Monday, October 27, 2014

WWU Fall Family Open House October 2014

Fall Family Open House at Western is basically when your parents and siblings come up and you get to give them the personal tour. You can show them where you eat, where your classes are and where you hang out; like the library. My parents came up and they brought my little pal to see me.

I wish I got it on video, but she was so happy to see me you guys. She was telling me her little story (whine fest) of how I've left her at home with the other humans (haha). Each time I had to drive and they had to drive, she was always happy to see me.

This is the place she and I belong; together at college. I hope Western considers trying pet friendly dorms. I may have sent them an article I found earlier this month (hehe). I don't know, she just looks so at home, a lot of other students wanted to pet her.

We then went on a family outing to Downtown Bellingham since we couldn't eat in the dining hall (due to puppy being there). We ended up eating at AB Crepes and talk about food heaven. Their crepes are so delicious. I may even make it a monthly thing with some of my pals. Look how cute MudLynn is under the table. She laydown most of the time, she is such a good puppy.

Repping Western and hanging with the puppy!

This is one of our goodbye pictures. We look so cute, me and my furry baby. I missing her already and basically all the time.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Equestrian Fashion Trend

Equestrian styled fashion is a popular trend going on right now.

The boots are the main attraction in the trend. The boots I am wearing in this photo are by Michael Kors and they have become so popular. I have been wearing these boots so much lately and I love them. I get a couple compliments on them from my classmates. I have been seeing a lot of girls wearing boots similar to these, some even had little spurs on the back. Beige or tan jeans have also become popular since they are the main color of riding breeches. I sometimes can't tell if a girl is a rider or not if she is wearing the boots and jeans. I often get mistaken.

These are boots from the side
The one thing that annoys me with the equestrian fashion trend is that people who aren't equestrians don't do the trend justice. In my opinion, I believe that those who are equestrians can pull of the trend.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New Scarf Project!

The New Scarf!!
• US 9/5.5 mm knitting needles
•Lion Brand Yarns Homespun in Pearls

• First you want to cast on 30 stitches
• Then knit 2, purl 2 (k2,p2)
• Proceed until 

The scarf is coming along nicely. I really like the ribbing. I am thinking of making it into a infinity scarf. the yarn gives it a nice thickness. This will be a great scarf to wear when it gets very cold here in Washington.
Oct. 10, 2014

Today the scarf is almost 18 inches long, but I still have a ways to go. I am knitting it at the moment while I watch Reign on Netflix. I love Netflix, especially since I am in college and have very limited cable. Since it is a rib stitch, I am think of knitting it very long to turn it into an infinity scarf.

Stay tuned for an update later this month.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

What's on My Wish List (Equestrian Version)

What did you want to know that was on my equestrian wish list? Why, a horse of course! No, I'm just kidding around with you.

One thing that is definitely on my wish list is this bridle from the Baroque Horse Store.
BHS "Conde" Bridle
I have been watching Reign which is CW show; the first season is on Netflix. It is a show somewhat based on the life Mary Queen of Scots. Do you know what has been catching my eye in the episodes? The tack they use on the horses! And this bridle is really close to the ones I have been seeing on the show.

I am always looking for a pad that will give comfort to the horses back. I have been seeing a lot of riders using these and I do believe I used one a while ago. They look so fluffy and well cushioned that it provides the horse's back with comfort. I much prefer blue over any other color although black is very chic.

I really want to get into Dressage because I am just not that crazy about jumping anymore.

I really like Bates saddles, they are much nicer than my Wintec, no offence to Wintec. Wintec are more of my practice saddles. I guess that is why I am so drawn to black tack, because of Dressage. That is the main Olympic division I watch when the Summer Olympics are on.
This saddle would look great with the bridle that is on my wish list.

Ariat Challenge Contour Square Toe Zip Field Boot

I have been going crazy over these brown tall boots. They are so gorgeous. I also happen to really love Ariat boots, too. I need these in my equestrian closet. I saw one of the Instagram accounts I follow post this as an item on their wish list and I instantly fell in love. The color just makes the boots look so regal and majestic. Got to have these!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

What am I Wearing Today

Today, my outfit is really what I have been wearing throughout the days since Fall has come to Western. I have been wearing my fashionable Western sweatshirt, paired with jeans and my Michael Kors boots when I am out; but when I am in my room doing work, I simply switch my boots for fuzzy socks. I have so many pairs of fuzzy socks so I have quite the variety. I also like to represent my university in any way I can.
I guess you could call my outfit as a comfy chic.


