saddle seat. I think it is cruel to make a horse pick their front legs up so high. It looks unnatural. And it looks like they're in pain. I once saw a Saddlebred with a long chain attached with felt loops that were around his hocks. So when he took one step, he had to instantly pick up the other one. 

#12 - Is western better than english or vice versa? Why?

Personally, I think they are both equal in everything. They are very diverse from each other but are just as fun. I would know because I rode and showed western one year and English 3 years. I think they are amazing disciplines. Western now has western dressage and it is so cool to see an english dressage rider ride amongst a western dressage rider. I think one day, the Olympics should include western sports because not every rides English. I mean, Anky did some reining after the Olympics to broaden her riding sphere. Every English rider should try western and Western riders should try english. 
We showed Western for Showmanship

But rode English

#11 - Describe the proudest or happiest moment you can think of in your riding career.

My proudest moment in my riding career would be receiving first place in my Command class and champion in my RI Pleasure Classic. I knew my hard work payed off that day. I usually only get one blue at a 4-H show, but this made me so happy and proud of Boogie my horse. I definitely showered her with treats and a sponge down after the show, but this time with extra love.
Our ribbons from the two classes we won!

#10 - What is your favourite colour horse?

I'd have to say that my favorite colour horse would be bays. I love the brown bodies with the black stocking like markings on the legs with the black manes and tails. I do like black horses, but bays are my favourite colour of all.

My Photography

What's your favourite colour horse?

#9 - What are your goals for riding?

My short term riding goals are to get better at jumping and my long term riding goals is to one day ride on the Olympic dream. I am constantly working with my instructor on jumping and I am starting to be able to memorize small jump patterns. Just got to add more jumps to the patterns. Like as many as the Olympic show jumping jump numbers.

Oh and to one day have a horse of my own.

What are your goals for riding?

Friday, September 20, 2013

#8 - If you weren't riding, what would your passion be?

If I weren't riding, I think my passion would be gymnastics. I used to take lessons when I was younger and really enjoyed it.

#7 - Did you ever feel like giving up on riding? Why?

No, riding problems need to be overcome not given up on. It's sissy to give up on something that you've worked so hard on in the past.

#6 - What is your number one pet peeve when you're in a show?

When riders whine to their parents! Or are really demanding! It's so immature, I wish they would act their age or be polite to their parents. I mean, their parents do everything for them, show some respect. Shame on you whiners and demanders!

#5 - Describe a time when you wanted another equestrian to fail at something.

I haven't really. It's not very sportsmanlike. It's very frowned upon to wish another rider ill will.

#4 - Describe your worst fall and the effects that it had on you.

My worst fall was actually just recently! I didn't hit the ground though, but it was a funny almost-fall. I was heading toward a jump and the horse, Hercules refused it and I ended up out of the saddle but clutching his neck with my arms and legs; he didn't even notice.

Just a photo of us jumping

#3 - What famous rider that you know of does not deserve to be where they are?

I don't think I know of any riders that don't deserve to be where they are. I think they all deserve where they are today. They worked hard, and deserve where they are.

#2 - Who, in your opinion, famous or otherwise, is the hottest male equestrian?

I'd have to say Nicola Philippaerts... He's a year older than me but he is gorgeous! Ah! I'd would die if I got to meet him or go on a date with him... hehe!

Credits to Google

Credits to Google

#1 - What horse that you've ridden in the past would you not want to ride again?

A horse I've ridden but would not ride again... To be honest, I rode this horse when I rode western at Triple R Ranch in Chesapeake, Nahawti I think his name was. He was a bit of a beast because, well I was young and new to riding and he would pull on my arms to graze rather than walk forward. When I got to the car, I was in tears cause I wanted to ride a horse named JD, he was my favorite. I think I would ride Nahawti again but I really don't want to. So I wouldn't want to ride Nahawti again. 

What horse would you not want to ride again?

Blog Post Checklist!

So I found this checklist questionnaire on So I decided I would do this. 

