Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Keep your pets safe and avoid a vet visit this Thanksgiving by not giving these foods to your pets.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Vaulting and the Vaulting Clinic

Are you a gymnast who loves horses or an equestrian who loves gymnastic? Well, did you know there is a sport out there that combines both gymnastics and horses? Bet you didn't! It s called vaulting and it is literally gymnastics on horseback.

Faith, one of the horses we used.
Oh my goodness, I was so happy that I did the clinic today. I would have been gutted if I didn't. I learned a lot in this clinic, but mainly the mount and poses for vaulting.

The mount is basically swinging your leg up and pointing your head down; but on the third swing, you mount up.

Next, we learned some of the cool poses.

The first pose is the standard seat.

 This was very interesting because some of the elements battle against the way we learned to ride. So just like sitting deep on your bum, instead of heals down, it was toes down. I got the hang of it though because it was an element that helped you stay quiet on the horses back.

The next pose we learned was the flag.

So for this pose we use our outside leg and inside hang to form the flag. You start at the standard seat, get onto your knees, bring your leg up with your knee turned to the inside and then bring your hand and arm up. You want to make sure you are keep your weight spread throughout your shin as well as keeping your elbow bent to absorb some of the motion coming from the horses movement.

The next pose is the windmill.

The windmill is very similar to around-the-world, except that you have to perform this slowly to make it look more crisp and clean.

The fourth pose we learned was the stand.

This is basically standing on the horse's back. You start in the sitting position, move up onto your knees and slowly make your way into the standing position. The key point in this pose is to keep your knees bent to absorb the motion from the horse. I was able to stand for 4 seconds at the walk and almost 4 seconds at the trot.

The last pose we learned was the candlestick.

For this pose, you start at the sitting position and then turn around half the windmill until you are facing the butt of the horse. Then, you get up onto your feet while holding onto the bars and point on leg up into the air.

This was an awesome clinic and I was so happy that the officers organized it for us. I had an amazing time and learned so many new things.

If you want to learn how to vault, check out Warm Beach Vaulters

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Hello everyone! Ladies, I have an announcement that will excite you! Nordstroms Online now officially carries Christian Louboutin shoes! Ah! Go grab a pair quickly! The preorders are going out of stock in many sizes!

These red soled babies want to be in your closet!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Three L's

Just as a heads up, I have decided to re-do this by doing it every Friday but by the alphabet.

Today's Letter: A
I like apples. I only like two types of apples; the honey crisp and the granny smith apples. Honey crisps are so sweet and juicy and then the granny smiths are sour and delicious. I don't like apples that have a bland taste, it has to be really sweet or really sour.

I love being an Anglophile. Personally, I love anything British. I've been to England a few times and I loved it so much. I can't wait to go in 2016 for Christmas. I need to start saving up for some things to take with me, or maybe even some first class tickets. That would be a cool experience. I watch so many British comedy and dramas and I love British food like Cadbury and Fish and Chips with Mushy Peas. Golly, it makes me hungry.

I loathe arachnids. They're just so creepy and disgusting. I mean, I don't freak out about them at the dorm because I just grab a shoe and smash it. But I loathe how people in the dorm make arachnids such a big deal. Two girls screamed bloody murder over one in the stair well. Just take your shoe and SMASH it.

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is very sunny with very chilly nip in the air.
I am thinking… My meeting on Monday and also about how much my thighs are killing me from No-Stirrup November.

I am thankful… That there are only 10 more days until I go home for Thanksgiving.

From the kitchen… Today, I had cereal, water and apple juice at the dining hall this morning/afternoon.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Mac.

I am watching… Nothing.
Always one of my favorite things… Looking at real estate listings in the Upper West Side of NYC; my current goal.

I am reading… A autobiography on Mabel McKay.
I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I was able to have a lovely sleep in and now I am writing this post as well as getting some studying in. Tomorrow, it will be probably be the same as today. Monday, I have class, a meeting with ResLife and then a team practice (again without stirrups). Tuesday, I have class and a team meeting. Wednesday, I have class. Thursday, I have class. Friday, I have no classes but I have a team practice in the morning. And then the weekend are my days of rest and studying.
MudLynn Update… My mom just told me that my dog was at the vet because she hurt her tail. 

