Sunday, September 27, 2015


Hey everyone! I want to tell you guys some big news! Well, it's not huge but it's awesome news! I am now a writer for the Odyssey. The Odyssey is an online platform where writers can write what matters to them. The majority of the writers are between the ages of 18-34. Might I also add that the CEO, Evan Burns was recently in the 2015 30 Under 30!

Once my article for this week gets published, I will be posting the website here for you to go read it and explore the other talented writers.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Life Last Week 2015-4

1. School started! Yay! No more boredom.

2. I had multiple FaceTime dates with my Nina! Almost every morning before school. She makes the day start off on a good note.

3. I love my professors for my three classes! They are all fabulous and humorous.

4. I got to go do manual labor at the barn and ride Molly the Super Pony! She is a blast to jump!

5. Sam Smith released his song "Writing's On the Wall", which is the Bond theme song for Spectre. It is absolutely fantastic and addicting. I've been listening to it all Friday morning and afternoon. It's a love song, which makes it different but unique.

1. I have a lot of reading homework to get through... Sad face, but I have to work really hard from this year on forward.

2. Canvas was down when I got home on Friday. Time to read books.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

First Day of Junior Year

Perks of a selfie stick? Haha, but this is my outfit today. I'm going to the gym with Johanna after my classes because I need to get back on that routine. It'll be a Tuesday-Thursday thing since I'm there till 4. 

Mud will spend her time sleeping until I come home at 5 to feed her and tell her about my day.

She is currently looking out the window to see if anyone is out there. That's her spot when I leave. 

For anyone else who is starting classes today, have an awesome day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Quarter Starts When? TOMORROW?!

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Oh my gosh you guys, the quarter starts this Thursday! My mind is half screaming in terror and half shrieking with excitement!

I am so excited to start though! Here are some tips to make that first day amazing!

1. Pack your backpack the night before. Less hassle when searching for that textbook.

2. Put a few little snacks in your bag (ex. KIND bar or an Erin Baker's Breakfast cookie).

3. Taking the bus? Got an app that tells you the bus schedule? DOWNLOAD IT.

4. Lay your first day outfit out the night before, less stress in finding something to wear the next day.

5. Don't forget your wallet! It's got your cash and student ID in it!

6. Get a good night's sleep the night before, don't want to be cranky in the morning!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Life of a College Student: Accepting Free Things at the Info Fair

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To be quite honest, I love stuff that is free.  Like, being in college; bills are tight, sometimes there is no time to work, you're always hungry and looking for some sweet deals. The WWU Info Fair is where to go for free stuff and good deals.

I scored 2 plastic cups, two packets of ramen, two things of floss, a mini toothpaste, a toothbrush, a bottle opener, Cheez-its, cookies, a button, coupons, sunglasses, raffle tickets, and event notices! I did also score free deodorant at the Rec. Center, which was pretty awesome.

 I now have a bin under my sink that is holding all my travel items (miniature versions) and extra toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss. I also have a tupperware that holds all the little snack goodies that I got for free. I mean, free food is the best kind of food. Plus, free beauty items like toothbrushes or toothpaste are amazing because you have the little backups so you don't have to buy them at the store.

I actually took MudLynn to the first day of the info fair yesterday and she had so many people pet her and tell me how cute she is. I feel like a proud parent. But, Mud just has that face that says, "I am adorable, pet me."

Up Country Contest

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that MudLynn has been entered in an Up Country Inc. Contest! Please go and vote for her!

Her mommy would greatly appreciate it! It would be a dream come true if she could become a catalog model for Up Country and win a photoshoot, portrait and gift basket.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Barn Dog Extraodinaire

So this past Sunday, I got to work a shift to cover for someone who had a conflict and I decided to take MudLynn with me. And let me tell you, she was fabulous.

She did her thing and went off to sniff the whole place, but she didn't run away or anything. She came when I whistled and called her name. As I turned out horses, she would follow me out to the pasture. She likes being with her mom. MudLynn was great around the horses, too! She would sniff when I opened a door to put a horse out but backed away because they would breathe on her. Although she did go in some of the runs that had horses, but she didn't bug them and they were completely unfazed by her presence. 

As I cleaned stalls and runs, she would either lay in the grass or in one of the runs. She is such a great barn dog. She did get muddy and dirty but I cleaned her up. MudLynn ended up sleeping the rest of the day away on her bed. It was a very busy day. In the end, I love that my trainer lets me take her to work with me.

