Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Favorite

My New Hobbs dress! I got it a week ago and I adore it. I wore it out to diner at P.F. Changs and I loved the fit. I love how it has the elastic around the waist. Hobbs London clothes have excellent quality. I feel like Kate Middleton or Kim Sears when I wear the dress. It is very classy yet casual. Perfect to wear to the Wimbledon tennis match (I wish) or to a polo match in Portsmouth, RI at Glen Farm. 

That's it for today's favorite!


Flash Back to the Past

This is Lexie or Sheza Tuff Leaguer. She was my third lease horse and second show season partner. Instead of normally riding english that year, we decided to give western a go. It's better to be flexible in different riding styles. We did really good together. Got a few good ribbons and I believe one or two reserve champion ribbons. She was an amazing partner. She is almost as old as I am, being we are both born in 1994. She may be old in numbers, but she's got the heart and will of a 4 year old. 

 I love that I am still in contact with her owner because she tells me all the latest news of Lexie.

Muddy Friday

New weekly Friday post! It's going to be all about MudLynn. I have been having so many thoughts about her. Thoughts mainly on how could I get her to become a doggie model. I mean, she has that cute look about her that really no one can resist. Plus she is very photogenic, which I love to bits! She loves people. My goal right now is to get another dog in order to help her socialize better with other dogs. She can be a bit grouchy.

"I wish I could have real treats…"
"I wuv my bed."
Showing off her Newmarket coat in the snow.
Silly girl!
In the jungle, the mighty jungle; the lion sleeps tonight!
Odd ball.
Trying to be a Christmas decoration for the porch…

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yes to Tomatoes Mask Review

Today, I tried the Yes to Tomatoes facial mask. From my last experience, I decided only to use half of the package rather than the whole thing. Half is really a good portion for the face. If I used the whole pack, I feel as though I'd have been smothered. 

So this is how it looked with only half the pack used. It's not too bad, it was a nice thin layer compared to the thick layer from last time.

Now, my face feels so nice and refreshed. It even feels tighter. I definitely love this mask, next month I shall use the Cucumber! 

No Thursday Funtime Post Today

Hey everyone! I am so sorry, but there will be no Thursday Funtime post today due to my car being worked on at the shop. Instead I shall give you some older pictures of me riding.  

 These photos begin with my last show season in 4-H, then IEA and lastly a photo at Colonial Williamsburg. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Handicap or No?

This has been bugging me since yesterday. I had to go to the Navy Exchange with my mum to see if they could fix my phone (it's coming out of its shell) and to get a pair of shoes since I have an interview next week at Fossil. As we are leaving the store, I noticed that there was a black Camaro, the newest one (like the 2013 version), parked in a handicap spot. 

Now, don't people who normally park in handicap spots have a little thing that hangs on their mirror? This person didn't. Many times I see really nice cars parked on an angle or parked taking up two spots in order to avoid someone opening their car door too much and dings the car's paint. What if this person with the Camaro isn't handicapped? What if he or she parked there just so they could avoid someones car door hitting their car?

We will never know.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Bath Ordeal

My baby got a bath today! She really doesn't like the whole bath ordeal, but she needed one. She gets very excited and happy when it over though. 
I give her a bath, dry her mainly with towels and then use a blow dryer to dry her thoroughly so that she doesn't catch a cold when she goes outside. 
"Sticking my tongue out at you as a sign of protest against this vile device you humans call a blow dryer."
"How will I get that door open… Thinking, thinking; nah I have nothing."

It is like she is saying "Can we go outside and roll in mud now? Cause ya know, the first part of name is "Mud" so lets go!" She is too cute, I love her to death.

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It's cold and cloudy. Not very perky weather. Plus, there are construction workers in my backyard working on the pipes. 

I am thinking…  About a few things. Where I will go to university in the fall, if I am moving back to RI, my future career in journalism and, oh yeah homework!

I am thankful… That I've a busy calendar full of baby-sitting, house-sitting and pet-sitting opportunities  as well as a job interview next week.

From the kitchen… Nothing at the moment, might get some toast.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as I type on my blog and the heater humming. 

Always one of my favorite things… Sitting on my recliner with my dog whom I love very dearly. 

I am reading… Nothing really, other than re-reading this post to make sure everything is grammatically correct.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week…Wednesday I have class and present my Introductory Speech, Thursday I have to postpone my riding lesson, Friday I begin pet sitting for a neighbor and I may have my friends over. Saturday I have class as well as an errand and Sunday is all dedicated for homework.

College Update… I really need to work on my computer grade, it is not to my satisfactory. At all. 

Riding Update… I rode last week and had a blast! Hercules and I worked on riding with no reins, only contact through seat, voice and legs. It was so good! He is so responsive. When I went to set up a jump, he stood still while I got the things out and then followed me back and forth while I set it up. He was like a puppy!