My Grown-Up Luggage

Ever get tired of normal black luggage? I know I do. Matching luggage is a grown-up key.
This is the luggage that I got as a high school graduation gift. I love it. I just adore the pattern of the PC initials. It reminds me a bit of the Louis Vuitton Luggage. I felt very fancy emerging from the airport with my set of matching luggage. I don't particularly care for unmatched luggage. Matching luggage makes it so much easier to find when getting it from the conveyor belt. Although there are some pieces of luggage on my wish list but they are mainly Louis Vuitton.

Perhaps as I grow older with age and wisdom, I will invest in some more modern (expensive) and chic luggage like the one below.
louis vuitton lv luggage pegase carryon

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is very sunny with a slight chill in the air.
I am thinking… About how I wish my professors had a text book rather than files we have to print out. I feel like I am killing trees every time I print something.

I am thankful… For having an awesome mom who sends me care packages. I have had two and I swear, I eat my way through them.

From the kitchen… Today I had a lovely waffle with strawberries from the dining hall.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my ASUS.

I am watching… Nothing.
Always one of my favorite things… Looking at apartments and writing random plea essays.

I am reading… The Boys in the Boat and the Pitmen Painters.
I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I was able to have a lovely sleep in (I woke up at 11:30) and now I am studying. I will be doing some more homework reading tomorrow and I should hear about the IHSA team practice schedule. Monday, my morning class is cancelled for this week and then I have a quiz in art history. Tuesday, I have my three classes (Jour 190, Seminar, and Native American History). Wednesday, I only have JOUR and Art History. Thursday is just a repeat of Tuesday. Then Friday, I only have my JOUR class. The weekend will just be filled with more studying.
MudLynn Update… My mom just sent me this photo and I miss my baby so much.

College Update… College is going great so far. My time is filled with homework.
Riding Update… I just ordered my gear, and now I have to go drop off my physical forms and dues at the Rec Center.

Friday, October 17, 2014

University Tip: Take Advantage of a Professor's Office Hours

Take Advantage of a Professor's Office Hours

This is a huge thing in university and an important thing students should do. Do you ever struggle on an assignment or project that is due in a few days and need some sort of clarification? Go see your professor. I just recently went to my Journalism professor to get his input on my assignment and I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders because of a few things.
One, he clarified to me that I had to follow a certain order for my variables to follow and two, I found out what my grade could have been if I didn't tweak and fix my assignment. I have to have a certain grade; a high B or an A-. I can't have anything lower than that. I guess you could say that I am a perfectionist in my school work.
Your professor is there for a reason you guys. They're there for clarification and to help if you are struggling in a class. Your professor can tell you whether the assignment is on the right or wrong path and they can also aid you by giving advice to bring it to the best it can be. I've scored A's on high school papers because I went to peer reviews with my teachers.
I hope you take advantage of your professor's hours because it can hugely benefit your grade as well as your peace of mind.


MudLynn and I Won a Contest!

Over the past week, Up Country Inc. was having a contest on Instagram. Since it was over a week, each day had a theme; BeTogether, BeStylish or BeSilly. What we did was tag a photo with the daily hashtag as well as tagging Up Country Inc.'s Instagram in the photo. Then at the end of the week, they pulled a ballot to see who won each day. It was a lot of fun because you got to see all the other adorable entries!

 Anyway, MudLynn and I entered this photo in the contest.

This was my favorite photo of Mud and I together. This was when we went to the Chrysler Museum to see the Duck. This contest made me happy because I could enter photos of MudLynn everyday. Being at college is hard when you miss your furry one.

And then, this is what we won! I am so excited to put this on her! I have been eyeing this sweater for the longest time and I can wait to put it on her. Since we live in Washington, she appreciate the extra warmth when going out for a walk. She is going to be an Anglophile just like Mom and I. Well, she has been an Anglophile since we got her because we give her elevenses. She loves her cookies. I just love Union Jacks, and my baby will strut her stuff in this adorable ensemble!


Be sure to check out Up Country Inc. to see their fantastic products! You can check them out at  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

IHSA Update

Hey everyone! I just thought I would update you on my IHSA team stuff. Monday was my first ever team practice and let me tell you, I am sore in places I never thought I would be sore; my thighs especially. We did so many exercises for our legs, I am definitely going to be doing the gym more often now.

Just to clarify, the pony above is Molly. I rode her in my lesson. She is 12.1 hands tall and just a little bundle of energy! She shares a stall with a little mini who is adorable!

