Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Week Ahead

Outside my window… It's a winter wonderland with all the snow. Schools have been cancelled Wednesday, Thursday and schools in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and North Carolina have been cancelled. 

I am thinking… Ways to shape myself into a more scholarly attitude. I have computer class Saturday IF it's not cancelled. I don't think it will be cancelled. 

I am thankful… That I had a shovel because I shoveled the pathway to the gate today, along with some of the sidewalk to the car.

From the kitchen… Nothing, just DayQuil to relieve my congestion

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as I type on my blog and Army Wives playing on the TV.

Always one of my favorite things… To be watching Army Wives when it's too cold to be outside.

I am reading… My computer's textbook. Glory.

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week…Wednesday class was cancelled, just spending my time shoveling snow and staying warm. I don't know if I have class on Saturday yet. But Saturday is my birthday and my dad is coming home Saturday night!

College Update… Working on my classes with pride. I've been doing well with turning in my work and trying to work ahead. 

Riding Update… With all this snow, the last two lesson days were cancelled due to the roads not being plowed as well as being too cold. I will be so sore by the time I get to ride.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Snowy Wintery Day

Honestly, I feel like I am in Narnia and I'm the White Witch. It's so white and beautiful with all the snow. I only wish the wind wasn't so harsh on my cheeks. Although, everywhere is white and beautiful like a Christmas card. 

MudLynn enjoyed her frolic in the snow with her SmartPak Newmarket coat on. We went on a walk after we shoveled, well I shoveled the pathway to the garage as well as part of the back porch. I love her in her coat because she looks so cute and adorable. 

I wore so many layers when I went to walk her, I was glad I had my winter riding clothes and boots out still. I love my Mountain Horse boots because they keep my feet so toasty warm. I wore my Newmarket fleece under my Ariat coat which was very warm. MudLynn had a good time in the snow diving head first into it and eating the snow. We went inside the house when she started to shiver. 

So many businesses and schools are closed today and some are closing for tomorrow. My streets aren't really that plowed yet. I hope the plows come soon because if they don't, the snow will freeze and become hazardous to drive or walk on. 

If anyone is having snow day or not, I hope you guys have a great day!

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Three L's

I am starting to like my professors a lot more now. I usually don't like them in the beginning because I don't know them very well, but since classes have been progressing, they are very nice professors. I'm starting to take more pride in my classes. I am ahead in one of my classes and I am trying to seek extra help with my computers professor. 

I am loving my brain! I love the feeling of feeling intelligent. It is such an amazing feeling. The brain needs to be appreciated for its intelligence, it's sexy. Some people don't look at intelligence, but more towards body type and looks. It's really sad. I mean, yes you should look at looks when it comes to dating someone, but look deeper than the surface. Look into their minds, hear what they say, and strike up intelligent conversations. 

Right now, I am loathing Kim Kardashian's choice to cut a Dior dress in half in order to design a crop top and a long body-con skirt. Come on, if you don't like the style you see it in, don't buy and re-design it; design your own and make it yourself. It is so rude to do that to a designer's clothing! It's like a number offense! It's terrible. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The things I want, I must work for…

Many of us long to have the luxurious things in life, but do not pursue them because we are not challenged in order to get them. 

I challenge myself with my grades last semester and I overcame it with straight A's which rewarded me with an invitation to accept membership of the Beta Zeta Upsilon, the Phi Theta Kappa chapter on the Norfolk campus of TCC. I read a few of the success stories on the Phi Theta Kappa website and one lady was picked to interview the winners backstage at the Academy Awards. I am going to accept this invitation in order to pursue my career as a journalist. Also I am going to work extra hard this semester to maintain my GPA and profile. 

I want to have many luxurious things once I am a successful journalist. I want to own a beautiful house in Los Angeles, CA near the place where I could be working. I want to have a nice car that looks spectacular but can be used for anything. I want to own a gorgeous horse one day that I can ride on the beach. I long to own a Friesian, such a majestic breed. I'd loved to one day attend Wimbledon in England for the entire length of the competition. So many things I want to do and have, but I must have a successful career that gives me the money in order for me to have these luxuries. 

