Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mall Haul to Come!

Hi everyone! I hope you had an awesome day, if not smile! For something lovely is coming your way! I went to the mall today since I was looking for a Little Black Dress for a function tomorrow which so happens to be called The Little Black Dress. I ended up having a few splurges so I shall have those photographed and ready for you to see! :)


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It is wet and icky. It's been raining nearly all day and it is supposed to continue for two more days.

I am thinking… About what I need to do and save in order to live in New York City.

I am thankful… That I am getting more baby sitting and pet sitting clients. More money for my savings account. I already have a new client meeting on Thursday.

From the kitchen… Salt and Vinegar chips splurge and a bottle of water.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and Netflix playing Some Like It Hot.

I am watching… Some Like It Hot. I love classic black and white films while actresses like Marilyn Monroe.

Always one of my favorite things… I love looking at apartments for sale in New York City in the Upper East Side.
I am reading… I'm reading the Ultimate Cheapskate Next Door. A lot of good money saving tips. It is really for a project in one of my classes but I bought it for myself as well.

I am making… An essay for English and outline for Public Speaking.

I am writing… This blog post, public speaking outline and my essay!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… I have school on Wednesday as well as babysitting. I am meeting with a new client on Thursday as well as going to the Little Black Dress event with my mum. Friday, I am starting a pet sitting job at my neighbors and also sitting for my neighbor who I am going to be pet sitting for next month. She and I are just doing test sitting with her puppy to make sure he gets used to me being around.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn is doing great. She enjoys sleeping on my recliner for the most part. She is always snoozing. 

College Update… My goodness, classes are almost over. I am already exempt from my math final. I have a 94% in that class. All I have left to do is an essay for English and a project for Public Speaking.

Riding Update… I rode last week! Rugby and I did good jumping. He was very energetic, like extremely! He bucked once or twice and kicked out since my leg was a bit too strong.  When we were jumping, he soared over! Sadly that was my last lesson at Princess Anne, but after this week I will be riding at Hawkesbury Farm.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Three L's

I like that the semester is nearly over. I am pouring out all the knowledge and effort in me into my current assignments so that they are beyond their full potential. I am constantly revising my homework assignments so that they flow with ease and make sense. I want them to appear as though they are following a path.

I love the rainy weather. It is the perfect weather to be cuddled up on the sofa in a blanket with your pooch watching a nice film. Maybe a classic like Breakfast at Tiffany's or How to Marry a Millionaire. Those are my two favorite movies, along with Funny Face, Sabrina, and Funny Girl. I love all the older movies. They have more meaning to them.

Being out on a rainy day. It is such a drag because you have to trudge through the rain. Ugh, but at least I have my Hunter wellingtons. They are a huge must for when I am in Washington for college when I transfer. I do love the rain, I just don't like being out in it.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday Funtime

Hi guys, again I don't have any photos of today's lesson or really my last lesson at Princess Anne Farm.

We did a lot of different things today, so much that my legs hurt now. I got to the barn a bit late, but my instructor wasn't there yet, so I had time to get ready. I rode Rugby again because he is very challenging for me to ride unlike Hercules.

We did a good amount of walking in order to ensure that he was relaxed and well warmed up. He was very relaxed in the beginning. We then did some trotting to wake him up. Once we were all warmed up, we worked on a turn on the forehand. I've done this already for 4-H trail class and it was easy for me to do. Rugby is very flexible but he has a good and bad side which is common. We did do some half passing. Half passing is good for when you need to fix your position when going towards the jump to ensure you are in the center of the jump.

After that, we worked on haunches out and shoulder in. Surprisingly, Rugby is very flexible at doing this.  We did this a few times on each side of the arena, however Rugby didn't like it very much. I learned that he has to be ridden with a soft leg because he kicked out when my leg was a bit too strong. After that, I learned how to do a flying lead change! However it was the greatest achievement since he swapped his lead back to the wrong lead.