Before we went to tack up for the lesson, we did a little workout. We did 40 squats, 40 crunches and a 30 second plank. The team officers are really pushing for rider fitness and I totally agree with them. We riders don't want to pull a muscle while riding when we have a show the next day. Once we finished that, we then went a tacked up and waited for our tack check. Basically, our trainer Kim comes and checks our tack and makes sure everything is in order before we get on the horses.

Once we were on the horses (I was in a group of 3), we warmed up the horses by walking in both directions. Then we started our mounted exercises, which were very brutal. We started with marching steps; we basically lifted each leg one at a time without scratching the tack. Then we did frog kicks where we picked up both legs, opened them and put them down. After that we did an exercise where we lifted both legs up in order to touch our knees over the horses withers. All of these exercises were beneficiary for our hips and core strength.

We then did exercises for our upper body. We started with arm circles in both directions for both arms. You definitely feel it in your shoulder as well as the muscle on your side. We then did some stretches on the horses. We would lean forward from our waist, touch the horses ear and then rotate to touch the rump. And might I add, it is very difficult doing that exercise on a 12.1 hand pony because I felt like I was going to fall over her head while leaning and touching her ear.

Once we finished warming up and stretching, it came time for exercises at the trot. We did exercises where we sat 2x or 3x and then stood our stirrups 2x or 3x. This helps build up leg strength. We then worked on slowing the trot for 5 strides while sitting and then maintaining that speed at a posting trot. At the canter we did something similar. While cantering, we would sit and stand every other stride, basically posting every other stride. That was probably my favorite because I really loved Molly's canter. Such a great little rocking horse canter.

But other than that, I just ordered my team gear! Once my mom brings up my checks, I will pay my riding dues and then my gear costs as well as turn in my physical. I am so excited for the first show in November!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

University Tip: How to Keep that Sick-Free Streak

Tip #3: How to Keep that Sick-Free Streak
Is there anyone out there that usually gets sick once every school year? Well, you're not alone because I am right with you. So far, I've gotten sick every year of high school except for senior year. With this being my Freshman (technically my second year) of college, I am starting to feel a bit under the weather. 
Here are some of my tips on how to beat that nasty cold once the sore throat hits you.
Drink Lots of Liquids
Liquids are a huge must to keeping the sore throat well lubricated. These liquids would be a juice like orange juice, water and Sprite. Those are the three that I mainly drink when I'm sick. A friend of mine recommended tea but I am not a tea drinker. Orange juice is a good source of Vitamin C which helps your body fight when your sick. I have been drinking so much Orange Juice that I will probably turn into an orange.
Stay Warm
If it's cold out and you can sense a cold coming, wear warm clothes, warm shoes like UGGS or slippers and have a blanket on your lap or wrapped around your shoulders. I've been wearing a long sleeved shirt and sweater with jeans and UGG boots all day as well as having a blanket on me. I can't wait till my mom brings me my flannel sheets later this month. Another way I like to stay warm is by having either a heating pad or my dog on my lap, but sadly I have neither due to living in the dorm. The best thing to do is layer up on clothes.
Eat a Good Meal and Healthy Snacks
I've been eating so much fruit today, but that's a good thing. I bought some Honey Crisp apples from Fred Meyer and they are the best! I also loaded my plate during dinner at the dining hall with a lot of protein and veggies. I had some delicious pork, rice with black beans, and steamed broccoli. I am going to have soup tomorrow for lunch if I don't make it to the dining hall on time. I LOVE soup, especially tomato soup.
Take the Necessary Cold Medicine
I have been taking a couple doses of Dayquil during the day and then Nyquil at night. Thank goodness I went to get some medicine from Fred Meyer. I also had some cough drops that my neighbor gave me this morning, she was an angel! I am going to be taking some Nyquil before I go to bed.

So since it is 10:30 at night, my throat does feel a bit better; not as scratchy as it was this morning when I woke up. Use these tips and you'll feel better by the end of the day or the next morning!

Good Luck!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is cold to me right now. I am huddled like an eskimo in my blanket and UGG boots.
I am thinking… About how I wish my professors had a text book rather than files we have to print out. I feel like I am killing trees every time I print something.
I am thankful… For having an awesome mom who sends me care packages. I have had two and I swear, I eat my way through them.
From the kitchen… I had some lovely tomato soup and I am drinking some water.
I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my ASUS and iTunes playing.
I am watching… Nothing.
Always one of my favorite things… Looking at apartments and writing random plea essays.
I am reading… The Boys in the Boat and the Pitmen Painters.
I am making… Nothing.
I am writing… This blog post!
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I had the mock show/ lunch at the Westby barn and now I am studying. I will be doing some more homework reading tomorrow and I should hear about the IHSA team practice schedule. Monday, my morning class is cancelled for this week and then I have a quiz in art history. Tuesday, I have my three classes (Jour 190, Seminar, and Native American History). Wednesday, I only have JOUR and Art History. Thursday is just a repeat of Tuesday. Then Friday, I only have my JOUR class. The weekend will just be filled with more studying.
MudLynn Update… I miss my baby. My mom sends me photos of her and I just miss her more and more each day. Can't wait till Thanksgiving break to see her.
College Update… College is going great so far. My time is filled with homework.
Riding Update… I got on the team if anyone didn't hear and hopefully the practice schedule will be out soon!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