For in order to succeed, you must do the hard work.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Frolicking

Hello! Today's frolicking included a few things. My mum and I went to pick up her car from the shop since one of the tires was flat. As I was driving my mum's car, the heater in the car was so warm I did not want to leave it when I parked in our driveway. I literally waited until my mum walked by the drivers door which is where I was sitting. 

Along with that, I found this lovely blog called Rubicon Days and it is a lovely dog blog about a the training of a dog. I just entered in her giveaway for the One Paradise Dog Leash from Island Mutt. It is a nice dog leash because it is similar to a horses lead rope because it is of the same material but it has a loop for you to hold.

If you noticed that my blog isn't fully dedicated to horses and fashion, my blog is just very eclectic. There are so many things I find interesting that I have to blog about. My blog is called "Cantering in Cashmere" because I am a fashionable equestrian. I love everything fashionable and equestrian. I ride every Thursday on Hercules or on a different horse.

I just got back from babysitting now, so I am ready for some late night relaxation with The Tudors. I swear, the kids I watched tonight were so cute! One of the didn't want me to leave! Too cute! I love when the kids like me, makes it easier to play with them rather than fight with them. We played duck duck goose which was fun!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Project Horse or Experience Horse?

I go both ways on these horses.

Project horses are connected to you as their rider more than an experienced horse. You get to learn their quirks and such and help them over come their fears. However, experienced horses don't have many fears or issues that need attention. Plus experienced horses are more expensive, about $10,000+ if you want one for jumper circuit. They are the kind that have been there and done that. Project horses are by far less expensive. Some are just started and ridden for 60 days straight and they have a clue of what they have to do. The project horses haven't done everything. They haven't gone over tarps, trained in dressage or show in green hunters. I feel as though you create a deeper bond because they are at a young age or maybe that's just me. I bond with every horse I ride, plus I don't own a horse so I haven't experienced it. 

Spring 2013 Couture Fashion Shows!

Olga Kurylenko in Chanel
I was looking through Bazaar's photo set of "The Couture Crowd: Parties and Front Row" and the one photo that caught my attention was this on of Olga Kurylenko. I absolutely love this outfit that she is wearing. It is chic and classy and furthermore beautiful. I absolutely adore those Chanel sandals. I found them online on Chanel and those are now on my wish list for my future closet. They are just adorable. I really love the whole outfit in general. The skirt is elegant yet not to short or too long and the shirt is so classy with it being a button up. So chic. I think this outfit would look amazing along with the Classic Chanel Flap bag which is also one of the many things on my wish list. I adore these celebrities and models that attend fashion shows because many of them wear the most gorgeous ensembles. Many of them are my fashion inspirations.

Michael Kors Lastest Collection


I absolutely love the new collation at Michael Kors. The color scheme is just breath taking. The navy and green go perfectly together as if they were two elements on the periodic table. 

I love the sweater in this photo. It's beautiful the way there are 4 colors on it. I love color block. It's very chic. That sweater is definitely on my wish list!

I also adore many of the dresses. The one in the top left and the two on the bottom left and right. They are just gorgeous! Michael Kors is an amazing designer. I love that maxi dress though. It looks so comfortable. It would be perfect for the summer!

Photo Credit: Michael Kors website

The Week Ahead

Shh… I got this idea from my mum!

Outside my window… It's 16 degrees and snowy with very cold wind chills. I am not going out today!

I am thinking… That I am going to get my butt in gear with my homework and give each class the same amount. I've been giving math a lot more attention.

I am thankful… That class as cancelled for the day due to the snow and cold winds. I don't have to go walking in the cold air!

From the kitchen… A warm cup of hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream. Yum!

I am hearing… The clicking of keys as I type on my blog.

Always one of my favorite things… To be cuddling with my mum and my dog on the sofa during the cold weather. Perhaps a movie marathon?

I am reading… Henry V on my Kindle. I love free books!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week… No school today but tomorrow I do have a riding lesson. Brrr it will be a cold one. Along with class on Saturday morning. 

College Update… I am in my second semester and still trying to get into the college flow. I am taking English, Math, Computers, and Public Speaking. 