We then did some jumping which he and I were happy about. He did buck twice when we started to canter towards the jump since my leg was too strong and also because he was getting a bit excited. We jumped the same course like last week. So, there is really nothing all that new about jumping.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Dream; New Goals

Hello everyone! Today I am updating my dream and goals for you guys. I've been wanting to do this for a while but I had to do a lot of research.

My new dream right is to one day live in New York City and to also work in New York City. However, my dream job is still to become a journalist/actress. Many different news shows and magazine head quarters are located in New York City.

 I have already found a lovely apartment so that it can motivate me to save my money for my dream apartment. Since the apartment I found is small (700 sq. ft.), I have decided not to buy many items of furniture due to the small size.

All I would buy are:

  • A headboard
  • Small dining set
  • Side Tables
  • A chest of drawer
  • A couch 
  • A sofa table
  • A comfy chair
That is really all I need to buy for when I move to New York City. A small list can go a long way. Plus, it is not a whole lot of things I need to buy. I already have a Hope Chest that holds things I've bought and put away for my future apartment. It expands over 3 boxes. 

My new goals are:
  • To get my degree
  • Work with my schools newspaper
  • Do any internships that become available through the college
  • Build up my resume even more
  • To save any money I earn from babysitting/petsitting
  • Get a job once I move to Washington
  • Become fluent in French
  • Take advantage of studying in different countries.
  • Get into an acting club at the college
  • Find a reputable agent in WA for commercial/acting jobs
I don't really need to worry about a goal to help me keep blogging as I blog all the time. I simply can't stay away from my blog for long.

Photo Credits: Pinterest

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It is lovely and warm! Spring weather has come at last.

I am thinking… About the many things I want in life and how I need to change my ways in order to achieve my dreams.

I am thankful… That I am getting more baby sitting and pet sitting clients. More money for my savings account for things in life.

From the kitchen… A Granny Smith Apple and a bottle of water. Time to get healthy and boost the metabolism!

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and television playing a movie through Netflix.

I am watching… The Eagle. It has Channing Tatum and Jamie Bell in it and it is a great film so far. I am in the middle of watching it. Channing Tatum as a centurion…. That's delicious.

Always one of my favorite things… Look at apartments for sale in New York City and houses for sale in Los Angeles. I plan to one day have two properties. One in New York City and another in LA.

I am reading… I'm not reading anything at the moment, but I need to buy the book for my Public Speaking class assignment. It is called The Ultimate Cheapskate. It's good for me for two reasons. A. for school and B. for me and future money business.

I am making… Nada, I have no major homework due right now but I am about to start reading an article for an upcoming paper. It is for our mascot research paper which is a critical response. How fun is that?! We get to research a mascot! I think I might research the Baltimore Ravens mascot, Poe. I on't know yet though.

I am writing… This blog post and my work lists for the day.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… I haven't done very much yet. I've just started pet sitting for two of the ladies across the street and I babysat today. This Thursday I am having my last lesson at Princess Anne since my mum and I cannot commit to weekly lessons as we are waiting for my dad's orders to come in.

MudLynn Update… The lump on MudLynn's side has disappeared. I don't know where, but it is a good sign. Plus we have started baby gating her in the foyer since she has had an accident on the couch. 

College Update… I am working hard in my studies. I got a 93% on my Demo Speech in Public Speaking!! I am so happy! Golly, the semester is just flying by already. It's almost time to go to WWU and get settled. 

Riding Update… I rode last week! Rugby and I did good jumping. He was very energetic! Especially when we were jumping. Our jumping distance is getting much better. Hopefully the weather is nice on Thursday so that we can go jump the course outside. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Three L's

I am liking my version of Dunkcaroos. All 90's babies should what those area. For my version, I use the vanilla wafers and vanilla frosting. It is so good. I used to use animal crackers instead of wafers, but the wafers are just as good. I just can't find Dunkcaroos anywhere! They need to come back to the store shelves, I literally lived off of them. 