WWU VU Late Night: Warm Brownie Sundae Night

Yesterday was Warm Brownie Sundae Night. Who could even resist this?! I am a huge sugar lover and I overloaded it with rainbow jimmies, chocolate sauce, vanilla ice cream and vanilla wafers. Doesn't my brownie sundae look delicious? I ate it all because of how delicious it was. Mainly cause of the ice cream. I love ice cream. That is my life right there.
I love going to the Late Nights because there is always good food. WWU has awesome food. They had bacon this morning for breakfast and I was so super happy.

My Post-College Number 1 Goal

Does anyone else have that one goal that they want to do after they graduate college? I know I do. My goal after college is to adopt a Mustang from the BLM and to train it. I see so many that are up for adoption on the BLM's online adoption gallery. Many of them are so beautiful it is quite astounding.
Photo Credit
This what the photos look like on the BLM's online adoption page. This mare really caught my eye. I just love her sorrel color, especially with what I think is a flaxen mane. Just gorgeous.
I just love the idea of bonding with a horse that is somewhat trained, but still needs miles and a bond with their own human.

University Tips

I know I may have started a college tips themed post, but that was when I was in community college and it was not as hard as university. University courses require so much of your attention and devotion, so I thought I would start a University Tips blog post during my time at Western.

I am doing two tips today. I felt empowered to do so.
#1: Homework Devotion
Homework is a huge part of your overall grade. It helps you become prepared for what be talked about in the next class. I dedicate a lot of my time right now high lighting and reading textbooks as well as making notecards for my Art History class.
My Art History notecards
My note cards are basically photos printed on printer paper and then on the back I wrote the main points and key facts for each of the paintings. I might be getting a laminator to laminate them to make them look better and easier to transport.
#2: Assignment Due Dates
This is my favorite right now because I just a Word doc of all my important assignment due dates for the quarter.
This Word doc is set up by days of the week for me, not by months. This makes it easier for me because I can go down by day, not by month. It covers  about 2 pages. The orientation is landscape which makes it easier to follow. My due dates are put in red to help emphasize the urgency for me to do my homework every night.
My last tip for you, be yourself and be the best you want to be.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

College Care Package #2

GUYS! I GOT A HALLOWEEN CARE PACKAGE FROM MY MOM. I honestly feel like I ma the only one on my floor whose mom sends care packages... Oh well, I'll share with my friends. But aren't the box flaps cute? My mom loves Pinterest ideas as do I, and this was adorable.

NOTE: My mom sent two of nearly everything. I just took a photo of one thing.

I love m&m's. Any kind, but the minis are the best! Can't wait to eat them later!
Oh my gosh, when I took these out of the box, I jumped for joy. I love s'mores and this was even better. I can't wait to try these because they look delicious.

I also got some Candy Corn. One was the classic Candy Corn and the others were Starburst flavored Candy Corn.

I also got some Peeps Marshmallow Ghosts for when I have Hot Chocolate!

A classic for me are Snickers Bites. Snickers are my favorite candy.

Two awesome movies I got from my mom are It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and Bewitched The Complete Season. I am so excited to watch these when I have down time. It will be the perfect way to relax.

One of my favorites in my package were the mini Spaghetti O's. I have a huge addiction and obsession with Spaghetti O's. They were part of my childhood and I can't imagine my life without them.

These are so delicious! I am so excited for when I watch my movies because I will be eating these as my late snacks!
The only thing I don't have a photo of are my fuzzy socks. They are Halloween colored and I love them. My mom sent me three. I swear my sock drawer is already overflowing.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


GUYS!! I made the team! I am so excited! I now need to get my mom a directors chair with the name "show mom" on it for when she comes for shows. Meeting on Tuesday for more info on the future! So excited to compete again!
Thank you to the Western Washington University IHSA Team Officers for this, I can't wait to get to know you more in the future!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

WWU IHSA Team Tryouts Outfit!