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Three L's

I am liking the weather right now. It's not at all like the blistering cold we had a while ago. It's slowly starting to warm up. One day, I believe it was two days ago where it was almost 60 or 70 degrees outside! People were wearing shorts, which shocked me because I was still wearing my coat. I'm always cold, I think it is because of my Filipino blood. It's in the wrong climate, haha. I'm in the wrong climate. 

I am loving that my Hobbs London dress came in! The dress is down below. I just love the style of Hobbs London. I grew to adore the boutique because Kim Sears, who is the girlfriend of famous tennis player, Andy Murray, shops there. I wanted to get the pink butterfly dress that she wore to one of his tennis matches but the US store was sold out. Although it did cost a bit, it was a good splurge. I am definitely wearing this to school when I present my speech in public speaking. I will look lovely. My mom said I will look like Kate Middleton. 

I don't really know what to put here right now. There are a few things I loathe, but I'd rather not share it at the moment. However, I do have cramps and a headache so those are the two things I loathe at the moment. When I move a certain way or breathe a certain way, it feels like my stomach is being overstretched. So yeah, I am definitely going to heat up my cherry pit bag and take that to bed with me. 


Sunday, February 23, 2014

School Tip #2

Tip #2

Are you losing your school work due to a messy binder? Have you lost a piece of work you had to turn in the nest morning? Have no fear! Binder organizers are here!

Having these dividers are extremely helpful. You can divide them up into 1 being notes, 2 being homework and 3 being graded tests and quizzes. I love these so much because they help keep everything organized and easy to find. Also when putting work in the dividers, organize them by date from oldest to newest. It would be less stressful when you need to find some notes when it comes to studying for a final. When I was in high school, I had a binder for each class with dividers so I didn't need to worry about losing an item of class work. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Favorites

Favorite of the Day
My favorite item of the day is my Elsa Peretti Open Heart Pendant from Tiffany & Co. My mum bought this for me and gave it to me on Valentine's Day. I love it so much. Now, I used to shower and sleep with my Clover necklace all the time, but now I put my Tiffany & Co. necklace in it's little dust bag every night to keep it in excellent condition. I wear it all the time and I am actually wearing it as I type this. I am now lucky to own two items from Tiffany & Co. I adore the little blue box with the white ribbon. 

Favorite Photo

My favorite photo for today would be this one. This is from a little shoot that I did where I was trying to get into modeling. Sadly, so far it hasn't pulled through, but I am looking for more talent agencies to join. I love this photo because I enjoyed doing the pose. I love the beach. It is one of my favorite places in the world. The sounds of the waves crashing sounds like the pounding of a mustang's hooves in the mountains. Plus I love the wildlife that live in the oceans. I adore the whales, dolphins and fish. That Bottle Nose Dolphin and the Beluga Whale are two of my top favorites, as well as the Angel Fish, Manta Ray and the Whale Shark. I was born an islander on Saipan, so the ocean is apart of my life.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Funtime

Today was a ride of fun and of pain. I did a lot of no stirrup work and some leg work (meaning I rode without contact). We didn't go outside today again, but we did ride in the indoor. I like riding in the indoor. I got to the barn a wee bit late, but I managed to get Hercules clean since he was dirty from the field. He just needed a good curry and brushing and then lastly, a tack up. Once we were ready, we headed to the indoor. He was a bit lazy so I did a few serpentines with him to get his mind going. It worked very well. Once he was awake, we did a few canters. A few times, we worked on changing our lead by going across the middle of the arena. We did alright, we just need to work on our transition to the trot at one beat and then into the canter. We walked a few laps after that because Hercules was starting to breathe a bit heavy, that way he got a breather. 

Once he caught his breath, we worked on riding without contact on the reins. It is a serious workout because you use your legs quite a bit in order to keep your horse on the rail. Hercules did fantastic! However we do need to work on halting by voice command. He's a good little pony, I love him so much. The bond he and I share is just indescribable. I guess every person who rides a specific horse has that kind of bond with the horse.

I enjoy riding without using reins because it helps me focus on my balance and on my heels. I feel more balanced after I ride without reins because I've found my center. After we did a few laps of trotting without contact. I picked up a loose rein dropped my stirrups and cantered maybe two laps. That really improved my seat because I felt glued to the saddle. Right now, I am so sore after that workout.

Lastly, we worked on some jumping. I had to set the jump. I didn't want my instructor to do it since the jumps are a bit heavy. Surprisingly, Hercules was very good as I got the standards and poles out. He just stood in the corner where I put him. Once I had everything, I started to set them up, and the amazing thing is that he followed me back and forth while I moved things to the middle of the ring. He was like a little puppy. When jump was up, I actually got him to walk over it without me holding on to the reins (now I wasn't in the saddle, I was on the ground). Kitchie was amazed! But after I did it twice, Hercules didn't want to do it anymore. 