I mis my little pooch. 

College Update… College is going great so far. My time is filled with homework but my grades are super so far, just studying for two quizzes and reading a book for an essay.
Riding Update… I just got some of my gear. I got the vest, jacket, headband, and sweatpants. I'm just waiting on the sweatshirt.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

University Tip: Save TV for the End of the Day

Save TV for the End of the Day

Do you love watching television or Netflix on your breaks in between classes? I bet you do. It's a way for you to relax during a hard class. But did you know it can cause your grades to falter? This really depends on this person. For example, I study better during the day between classes rather than late at night. In between my classes, I read my upcoming readings, study for quizzes or tests, write an essay, and work on assignments I have on Canvas.

Here is my tip for you. Write down all your homework that you want to get done that day and once it is all checked off and finished to its fullest; go watch your favorite show! That is what I have been doing. I finished an essay, studied for an Art History quiz, and read and I took notes on the book that I am reading for my analytical essay. I barely watch TV until around 8:30 at night. Having TV time at the end of the day is the perfect time to relax and just let the tension out.

Remember, college is about getting your diploma and yes, about having fun with friends.


Christmas Fever and it's not even Thanksgiving…

Hark the Herald Angels- wait it's not even past Thanksgiving!

I am not going to lie, but I am already listening to Christmas music. I know it's bad since Thanksgiving hasn't passed yet, but it's so addicting. Right now, I am still at the dorm waiting to go home for Thanksgiving next week, but I am so excited for Christmas. I can't wait to listen to music and Christmas movies when my mom and I decorate the Christmas tree while MudLynn sleeps in front of our fireplace.
Here are some reason why I am excited.
#1: I Decorated my Dorm
My mom gave me some wrapping paper, snowflakes, tinsel garland, little ornaments and a wall hanging to decorate my dorm room and door. I have received comments on how pretty my door is from some of the RAs that are on duty at night.
#2: Christmas Music
I listen to a lot of different artists around Christmas. Right now, it's Pentatonix who are an amazing acapella group. I highly recommend that you check them out on YouTube or on iTunes. You will be blown away with the astounding talent that they have. The one song that will blow your mind is Little Drummer Boy; definitely check that one out.
#4: Starbucks
To be brutally honest, I love Christmas at Starbucks only for their holiday cups. I will try the Peppermint Mocha soon though. It's sounds really delicious. But the stores come out with the new mugs, thermoses and ornaments for Christmas! They also have adorable gift card envelopes in the shape of a small holiday cup. It's just adorable.
I am a huge weirdo, but I love wrapping paper. There are just so many different colors, patterns and styles of wrapping paper. This year, I believe we are going in a red and gold color hue for wrapping paper; my favorite Christmas colors.

My mom is already out shopping around. When it hit December 1st, my mom brings out Edward, our Elf on the Shelf. She puts him in a different area of the house each day for me to find and she uses Pinterest for ideas! Pinterest is so evil yet awesome. It's a lot of fun for me because I go all over the house looking for him, sometimes I don't see him. She just bought Edward his little sweater (bottom right) since it looked very Norwegian like Poulsbo. I want to get Edward his Elf Pet Reindeer, it is so cute! Did I also mention that I have an Elf on the Shelf tumblr? I DO!

Do you have a mischievous elf in your home?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My Study Tips

Since finals are coming up, I decided to share some of my study tips.

#1. Make Notecards
I do this a lot and it really helps me. I did it for History and now I do it for Art History. I highly encourage you to try this because it will truly benefit your grade on your next exam. It benefits me greatly on my Art History quizzes which are every Monday this quarter.

#2. Study with Others from your Class
This is something I am going to take advantage for my Indian History class, but I already use this for my other three classes. This is a great thing to do. You and your group members can discuss certain topics you're having trouble with or you can quiz each other on pieces of art. 

#3. Take Hardcore Notes
Notes are so important in university. They are the basis of your studying and exam prep. When I am reviewing a power point my Journalism professor posts on Canvas, I pause it every few minutes to write down certain points so that I may be able to study them during a break between classes or during lunch.