Top: Red Old Navy Polo Shirt
Breeches: Equistar
Gloves: Ariat
Tall Boots: Ariat
Helmet: JR8

My outfit for tryouts consisted of some classic pieces of course. I wore a red polo short from Old Navy. This is a great buy because it is comfy and slimming as well, not at all baggy. My breeches are from The Equine Shoppe in Poulsbo, WA; they're made by Equistar. I quite like the corduroy styled fabric, it creates some friction when riding. My boots and gloves are made by Ariat and you guys already know that Ariat is my favorite brand; plus I'd like to work with them one day maybe after college or apply for an internship. And lastly and most importantly, is my JR8 helmet from Dover Saddlery. 
I am so excited for this you guys! I have had a taste of what it is like riding on a team and I loved it. I pray I get on the team because I would love to ride and compete with others from WWU as well as do volunteer work. I might do some research to volunteer at a therapeutic riding center again. I did it in Rhode Island at Greenlock Therapeutic Riding Center and I truly enjoyed working with the kids along with bonding with the therapists, other volunteers, the therapists dogs and the horses.

The horse I rode in my try out is a Thoroughbred named Koffee and his name works amazing with his dark black coat. He was such a good boy even though he very nervous and a bit hyper. I did get a few compliments from some of the riders on the club board as well as the barn's trainer. I felt proud. I will find out tomorrow if I make the team!

I am so sorry that the photos are blurry! But, they make me happy!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why I Think that Students Should Have a Pet in Their Residence Hall

When you think of going away for college, what are some of the first things you'll miss? For me, it is definitely my dog and my parents. We students are leaving our homes to a totally new and strange place where we will learn more things in order to obtain a degree for a well paying job.

But sometimes, don't you wish you could take something from home to the dorm?

I was reading a couple of good pros and cons on HerCampus about having a pet during college. They were really the basic key points that you and I would know.

Pets In College- Top Three Pros
1. They’re fuzzy, adorable, and make great cuddle buddies!
-They do make good cuddle buddies. I would much rather cuddle with my dog than to a pillow.

2. They’ll make you laugh on a stressful, hard day. Have you ever watched a dog try to eat a bone with a cone around his head? It’s hilarious.
-Dogs do bring out the laughs in us if we are having a bad day. They just make the day 10x better.

3. If you’re bad at fitting in exercise into your daily routine, a pet is like a personal trainer. You have to take them on daily walks or runs. You’ve got a new workout buddy!
-This is such a huge issue for me because I can't go to the gym unless I go with somebody because if I don't, I'll procrastinate at my workouts.

Pets In College- Top Three Cons
1. THEY ARE EXPENSIVE! Vet visits, food, toys, and damage repair… it all adds up pretty quick!
-Yes, I totally agree that they are expensive. But if your dog is well trained to not destroy anything then your fine. When it comes to vet, food and toy expenses, you will have a mental note to not buy those $100 shoes you see in the window because you have dog expenses to take care off.

2. They need a lot of love and entertainment. College schedules and spontaneity aren’t always the best fit for pets that need someone home loving them and taking them for walks.
-Now this is a little issue for me. As college students, you can make your schedule so that it works for you. You can make it to have three classes a day (morning, afternoon and evening classes) so that they can be spaced out enough for you to spend time with them.

3. They’re destructive. I think the song “Wrecking Ball” is Buoy’s (my brother's dog) anthem. He means well, but his tail and teeth like to knock down and tear up everything.
- Sorry HerCampus, but this is pretty biased. Not all dogs are destructive. Mine isn't. The only times my dog has destroyed something was when she was a puppy. And there are things such as crates to train them into thinking it is their safe place as well as the place they go to if you have to leave.

My Thoughts
Now, when it comes to living in college; I think students should have a dog with them for the emotional needs of the other dorm mates.

Dogs are a huge stress reliever for students who are cramming on homework or exams. They also provide a form of responsibility because if a student is on scholarship, they know in order to keep their dog and scholarship, the student has to make good grades.

When it comes to the dorm, I have some idea on what colleges could do. I think dorms that have hardwood or tiled floors (like my dorm) should be able to have a pet. If there are dorms with carpet, then the students should make sure that their pets are house trained and don't soil the carpet.

Also pets allowed to live in the dorms must be friendly, well trained, and not vocal all the time. The dogs must also have their shot records up to date.

Another good idea for this if universities decide to allow this is to make students to pay and pet fee of $300/quarter. This way, if they do destroy something, they have money to fix it. Many apartments and hotels charge people to pay a pet fee before they come into the apartment or hotel.

These are just different things that universities can look at if they are thinking of allowing students to have dogs in the residence halls.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...