Riding Update… Last weekend I did another Ryan Minor clinic at the barn. I am going to be riding a few different horses since that is what Ryan suggested I do in order to work my hands a bit more. I need a variety. I miss that about IEA.

Today's Workforce

Many of you may be at university striving to obtain a major in which you will use to get a future job. Many of you may have a job that is related to your major. Many of you may not even have a job. Many of you are probably young like me.

What is wrong with today's workforce? Jobs today are hard to get a hold of. I've not had a paying job other than baby sitting and pet sitting. I worked at a barn once as a stable hand but I didn't get paid in money, it was a work to ride exchange, but at least I got to ride without paying. Mind you I love it, but I want a job that I can go to a few days a week, not a day every month or so. 

In the beginning, I wasn't as determined to get a job. Yes, I dropped off the odd application hoping I'd hear something, but I never checked on it in person. I've applied to two places so far; the local dog kennel/doggie daycare, the local NEX's dry cleaners and MICHAEL KORS at the local mall. I've checked on my applications at least three times for the last two. Lately, they've said they are looking through the applications and will be calling about interviews. I am determined to get a job, and that takes constant review of the application status via help from the workers at each establishment. 

One thing that gets on my nerve is that establishments hire people with experience. I don't have experience, but how am I supposed to get the experience without being given a chance. I don't understand why many establishments won't take on the young people and take the time to train them. Who knows, they could pick it up very easily and won't need an extensive amount of training. But mainly, the jobs that people apply for are given to those who have a bit of experience. 

My mom told about what it was like to get a job when she was younger. You simply fill out an application and drop it off. Then the establishment you had applied to would have given a call or sent you a letter. They would say if you got the job or not, so you would't be left hanging. Applying for a job back then was more personal. Today, we submit everything electronically and you get to talk to the manager about applying for the job. I wish getting a job these days was like that; more personal, manager to applicant. I think it would be easier on the applicant who most times is a college student or a high schooler. 

With my life, I spend a lot of my money on riding lessons and clinics and trust me, it gets pricy. Then along with that is equipment, tack, clothing, boots and etc. I'd like to buy myself a nice car, but I need money to do that. To get that money, I need a job. I'd like to one day rent a nice apartment, but I need a job in order to pay for it. I'd like to buy clothing and such from Michael Kors and Banana Republic, but I need a job to give me the money which I can spend on those things. 

This whole topic was triggered when I talked to my friend Mary about how young people aren't given the opportunity to gain experience in the workforce. Now, I am not bashing on any establishments, I'm just frustrated at how I can't get a job. I'd give anything to work in an establishment.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

MIA when it comes to my Vlogs

Hey everyone! If you are a viewer on my channel on YouTube, I am sorry I have been MIA. I am still trying to get over my cold. Once I am better, I promise I shall update with something different. I am hoping that once I am better I will be able to do my January Ipsy Glam Bag Review video. 

Just keep watching my channel and share my channel with others!


My First Gel Manicure

The beginning
I got a gel manicure as a pre-university treat I believe on the 11th of this month . I really love it. I have the color Wooden Shoes in OPI Gel Polish. I usually don't go for a brown color, but it was pretty because it had a hint of sparkle. I was hoping to get a more mauve color polish, but my manicurist didn't have the color I was looking for. But this brown color is quite lovely. You can never go wrong with a brown polish. 

The odd thing was that two nails chipped about two or three days after I got them done. However after about 5 days, I was able to get in contact with my manicurist so that she could fix them for me. I love my manicurist, she is very lovely. I will miss her when my family and I move to the West Coast. Even though they chipped and I got them fixed, they last very well when I am riding. They don't chip or anything. But I do wear gloves the whole time I am at the barn.

This is my nails today, still as lovely as they were when I got them done and fixed. I can't wait till my three weeks are up. It should be done around my birthday which is when I will give myself a new gel manicure as a birthday treat. It's not a bad price where I get them done, I pay $25 for a gel manicure. 