Apples. I love apples. Especially Granny Smith apples. I love the sour taste that then turns to a sweet taste. I also love them because they are a food that helps the metabolism. I just like sour foods, I don't like many other kinds of apples because of their taste. The picture below was from Pinterest. I loved looking up the history behind the Granny Smith apple. Did you know that it was named after a lady named Grandma Smith?

Cold weather. Since I am half Filippino, I am really not a fan of cold weather. Now I do love winter when it snows on Christmas, but when it snows non-stop or is just bitter cold when it should be warm, I am not a happy camper. It makes me want to buy sweaters even when I know that they will be pointless when it does warm up. I think I might buy some though, since Washington is a bit colder than Virginia.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Brunch at the Lynnhaven Fish House

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Easter! Did any of you go out for brunch? If so, leave a comment down below.

Today's post is a little review on a restaurant where my parents and I went to brunch today after Easter service at church.

First thing first, I went to a restaurant in Virginia Beach, VA called the Lynnhaven Fish House. The restaurant is very lovely because it has a lot of sea views since it is on the beach front.

The food at the Lynnhaven Fish House is delicious, plus everything is freshly caught. All the fish and shellfish comes straight from the bay. I had the Fried Fantailed Shrimp (pictured below) and they were absolutely delicious.  I highly recommend this dish if any of you go to the restaurant. For my appetizer, I had the Barbecue Bacon Wrapped Shrimp. Now, the combination may throw you off, but the final taste is absolutely delicious. This is another item I highly recommend.

Here is my brunch!

I rated the service of our waiter as a 10 on a 1-10 scale and the service of the hostess a 3. The waiter was very good. He answered our questions, recommended appetizers, the specials and other things. His service was excellent. He was probably the best waiter I have had so far. When it comes down to the hostess, this is where I get angry; like really angry. My parents and I are a group of three and we like to sit by the window to look outside at the ship passing by and the waves crashing. Sadly, we were refused a window table because it sat a group of 5 and not a group of 3. I looked around the restaurant and saw a group of three sitting at another table that could seat four. Later on, the hostess then sat a group of four at the table that was initially set up for a group of five which was the table my parents and I want to sit at. I was so angry that I wanted to speak to the manager about how the hostess did not cater to our request. It was disgraceful.

I do love the restaurant, but after the service of the hostess; my love meter when down. 

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter!!! Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

New Brow Shape!

If any of you don't know about Ulta, I am going to tell you all about it.

Ulta is a store that carries many brands of cosmetics. They carry CK One, Benefit Cosmetics, Urban Decay, NYX, and OPI polishes. This is just a few of the brands though, there are many more on the Ulta website. They also carry hair products, stylings tools and products for men. I truly love this store. I've gotten my brows done there twice and I've gotten the Urban Decay Naked2 palette for my birthday.

Credit to Google Images
Above is the palette that I have and I love it. It's an awesome palette because it has matte and shimmery shadows.

My new brows! I love them so much! The lady that did my brows said that this shape helps open up my eyes more. Plus, she recommended a brow setting gel by Benefit which I will purchase next Friday once I get my paycheck from this weeks current pet sitting job. My mum said that my brows look very sophisticated now. 

You guys definitely need to find an Ulta store in your area. You can find so many cosmetic products. It has a rewards program for your purchases which is a bonus!

Thursday Funtime

I am so sorry that this is coming to you guys so late. I have been occupied lately with homework and pet sitting.

Also, I do not have many photos, to be exact I only have two.

This weeks lesson was very good. I rode Rugby again so that I could challenge myself in my riding. We worked a lot on our flat work. I am in love with his canter, I love how animated it is. He is like a living cartoon. Rugby was very well behaved in the lesson, although he did get a bit excited since the girl who leases him hasn't ridden him this week. I got to work with all his lovely quirks.