#4. Stay on Top of the Syllabus
Staying on top of the syllabus proves you are a hardworking and hardcore student and plus, you won't forget what work you need to do and you won't be confused on what reading your professor is talking about. Plus, you can also get ahead on readings and any videos you have on the syllabus.

#5. Take 5 Minute Breaks from your Computer Screen
Looking at your computer screen for 4 hours straight will really hurt your eyes and possibly give you a headache. I know the feeling, and promise me to try to avoid a headache before finals. Just close your eyes for ten minutes to rest them from the stress of gazing at a screen for so long. Or you can get a eye mask like the ones they give you on the airplane and put it over your eyes to immerse yourself in darkness.


Winter Outfit of the Day

CoatSweater (similar)JeansUggs
Good afternoon everyone! It is 4 degrees above freezing here in Bellingham! Quite chilly wouldn't you say so? I am finally starting to wear more layers. 

My outfit of the day consists of my lovely Barbour jacket, a Forever 21 sweater (cuffs shown), J. Crew Jeans and my favorite Tall Brown Ugg Boots. This is probably what I will be wearing for the rest of the year, along with the addition of a hat, scarf and gloves to ensure extra warmth. However, Ugg boots are a must in winter. They definitely keep your toes warm. I wore them at the WSU (Washington State University) horse show and my feet never froze. Also, this Barbour coat I am wearing is so warm. It really is a shield against the wind. J Crew jeans are the best because they mold to your legs as if they were a second skin. They also fit perfectly when I pull my Uggs on. Some jeans that I wear twist sideways in my boots when I am walking and it gets rather irritating. 

Add a Barbour coat, J. Crew Jeans and Ugg Boot to your Winter Wardrobe; you won't regret it!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veteran's Day everyone! Huge thank you to our men and women in uniform who are fighting for a country to help keep us and our country safe. We owe you everything.

Monday, November 10, 2014

No-Stirrup November

Oh my goodness gracious you guys. It's No-Stirrup November at my barn and I don't know if I will survive. I have done no-stirrup work in the past, but I have not done it in the past year. My thighs are killing me. I literally found a bruise from where I was squeezing the saddle. Basically, I tend to find bruises of whom the cause is unknown. It's very weird cause I find them in the weirdest places where I never thought I would get a bruise.

Photo Credit
When I came home from the lesson, I seriously texted some of my guy friends to ask for assistance in pulling my boots off and trust me, I couldn't do it on my own. It hurts just to bend over. However, I have been doing some stretches this evening to help loosen up my inner thigh muscles. I like doing the butterfly stretch because it stretches both legs at the same time.
I do not know how I will survive this month's worth of practices. I am going to the gym tomorrow so I am definitely going to go hard at the gym. I am going to try to go at least 2-3 times a week. Lots of cardio (running) and muscle building (thigh adductors and rowing machine). As well as some ab work and stretching, along with a wall sit or two. I need to strengthen my core and legs for riding. 

Photo Credit
Along with my routine to get fitter, I need to eat healthier. I need to deny the french fries in the dining hall and try to go for a salad and a side of protein. Along with that I definitely need to drink more water. I drank so much water today before the practice, I had to use the loo at least three times.

Photo Credit
What's the best thing that comes out of this No-Stirrup November, healthy eating and fitness regime? A healthy immune system, thighs as strong as iron, and balance that cannot be shaken. I honestly can't wait to see what I look like riding after this month. 

Since it is winter, my tip for you is: Do not wear fleece breeches when doing No-Stirrup November; you will be slipping and sliding everywhere.


It's almost Thanksgiving, but it's almost Christmas!

Guys! I decorated my dorm door!

I love my door. It looks so spectacular and elegant. My mom is the best since she got me the decorations. I sent her a picture and she loved it. The door is wrapped in wrapping paper, then on the wrapping paper there is a paper tree and many snowflakes. Around the door frame, there are little ornaments on the top half. And then lastly there is tinsel garland lining the door as well as my room number. 

My neighbor has her door decorated already, so that is 2 doors on my hallway.

Did you decorate for Christmas already?


My Show Must-Haves

We all have those things that we need for horse shows, but we are particular on certain things. Since I am riding in IHSA (International Horse Show Association) shows, I don't need a lot of things to take to the show; I only need a few things.