It's nice to have a furry pup to keep you company as you work.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

MudLynn Around Campus Take 2

MudLynn and I walked all over campus today on our walk and today we stopped by one of the dorms to visit one of my friends. I ended up popping her on top of the trash can for a photo op.

MudLynn Around Campus Take 1

Here is MudLynn on top of one of the art statues that you would see around campus. She was too busy taking in the scenery from on top of the statue.

Tips on Owning a Pet while in College

Many of you probably wonder how I handle having a pet while I am enrolled in college. It's quite simple, but it is a huge responsibility.

Since I have been here for almost a full month, I have slowly gotten MudLynn onto a schedule. I try to leave her to go to the barn at times I would normally go to class. She has been doing great adapting to living in an apartment. She rarely barks unless it's the mailman at the door delivering a package.

My tips to owning a pet in college are :
  • Remember it's like having a baby
  • Figure out your class schedule
  • Set them on a schedule
  • Save money by bathing them yourself
  • If your friends love your pet too, let them hang out with your pet if you're going out for a while
  • Have a walk routine for the pet if it's a dog.One in the morning and one in the evening.
  • Make sure you have the time for a pet if you have a job.
    • If you do have a job and a pet, set aside some money for any BIG vet bills.
  • Designate one cupboard just for your pet's food, treats and medicines. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

My College Emergency Bag

This is a little bag that I am going to keep in my backpack or purse from now on. I decided to put this together because there have been times when my purse didn't have these items when I needed them most.

Going to a party? Movie night with the girls? Or on a big date with a crush?


Beauty Items:
  • Floss - Got to get rid of that spinach!
  • EOS Lip Balm - perfect for smooth kissable lips
  • Listerine Cool Mint Pocket Packs - IDEAL for fresh breath for an interview or date
  • Nail File - Got a chipped nail?
  • Lotion - Got dry hands from the air-conditioning?
  • Deodorant - Always good to have if you hit the gym and head straight to class.
  • Spare Panties - Come on, ladies. You obviously know this one.
  • Poopuri - Stinky bathroom stalls begone!
  • Mascara (In picture - Urban Decay's Perversion mascara) - always touch up those lashes.
  • Hair tie - Good to have if your hair is falling in your eyes.
Other Items:
  • USB Charger for the cigarette lighter - everyone has a cord you can use, but what about a usb plug?
  • Flash light - Perfect to have if you're in the dark walking to your car.
  • Pen - When do you not need a pen? 

Life Last Week 2015-3

1. My old roommate Johanna came to visit me at the apartment! She was so sweet she brought me some Swedish candy and two margarita glasses.

2. I get to work this Sunday at the barn feeding, turning out and mucking stalls! It's just a substitute day but it'll get me into that groove I was in last spring.

3. My roommate Hannah moved in today! Mud is so happy that another person will be in the apartment. I feel like Mud thinks I am a bit boring just sitting on my butt watching Netflix.

4. I went out to dinner with a friend of mine that moved in yesterday and they paid for my dinner, which was incredibly sweet of her parents.

1. I broke a nail today. It wasn't too bad like nail bed break, but it's still a broken nail. I had to trim and file my nails down to a similar length.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Product of the Day

The product of the day has been one that I have been using for over a year now. I got it in a care package that my mom had sent me when I was living in the dorms and I absolutely love this product. The product is the Simple Cleansing Micellar Water. I don't only use this for cleansing my skin at the end of the day, but I also use it to remove my makeup. The #1 thing I love about the Water is that it is so gentle on my skin. The #2 thing I love about it is that it wipes the makeup away so quick, you don't have to scrub it off like you would with a wipe. It takes about 30 seconds to remove the makeup. I use this every night to remove my makeup and I wouldn't use anything else.

I highly recommend this product and the entire Simple Skincare line. You will not be disappointed with this line or the products. The majority of my cleansing products are made by Simple. I use the Cleansing Micellar Water, the Cleansing Facial Wipes, the Replenishing Rich Moisturizer, the Protecting Light Moisturizer with SPF, the Revitalizing Eye Roll-On, and their Moisturizing Facial Wash.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Five Ways on How I Will Save Money in the Apartment

1. Turn off lights/keep them off.
Since I have moved into my apartment, I rarely use the electricity even though I pay for it. I only turn lights on at night when I am cleaning up the kitchen after cooking, doing my nightly beauty routine in the bathroom or changing into pajamas in my walk-in closet. Other than that, I pretty much use the daylight to light the entire apartment, which means I keep the blinds up making sure my apartment is clean if anyone looks in.