Such a cutie isn't he? Anyway, we then proceeded into the jumping portion of my lesson. I finally figured out that I am jumping two foot jumps. We jumped a course that sort of made a figure eight. We jumped the outside cavaletti (I think it is a cavaletti), then the outside vertical (pictured as a cross rail), then the middle cavaletti, the outside cavaletti and lastly the vertical. We jumped this course about 2 times and then jumped the outside vertical 3 more times. The last three times jumping the vertical were 100% perfection because my jumping distance has improved immensely. I adore jumping, I feel free when jumping a jump. That is the conclusion of this weeks Thursday Funtime!

The jumps are at the two ft mark, they were lowered for the lady who rides with me. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

300 Blog Posts

Woo hoo!!!! I just hit 300 blog posts on this blog! How amazing is that! It's crazy! Thank you so much to those who take the time to read my blog. I love that you read it.

Please leave comments below and share my blog around.

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It is wet and icky. It's been raining nearly all day.

I am thinking… About how much I love the barn that Meredith rides at.

I am thankful… That I am getting more baby sitting and pet sitting clients. More money for my savings account.

From the kitchen… Captain D's fish and fry splurge and a bottle of water.

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as my fingers type on my Macbook and the printer printing things out for my classes tomorrow.

I am watching… Nothing right now.

Always one of my favorite things… Look at apartments for rent in Washington, England and France.

I am reading… I'm not reading anything at the moment. 

I am making… An outline for English.

I am writing… This blog post and my outlines!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week…I went to the barn to ride since Meredith paid me with a free lesson which I loved! I am pet sitting all week then babysitting Friday. I ride Rugby on Thursday and I have school for two more days this week.

MudLynn Update… MudLynn has a weird lump on her side. I think it might be an early form of a fatty tumor. 

College Update… I am working hard in my studies. I am working on my English outline for my next essay.  I am adding the finishing touches to my demonstration speech which is on "How to Make Snicker's Cupcake."

Riding Update… I rode last week! Rugby and I did good jumping. He was very energetic! Especially when we were jumping. I am starting to ride Rugby now so that I can have a challenge.

My Random Lesson

Hi guys! I am  going to apologize in advance because I have no photos for todays random lesson. 

Th reason why my lesson was random is because my neighbor who is a good horsey friend of mine paid me with a free lesson with her today! Let me just say, the barn she rides at is awesome. They have a lot of nice horses too. Mainly all Thoroughbreds instead of a bunch of ponies at my barn. No offense to the ponies, I just prefer riding Thoroughbreds who are bigger and taller. I like being high off the ground…

We did a lot of flat work and a jump course which I loved. 

The horse I rode was such a sweetie. Her name was Bella and she's a 15.3 hand Thoroughbred. She has a very bouncy trot and flowing canter and they are both very animated. I can't wait to take group lessons with Meredith in two weeks once my lessons with Princess Anne Farm is over. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Three L's

I like rings at the moment. I like wearing a few. Right now, I am wearing my claddagh and class ring from high school. I keep it simple, the rings are on the same fingers on each hand. So it is mirrored. I would like to get more rings… There is one that is a flower at Pandora, it is in the shape of a daisy. I love the girly essence of it. Plus is the perfect symbol for spring. 

I am loving this 72 degree weather here in Virginia. It's going to be 75 tomorrow but then it is going back down to the 50's an 66 later this week. However, since it is in the 70's I am taking advantage of the weather by wearing shorts.I've been wearing shorts for three days now and I love it. I love that it is warm with a nice breeze. I had my windows in my bedroom open to bring in the fragrance of spring.

Today, I loathe how I can never get my winged eyeliner perfectly on each eye. One could be too long, too short, to high, to low or too thick. I can never get them right. I think it is the liner I am using, I think I shall invest in a new one soon. I have had it for a while anyway. I think I might get gel liner or a felt tip pen liner. I don't know, I need to do some exploring. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

An Introduction to MudLynn

I have never done this before, but when I saw this tag on Made in Hunter's blog, I decided to do one for MudLynn. I thought it would be fun too! Through photos and little blurbs, MudLynn's true self will be shown.

What is his/her name?
Her name is MudLynn. The story behind her name is that she was found as a puppy by a dumpster covered in mud. She started off as Mud, but the people that found her added Lynn to it to make it sound more feminine. She's also known as Bubba, Munchkin, and Mudd Pud.