1. What horse that you've ridden in the past would you not want to ride again?
2. Who, in your opinion, famous or otherwise, is the hottest male equestrian?
3. What famous rider that you know of does not deserve to be where they are?
4. Describe your worst fall and the effects that it had on you.
5. Describe a time when you wanted another equestrian to fail at something.
6. What is your number one pet peeve when you're in a show?
7. Did you ever feel like giving up on riding? Why?
8. If you weren't riding, what would your passion be?
9. What are your goals for riding?
10. What is your favourite colour horse?
11. Describe the proudest or happiest moment you can think of in your riding career.
12. Is western better than english or vice versa? Why?
13. If you had to eliminate one discipline from the english world, what would it be?
14. If you had to eliminate one discipline from the western world, what would it be?
15. Have you ever done something dangerous with your horse that you know you shouldn't have? What was it?
16. If you can remember, describe your first ride.
17. Do you think any of the disciplines are cruel? Which one(s) and why?
18. Yay or neigh on the horse slaughter bill? Why?
19. Is falling off a horse good or bad for you?
20. Do you think wild horses should be left alone or rounded up?
21. What is one thing you really want to do but can't?
22. Your worst riding habit?
23. Something people do with their horse that you can't stand?
24. A breed you don't like?
25. Your favourite breed? 

Used or New Tack?

We all have to admit, we love to shop at tack shops and at Dover Saddlery. But the price sometimes can injure our wallets, no offense to Dover and the tack shops. But sometimes it is good to buy things used.

I bought my show jacket used from a friend at the barn I used to ride at in Rhode Island. I used for IEA and 4-H shows. I had for at least 3 years in use then when I moved to Virginia, I sold it to a younger friend of mine who also showed 4-H. As long as something is in good condition, it's good to pass things down to others at a good but reasonable price. Many people buy their tack and equipment used because they can't afford to pay the price of it new. It's a way for them to save and cut corners. You should sell you tack when you can no longer use it to see if someone who could use it can buy it for a reasonable price.

Sometimes it is good to buy things new. Like tall boots and such. I just bought my Ariats and I am still breaking them in. I buy all my riding footwear new. I bought my Mountain Horse winter riding boots new but for a cheaper price at Equine Affaire. Other than new or used, it's good to find a good price for something by looking at different shops and online. It's good to compare prices. 

I know for a fact that I will buy most of my tack and such used because I can't really pay $300 for a heavy weight blanket for my future horse. It would seriously injure my wallet for a fact. 

How do you guys save money with your horses?

Horse Show Tomorrow!!!

Hey guys! So tomorrow, I'm going to check out one of the VBHSA horse shows! I'm going to watch some of the classes and see which one I want to do when I start showing. I am probably going to start out little and work my way up. Better safe than sorry. I'll post about it tomorrow! Love you!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Henry Cavill!!

AH! So guys, I know this is a horse blog but trust me, this post totally fits in with my blog! So my celeb crush is Henry Cavill. Ya, ya, people say he's too old for me but seriously, the man is gorgeous! And he has a thing for ladies who are equestrians! Hello!! Light bulb! Ha! So he is perfection with a capital P. 


Hi there :)
Like, who wouldn't have a crush on this attractive talented man?!

Who's your celeb crush?

Free or Getting Rid Of

You always need to be careful when you see an ad that says "Free to Good Home" with horses. You don't know if the horse has an illness the owner can't afford or costs a lot for feed. Some horses eat half a bale of hay just in the morning. Some may need a lot of supplements, medicines or feed. With Thoroughbreds, they tend to eat a lot depending on what kind of back ground they've had. Look at Secretariat, he ate at least a bucket full of oats for breakfast; because he was bred for stamina and speed since he was a racehorse. 

Then again, some people put their horses up for free because they want a quick sale and the knowledge that the horse is cared for and that they are in a happy home. Many don't have time for the horse and they just want it to have a home. Often it's due to work schedules. It's better that the horse has a home where it can be worked and loved rather than it just sit in a paddock every day. Sometimes the word "free" is a sign that's good or bad. 

Bye guys!

Favorite Treats to Give to the Ponies

I have to say, I love giving apples and carrots to the horses. Especially when I have peelings and bits cut off when my mom is cooking. It's a good way to recycle bits of the apples and carrots and give them to the horses. It's healthier for them and cheaper for us the riders/owners/leasers.

What are yours?

My Daily Manual Labour

I'm starting to do a daily chore every day so that I can get moving as if I were mucking stalls. I wish I was mucking stalls rather than raking leaves... That's my chore. Raking the yard and making sure the leaves are in the trash. Yup.