Now, we have been having an issue where we take a little stop before jumping. I figured that when I count 1-2 and half halt one stride before the jump, we jump the cross rail cleanly. We also did a few jumps where I drop the reins over the jump. I enjoy doing that because it gives me a thrill. 

That's our funtime!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It's cold, yet sunny. I feel as if spring is on the way here. Bye-bye winter!

I am thinking… Lots of things. Getting a horse, school work, and figuring ways to convince someone to let me go to a talent agency interview.

I am thankful… That I've a busy calendar full of baby-sitting, house-sitting and pet-sitting opportunities this month and next.

From the kitchen… Nothing at the moment.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as I type on my blog and the printer printing as well as the TV playing "Miracle of the White Stallions" in the living room.

Always one of my favorite things… Sitting on the couch cuddling with my puppy, MudLynn. She's not really a puppy but she's my puppy.

I am reading… My introductory speech outline which I've just revised and printed.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week…Wednesday I have class, Thursday I have a riding lesson, Friday I begin pet sitting for a neighbor and I may have my friends over. Saturday I have class and Sunday is all dedicated for homework.

College Update… I got a 99% on my math notebook! I just finished my introductory speech and revised it. I just need to practice the speech; I will get an A. 

Riding Update… I rode last week and had a blast! Mainly because Hercules was sane since he was in because the paddock was all muddy and wet. We jumped a cross rail without reins and it was so much fun! I can't wait to jump this week!

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Three L's

I like strawberries. Not any kind of strawberries, chocolate covered in white and mint dark chocolate. I got the chance to make tuxedo strawberries for Valentine's Day with my mom through the TOSA group. They were so delicious, I am dying to go to the chocolate store and get more chocolate so that I can make some of the creations I've found on Pinterest. I even found one that is styled like Charlie Brown. 

I am loving my Ulta rewards card membership. Since I've become a member, I got a birthday goodie! I got a mascara by CK ONE or Calvin Klein One and it is phenomenal. The top twists and pulls the brush into a more compact look for volume and then you retract the brush twist which makes it look longer; this creates more length on your lashes. 

I am really starting to loathe Virginia's size even more than I did when I moved here last year. I just got a call from a talent agency near the outskirts of D.C. saying that they want to schedule an interview. I really want to go do it because then my career in entertainment would take a few tiny steps forward. I'm making a list of things I will do in order to go to the interview in order to persuade my mum. 

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Sunday, February 16, 2014

School Tip #1

I've decided that since I am in college at the moment, every Sunday I shall do a School Tip post. These tips could apply to middle school, high school or college students. 

Tip #1

Always pack your bag ahead of time. Make sure you've printed what you need for the morning and place it in your binder. Place your bag, coat, purse and other supplies on a chair in plain sight so that you know where it is. The best thing about this is that you can grab and go if you're in a hurry! This is helpful because then you aren't running and mucking about the house looking for things you need for the day. You can avoid the chaos by doing this. With that all done, you can make yourself a cup of hot cocoa, a breakfast toast sandwich and grab you lunch for the day.

Hope you enjoyed this post. Please let me know if you want to see different tips like horse tips or more school tips!


Austenland Film Review

Is there anyone out there that love films like Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma or Persuasion? If so, you will love this film. It's set in modern day where a young lady who is passionate about her love with the world of Austen that she takes a "vacation" at a place called Austenland. At Austenland, you talk, dress, act, and such as if you were living in the Regency Era. It is like Pride and Prejudice but modernized; unlike the version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. I swear, if there was a place like Austenland here, I would give anything to go. I adore Jane Austen and her books. They're so wonderful and beautiful. I would have loved to have lived in that era. Watching Austenland also makes me wish for my own Mr. Darcy or Mr. Nobley. Where are men like that today? Why can't fictional characters be real? I fall in love with so many as I read and then people bring them out in films and make me fall even more for them. I hope I find a man like Mr. Darcy…

Birthday Breakfast and Pancakes

Good morning my lovelies! Today is my mum's birthday! My dad and I decided to make her breakfast, he was in charge of eggs and bacon and I was in charge of pancakes. 

Now, pancakes are usually pretty easy for me to make since I made a few batches for my cousins' breakfast one year when I was in Oregon. But sadly, I need practice. 

My tools. I kept the counter pretty clean by placing a plate for the finished pancake and a paper plate for the cup of batter so that the dribbled bits wouldn't be on the counter. 

It looks like a cloud! Haha, nope it's a pancake.

This is probably my best pancake out of the batch. A few also came out good, but sadly I did burn a few. However, they tasted so good. I will definitely use the same pancake mix as I did today in the future. Oh well, I just need to practice in the future. Hey, the key to a man's heart is delicious food. 

Song of the Day

Nouveau Parfum by Boggie. I found this song through Facebook when Cosmopolitan shared it to us. It is a very catching song. By the way, it is in French. But you could find the lyrics on Google, sadly they're still in French but you could just put it in Google Translate. It is a very catching song and you will want to listen to it over and over again.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...