When did you get he/she?
I got MudLynn almost 10 years ago when my Dad was on deployment which is when my mum was ombudsman for the ship he was on. MudLynn became my playmate. We've traveled from Virginia to Rhode Island and back to Virginia. 

What is something she does that annoys you?
I guess the fact that she goes to my dad all the time when I do everything for her.

What type of breed is she?
She is a Beagle Mix. The vet said he think that she's 99% Beagle.

Has she ever had a near death experience?
She has had one. She almost got hit by a car one winter when she heard a truck's engine roar and thought it was a motorcycle. She ran out and rolled under the truck, but not under the wheels. 

Does she know any tricks?
She does. She knows sit, stay, lay down, shake, pray, and she has started learning how to roll over. She knows how to but she needs a treat to encourage her.

Does she love to snuggle?
She does! She loves to lean on you, too. She sleeps on the other twin bed that's next to mine. She does like to be on her own though, so she retires to her bed on the floor or lies under my bed. 

Where did you get her?
I got her when we first lived in Virginia. We were initially in line to adopt a Cairn but another family adopted her before us but the lady told us that her co-worker's daughter found MudLynn by a dumpster covered in mud.

Does she get along with other dogs?
Yes and no. She enjoys the company of large docile dogs yet she doesn't like to play with younger dogs. She particularly likes walking with Great Danes. 

Does she get along with strangers?
Yes and no again. She likes adults and older children who know how to act with a dog, but she doesn't not like young children or some African American men. No, I am not being racist, she just gets very tense around them. We think that she was abused by an African American man and annoyed by young children.

How much does she weigh?
She weighs about 30-33 pounds, so she is a medium sized dog.

Do you ever dress her up?
Only when it is cold. She has a Horseware Ireland Newmarket fleece coat. That is pretty much the only thing I dress her in.

Has she ever run away?
Yes and no. She is a Beagle so she is likely to chase squirrels. However she does do somewhat well off leash, but if she sees a dog or cat she is gone. She doesn't try to get out of the yard, but she loves to lay in the grass all day.

How did you come up with her name?
We didn't come up with her name, they people that found her did. 

How much does she mean to you on a scale of 1-10?
She means more than my own life. 

I hope you guys liked this post. If you do this post on your blog, leave the link down below because I'd love to read about your pets!


Saturday, April 12, 2014

March 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag Review

The first item is the Bora Bora Eyeshadow Quad by Be A Bombshell. I wore some of the shadows a few times after I got it. The colors are vibrant and beautiful! I will definitely be wearing this in the summer, the colors are perfect for summer. This quad costs $16 at Be A Bombshell and is the same size as the quad I got in my Ipsy bag. Sadly, Be A Bombshell is not on the list of cruelty free make up lines on the Leaping Bunny. However, the quality of the packaging and shadows gives it 5 stars.

Next is the Chella Indigo Blue Eyeliner pen. Now, I absolutely loved this when I got it out of my bag! I love the felt tip! It makes application very easy, but it is difficult when lining over the eye shadow. This is available at Chella for $24.00 which is pretty steep for an eyeliner pen. I did however got the normal sized pen that they would sell at the store. Again, I could not find Chella on the Leaping Bunny website to see if it was cruelty free. This product gets a 4 out of 5 stars.

This is how the color shows on my skin. It's more turquoise on my skin than indigo.

Next is the Vita Liberata phenomenal 2-3 week tan lotion in the Medium shade. To be frank, I have never used tan lotion before but I think I will now. I tried it on a little spot on my leg to make sure I didn't break out if I was allergic to it or sensitive to the formula. The only thing I know for when I apply it is to use a rubber glove so that it doesn't stain my hand to much. This travel sizes .67 fluid ounces. Compared to the retail size and price, it costs $54 for the lotion but you also get a free mitt for application, this is available at Vita Liberata. Like the past two items, this is not cruelty free. But, I do love the packaging because it looks very fancy with the sparkles imbedded in the plastic. So this is a 4 out of 5 star rated item.