Horse Show Savings and babysitting

I recently put up an add to sell my old light blue show shirt because my mom and I thought it didn't fit anymore, but I tried it on today and turns out it still fits! So that saves me money in the horse show apparel department. All I need is a coat. It's kid of hard to find a coat that fits me because I am so tiny. But once we sell my other show shirt, causal riding tank tops and my western show clothes, that money will go towards my new show coat. Hopefully Mom and I can go to Dover Saddlery one day soon... I swear that place is heaven to me. 

I may have some new potential babysitting clients! AHH! I love babysitting kids, they're so cute in their own way. They have their own way of telling stories to people. It's so cute! Plus that also means more money towards my future horse/trailer/truck. So many things on my list but those three are the absolute crucial.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Poor MudLynn

My poor puppy doesn't like the vet at all. She is excited to go to the vet but when they take her to the back from to take her temperature she retreats down under the chairs in the room. Poor thing. She was so happy to go home afterwards and sleep off her ordeal. 

"Can we go home?"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I love my Ariat

As you can tell, I love Ariat! From their summer ventilated shirts to their tall boots.


We can all honestly say that Barbaro is one of the most loved Thoroughbreds to have been raced on the track until the fatal injury that led to him being euthanized.

Credit to Google

If I could sponsor a company?

If I could ever sponsor a company or be their new face of their brand, I would absolutely do it! It would be an honor to advertise their things and be their new face. I would do things such as equestrian fashion, tack, horse shampoos, conditioners, and such, other lines of clothing, footwear and such! It is a dream of mine to be a sponsor!

Favorite Film!

Anyone have a favorite film? I do! It's International Velvet, how Sarah Brown who is Velvet Brown's niece possessed the determination that helps her rise to the Olympics! She came to England as an orphan since her parents died in a car crash; she was completely unhappy. Until she met Arizona Pie as a foal when he was born; she was determined to buy him. She helped write a book, did little jobs and worked hard on her school work. She then went to see if she could buy him, but the owner said he was sold. She was heartbroken, but little did she know that he was waiting for her back at home since her Aunt Velvet bought him for her secretly. She then went to America to show at a competition and then she went on to ride in the Olympics! She pushed boys away from her so she could not be distracted from her goals so that she could succeed in her goals. And in the end, it is sort of a love story close to the ending. I absolutely love it. It's the kind of movie I just love to watch over and over again. I do recommend that you should watch it because you will fall in love with it and want to be like her. If you know that I love it, then you will personally love it!! Bye guys! :)

I'm Willing...

I am willing to sacrifice anything in order to have a horse of my own. Things like Christmas presents, birthday presents and such. Because really, I'd give up anything. I don't need any presents because I am thankful enough for the things I have; I don't need any more material things in order for me to be happy. A horse gives me lifelong companionship and is my partner when competing in classes. It's like a sibling who's there for me. I've ridden for 10 years and I believe I am ready for a horse. I have nearly everything in my various tack trunks I have in my room and in the garage. Haha! I am serious about this though.

Jumps, Gymnastics and Falls

Guess what guys?! I had my lesson today! I rode a little white pony named Hercules! He was a bit dirty when I brought him out of his stall, but I managed to get him very very clean. So clean, you could eat of him, haha. I think he got his feet done today because I think that was the reason why he kept refusing the box wall jumps. So he was very tender. 

 He was a good boy apart from the refusals we had during the jumping part of the lesson. The refusals weren't very bad, I just sort of flew forward and clutched his neck. It must have looked very funny to see someone holding onto their horses neck rather than being in the saddle. I didn't get any photos of the falls sadly but I did get some of me jumping.

My instructor was very impressed with my riding today since I haven't been on a horse in a few months. She liked how loose I was when riding. I am so glad I am going to be riding every week on Mondays from now on!

We saw some of the barn dogs playing while we were waiting for my instructor. It was funny because they would bite each other in a funny way. Like their mouthes would be open all the way. They were so cute! I wanted to take one home. I think one was part pit bull-part lab. Such a cutie.

I am so sore now it's crazy. I need to start doing more strength exercises and some stretching to loosen up a bit more and to become stronger. I need to find some exercise to strengthen my lower leg for riding. So that is my goal for the rest of this week. 

I might actually be able to show this year in the VBHSA shows! I am going to watch one of them on Saturday so I get a feeling of what I'll be doing. Plus I'll be able to decide which class I'll be going into later on.

Me and Hercules

Some cute fall decorations


Listening to what the jump course is 
Going away

Mid air!


Coming home

Picture perfect!

Brush, brush, BRUSH!


Girth Tightening

Casually waiting

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...