Along with my show clothes, here are some things that are must-haves at a show.

#1: Shoe Polish and Buffing Cloths
These are a must because a judge and your trainer loves shiny boots. Shiny boots make the whole look a lot more professional. Buffing clothes make it easy to polish the boot while on the horse waiting to go into your class.

#2: String
Being on a team, it is always good to have an extra strings. The strings are for tying your show number around the waist. I find them nicer than safety pins.

#3: Sewing Kit
THIS IS IMPORTANT TO HAVE IN YOUR SHOW BOX. It always comes in handy for when a button comes off your show jacket or show shirt. One of the girls on the riding team actually borrowed it since a button came off of her shirt.

#4: Hairnet and Extras
Hairnets are important because you have to have your hair up in your helmet, neat and tidy. It is a rule in hunt seat riding; hair up off the neck. When you have extra hair nets, you are the prime suspect when someone needs one; but that's a good thing.

#5: An extra pair of breeches
This happened to me this weekend at the WSU horse show. Once I was dressed in my show clothes, I found a hole in my breeches and I didn't have another pair. Having an extra pair is vitally important in case you come across a hole in your breeches.

#6: A Warm Blanket
The show this weekend was rather cold, so a blanket and multiple layers is truly advised if the show is in the winter. Flannel or fleece blankets are the best.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Collage of MudLynn

This is what I end up doing when I have spare time or when I am taking a break from my studying.

Fotor is a great way to make collages, edit photos and do many other things that I haven't yet explored in the app. I am currently making a new one of the stores that MudLynn has been in. So far, it is only two and they were Home Depot and Lowe's.

Fall Outfit of the Day

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a lovely day. I thought I would share with you my Fall Outfit of the Day. For starters, I am wearing my Barbour jacket. I loved this jacket because it is very country chic and also because the brand is worn by the Royal Family of England. The tag on the inside has the crests of Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales. I got this jacket when I was at the Washington International Horse Show, I feel so fancy in it. I can feel my English genes coming to the surface because I miss England so much. I can't wait to go in 2016.
Underneath my lovely coat is my Western Washington shirt. I am sorry, I do not have a photo of it. I will get one for you all later. 
Lastly are my jeans and booties. My jeans are probably my favorite for two reasons. One, they're J. Crew; and two, they fit the best. They're like a second skin, I like them more than my Topshop jeans. Lastly, there are the booties. I have been wearing these so much lately, they're so comfy. They don't cause my feet any pain, which is a huge plus when I buy shoes. Plus, they're Old Navy and I love Old Navy!

I hope you enjoyed this post!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

October 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag Product Review

Here is everything that was in October's Ipsy Bag. AH, so many awesome products! I hope you enjoy this review.

City Color Be Mate Lipstick

I absolutely love this lipstick. It is perfect because I have been needing a matte lipstick. I recommend putting chap stick on first so that the product glides on smoothly.

Figs and Rouge Hand Cream

This is a wonderful hand cream. I like that the packaging is bright and fun because it helps attract the eye. I also liked the fragrance. It's subtle but not over bearing at all. But, if you are sensitive to creams with a fragrance, I don't recommend this for you. I like things from the UK and when I saw the "Made in the UK,"I jumped in happiness. The cream is also very lovely, it leaves your hands all nice and soft. Definitely a five star product. 

Doll 10 H2Glo Highlighter 

I honestly didn't know how to use this, but I tried it out in a few spots on my face. I used it on the bridge of my nose and along my cheekbones. I liked that it highlighted those features. This is another makeup item that I used during Halloween for my cat costume.

Ecru New York Acacia Protein BB Cream Beauty Balm for Hair

I just used this last night and my hair feels a lot better than what it did the night before. This morning, it felt soft and sleeker than used to be. I really like this product and I will be using the product every night I shower, which is really every other night. Five star product ladies!

Skyn Iceland Mini Glacial Cleansing Cloths 

These cloths are quite the cold wake up. It instantly woke me up this morning since I woke up a bit later than usual. They made my skin feel chilly but rather refreshed. I am definitely going to use these in the mornings before my 9 am class. Five star product ladies.