Last but not least is the Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie Lipstick in Get Ready. I absolutely love this shade, it is perfect for my skin color and looks really good. It's not at all a bright pink but gives your lips a subtle pink hue to them. I love how it gives that subtle hue. I don't like colors that are brightly over bearing. This is however a travel size, it's 1.5 grams. The retail size and price is $18 and is 3.5 mL at bareMinerals. This is a definite five star product. The reason is because the shade is perfection and the packaging is slim and lovely. Sadly it is not cruelty free. #sadface

That's it for March! Stay tuned for April!


Friday, April 11, 2014

Grown-Up Feeling #2

My Meal of the Night!

Hi everyone! I have had another grown-up feeling! I honestly love it though. You would think I wouldn't want to be an adult, but I do! I love the feeling of independence. Before my parents left for their dinner out, my mum turned the oven on for me but I put the fish in, heated up the rice and put everything away after I was done. I know now that I could survive with my food if my parents went on a trip for my dad's work. I could make my own food rather than having to re-heat left overs. 

I am excited for when I get my first apartment. All I need is a steady paying job before I get an apartment.


Friday Favorite

Photo Credit: Google Images
Frozen is currently my favorite film right now. I watched it three times already in English and now I am watching it in French. It is so cute in French! Plus I've taken french and I know at least two years worth from high school. The one word I love it "des gant" which mean gloves in French. My french class would repeat it over and over and over again and drive our teacher mad. I love the whole story plot and lesson of Frozen. I adore how it is based on the love between sisters rather than focus on the whole element of true love. I found it interesting that I was based on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. I love the music as well, very catchy. Especially "Let It Go. Has anyone seen the video of the song sung in 25 different languages? No? You have to! It is amazing. I'll link it down below for you guys to watch.

That's my favorite! What's your Friday Favorite?


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday Funtime

Today, Thursday Funtime was a bit switched up. Since last week, Hercules came down with the virus that was going around the barn. However he was feeling a bit better but he was still on field rest for the rest of the week. 

Poor Hercules, he was sad that I wasn't bringing him it for our hack. He was happy that I gave him a peppermint. He then just trudged off to try to crib on a wooden pole.

Rugby though was delighted to come in for a hack.

Such a good boy, he's a sweetie when it comes to giving him treats. Oh yeah, he's an Off Track Thoroughbred (OOTB).

Does anyone else like taking shadow pictures? It's my newest obsession when I come to the barn now. 

What a cute face?!

I love his star, it suites him perfectly.

I love how I chose lavender polo wraps to put on his front legs. The wraps give him more support.

We had a good lesson. When I mean "we," I mean him and I since I do some of the training myself. My instructor only compliments me when I am doing jump work, but when I do flat work and no stirrup work, she's always helping me tweak my posture and everything. When we get to the jumping, she is complementing me a lot. I guess you could call me an advanced rider when it comes to flat work, but when it comes to jumping I consider myself an intermediate since I jump 2'6.

My no stirrup is getting so much better. My leg muscles are getting stronger. 

He felt so different from Hercules. Hercules is more round and has more of a smoother gait. Plus Hercules is older. Now I don't know how old Rugby is, but I do know that he is still nervous about his surroundings. He is a true learner, he wants to be a great show horse.

Rugby has a huge spring in his gaits, especially his canter. Although his canter is hugely animated, it's almost like an Andalusian or Friesian's canter. That huge spring every stride. I love it! It's definitely working my muscles since I've become so accustomed to Hercules' gaits.

He's a good jumper too! He loves to jump, I can definitely tell when he sees a jump. He does get nervous so I have to talk to him a lot and reassure him that everything is alright. 

I love this photo that I took after our lesson, he's such a wittle baby. 

"Can we jump some more?"

"Grass, grass, grass! All mine!"

"I love the dandelions."

Well, that is it for today!


DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...