2. Putting on a sweatshirt instead of turning on the heat.
It's only September, but yes it is slowly starting to get cold. Instead of spending money to turn the heat on, I just put a sweat shirt on. I will turn on the heat when I can't stand the cold or when my roommate can't stand it.

3. Have an envelope designated just for the grocery shopping.
This makes grocery shopping so much easier because it makes you only use the money in the envelope so that you don't go over the budgeted money in the envelope. 

4. Crock Pot meals are the best.
These are super easy and often the least expensive. All you do is put in together, plug it in, and it cooks all day long. I make all sorts of crock pot meals; chicken in the red sauce, beef caldereta, and ham and green beans. The meal in this crockpot from tonight is Ham and Green Beans.

5. Why have fancy cable when there's Netflix and movies!
I have tons of movies in my apartment and there are loads of movies and shows that I haven't seen. Sure, I'll miss the new episodes of shows I watch, but they'll be on dvd and Netflix later. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Life Last Week 2015-2


1. I got myself all settled in the apartment! I unpacked everything in about two days tops.

2. MudLynn has adapted to not having a yard, but now we go on nice long walks in the morning and evening.

3. I got to ride at the barn again! I am still super sore but I will be riding as much as I can working horses for my trainer.


1. When previous tenants don't change their address and you get their mail.

2. Had my first adult mishap. I did the dishes and one of my ziplock container lids melted. Mental note: don't put the lids in the dishwasher.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back At It

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the delay in posts, I am still unpacking and organizing. I did get back into my riding flow today by going to the barn with my former teammate, Nicole to ride some ponies.  Hopefully I shall hear what my work schedule will be at the barn, but my trainer said I am more than welcome to text her and ask which horse needs to be worked. I got to see my trainer as well! It was so nice to see her after working at camp all summer. 

MudLynn is doing great. She is settling in like a little champ. She was born for apartment life. If she's not sleeping on my bed, she is snuggled in hers with her head against the wall. Odd dog, I say.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Hey guys! Guess what day it is? It's moving day! We left bright and early to catch our ferry and got some delicious Starbucks. 

Mom and dad were in the U Haul and then MusLynn and I were in my car. For me, she's a crier when she goes for rides in the car. Oh well, I had music but it ain't too loud for her. 

MudLynn is a great little traveler. She does get a bit excited and vocal in the beginning, but then she settles down for nap. She has her bed to keep her cozy.

We are currently all moved in, but we are still unpacking. Mud and I went on a walk to Red Square on campus and that was a great workout. My calves are very sore.

I will post pictures of the apartment when I'm done unpacking!

Friday, September 4, 2015

One Day till Moving Day

Almighty, we did a lot today. Dad and I took my car to Sears to get its oil changed and tires checked, which only took 20 minutes. Score there! 

Around 4, we went to the U Haul place to get the truck. And after an hour or two of precarious loading and positioning, we managed to get nearly everything in there.

Not going to lie to you, but I may have hoarded some stuff 🙊. I mean, a girl needs to have all the essentials. 

Poor Mud is so confused about what's going on. She was laying on her bed tonight only her bed didnt have its normal cover on it - that was getting washed. This old bed is going in the trash because she has a new one!

Well, I'm heading to bed. Got to be up with the sun tomorrow to make our early ferry!

Stay tuned for pictures tomorrow!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Two Days till Moving Day

We had quite an eventful day. We took MudLynn to the vet to get some of her shots that were due so that she was good to go for moving. We also stocked up on Trifexis (flea, tick and heart worm) and got some Dasuquin (for her joints). She needed joint supplements now when she is still jumping on beds is a good time to start because it keep her moving nicely when she gets older. She was so good at the vet, but it's never her favorite thing. She kept trying to inch her way off the table.
But yeah, two more days! We pick up the UHaul tomorrow and pack it up, then Saturday we hit the road! I am so excited! My old roommate from the dorms messaged me saying that she's coming to visit me this month before school starts! I can't wait to see her, she's been in Europe over the summer visiting family. She'll be my first house guest of all.

3 Days till Move Day

Guys, it is almost time to move. I have three days left here in my parents home, then I am on my own in my own home. Well, I'll have MudLynn and Hannah (my roommate).

I was thinking of starting up a vlog (video blog) channel, but I'm not sure. What do you guys think? Should I start one? I was thinking about it cause I'd love to film an apartment tour and a before-after film of the apartment when I start move in.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...