Join me and subscribe to Ipsy at 


University Tip : Meet with Your Counselor

Meet with Your Counselor

Meeting with your counselor is extremely important as it is to meet with your professor. This is based off of my experience since I have met with my counselor. 
  • For one thing, they get to know you and your goals. When a counselor knows what your goals are, they also know how to help you reach them by throwing things like clubs and maybe possible internships in the future.
  • Also, they are there for any questions you may have. These could be questions about extra help/tutoring, questions on who to talk to on your major's track and what classes to take, and also who they could put you in contact with for things like questions on your major, about a club or sport.
  • Today, my counselor helped figure how many more classes to take, how many quarters it'll take to finish my major and minor as well as when I can register for my classes.
  • They can also pull up the major you are taking and tell you what classes you have to take.
  • By having them talk to you about your academics, it helps them and you to think of ways to make you grades better.
Your counselor is there for you anytime you need their help. Go talk to them, you might even like their company. They just want to know how your classes are going, what you expect your grades to be and how you can make them the grades you want. It never hurts to go talk to your counselor. A lot of things can be solved by them. 


Monday, November 3, 2014

September 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag Product Review

Crown Brush Infinity Shadow/Crease Duet Brush

This is an excellent brush. I just used this on Halloween when I was making leopard spots on the sides of my face. They came out really well. Also, it is a great crease brush because it blends the shadows in so smoothly. Definitely a five star product. I highly recommend that you add this to your brush sets ladies.

Cailyn Art Touch Tinted Lip Gloss

I really loved this lip gloss. It's not gooey or sticky, but smooth and creamy. This shade is not at all dark, but a somewhat darker red which is so beautiful. It really complimented my skin tone on so many levels. I also wore this with my Halloween makeup, I was cat.

Pacifica Natural Water-proof Eyeliner Pencil

Now, I am not a silver eye liner kind of gal, but this worked so well for me. It isn't really silver on my skin tone, it is more of a gunmetal shade. It brightens my eye when I line my eyes in wings. I really loved this product. I have started to become a Pacifica fan, and the love for Pacifica is growing. Five star product ladies.

Nourish Organic Moisturizing Cream Face Cleanser

I loved this cleanser! Plus I really love Nourish Organic. Their products are just so gentle on the skin and make the skin super soft. This cleanser works fabulous with my Clarisonic (highly recommend it)  and it foams up very well. My skin has been feeling so smooth since I started using it yesterday. I am loving it. Five star product.

Mitchell and Peach Luxury Hand Cream

I love this hand cream out of all the creams I have been using so far. It makes my hands so soft, especially since the weather is getting cold and skin starts to get dry. It doesn't leave your hands all sticky and gross, but soft and silky. Five star product. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… The weather is very sunny with a chill in the air.
I am thinking… About how I wish my professors had a text book rather than files we have to print out. I feel like I am killing trees every time I print something.

I am thankful… For having an awesome mom who sends me care packages. I have had two and I swear, I eat my way through them.
From the kitchen… Today, I had chips and hot chocolate.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my ASUS and the tv playing a movie.

I am watching… Captain America : The Winter Soldier.
Always one of my favorite things… Looking at apartments and kind of nagging WWU's social media and email about trying pet friendly dorms..

I am reading… The Pitmen Painters.
I am making… Nothing.

I am writing… This blog post!
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… Today, I was able to have a lovely sleep in, now I'm enjoying some movies my mom sent me. Tomorrow I have my classes as well as a meeting with a counselor and then riding in the evening. Tuesday, classes and a riding team meeting; I am hoping we get our team gear soon. Wednesday, classes again. Thursday is the same. Friday though, I have a morning lesson and then we leave for the WSU IHSA Show. I AM SO EXCITED! Then the weekend is the show, and my mommy is coming to watch me!  
MudLynn Update… My mom just sent me this photo and I miss my baby so much. But, when do I not miss my dog?

College Update… College is going great so far. My time is filled with homework but my grades are super so far, just waiting for my Native American History midterm grade.
Riding Update… I just paid for all my gear and team dues as well as get my driver's license scanned for driving purposes.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...