I do recommend gel manicures because you can go three weeks without major chips because the polish is sturdier than normal polish, just make sure than your manicurist cleans her tools. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Three L's

I know it has been awhile since I have done the three L's, I was a bit busy. For this weeks 'like', I am starting to like this season's line of clothing at Banana Republic. It's so chic yet casual. That's the kind of fashion of love. Although, I do like the fancy gowns and outfits I see celebrities wearing, I prefer casual because you can make it look dressy. Hopefully one day, my closet will have a few bits of Banana Republic in it. I do like their fit and flare dresses, so chic. 

I really love The Hobbit; the films I mean. I haven't seen the second one but I watched the first one during Christmas. I fell in love with it! My favorite character is Thorin.. I love how strong willed he is when it comes to getting his mountain back. I love Richard Armitage. I've seen him in the Vicar of Dibley. He is so handsome, plus he's English. He has these deep piercing blue eyes like Tom Hiddleston's that cause you just to become lost in them. I have grown a deep love for blue eyes now, although I still love brown eyes. It's a dual love though. I'll also say that in the end, I do fancy a nice English gentleman. Any Englishman.

I've been loathing fast food a bit lately.  It just makes my insides feel so terrible. I've stopped eating McDonalds after the documentary "Super Size Me" made me loathe the food chain due to the way they make their food. It's absolutely ghastly. Their burgers could sit for a year and not change in appearance, it's gross. I would rather grill a fresh beef patty on the grill rather than buy a burger from McDonald's. I prefer home cooked meals rather than fast food. Home cooked food I feel is loved more than fast food when it comes to preparation. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 2 of Ryan Minor Clinic

Yesterday, we worked mainly on equitation whereas today we worked on a jumping course.

This is the course
We started the day off with a good long warm up walk at a brisk pace. After our horses were warmed up, we moved into a posting trot with a soft hand but enough to still maintain contact with the horse. After we trotted around a few times, we started to do a sitting trot on the short sides where we would drop our stirrups and then once we hit the long side we had to pick them up while still trotting and proceed into a posting trot. 

We starting jumping only one cross rail, the red one in the photo. Then we proceed by going around the jump at the end and coming down the diagonal line starting with the green jump and proceeding to the white/brown jump. Then after that set, we added the yellow vertical and the red cross rail. Hercules did good in the beginning of jumping but once we made a new course, he went crazy!

I don't know if you can see in the photo, but on the far right on the arena there is a set of two white jumps. We started with those two then proceeded to the green and the brown/white set where we then came around to the right and went over the yellow vertical and then the red cross rail which was turned into a oxer. He did refuse a few times but we got over it. We have to have a good amount of speed in the beginning and then slow him down after the yellow vertical. 

I do enjoy these clinics because I get advice that I use in my future lessons with Kitchie. Ryan told me that I need to use strong speed in the beginning and then indicate to Hercules that I want to slow down. Also, Ryan said I should switch up my mounts every lesson. So this week I ride Nappy, then Baby, then Hercules again. I need to ride a horse that gives me a lot of work to use my hands. With Hercules, I tend to not use my hands since I have become used to riding him. I need a challenge or three.

I would like to have a lesson or two with Ryan at the barn he works at. Maybe a possible birthday present. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

My Second Ryan Minor Clinic

I have been so blessed. I am able to ride in another Ryan Minor Clinic this weekend. Today, we worked on equitation classes. We started with Ryan teaching us the proper way to mount and dismount.

He demonstrated how we were supposed to mount and dismount our horses. We first stand near the horse's head with our reins gathered in our hands grasping the mane at the withers. Then we place our foot in the stirrup with the stirrup facing us and then do three hops. On the third hop, we grab the cantle of the saddle and place ourselves in the saddle. Mind you, I never knew there was a "correct" way to mount your horse, so it was a good lesson!

After that we did a lot of power walking. Basically we wanted our horses moving at a powerful walk. While doing this, we had to walk our horses over a small jump as though we were walking over a log on a trail ride.

We then moved up into trotting. We worked a bit on trotting where we would come down to a walk and walk our horses in a straight line then continue trotting. Ryan than added a trot pole to the other side of the arena where we had to do an exaggerated two point position. I don't have a photo for that, sorry!

Lastly, we moved into our jumping!

Even though I had taken a week off since I was sick, it really hasn't affected my riding skills. Surprisingly, it has actually improved my jumping. Well, our jumping. Hercules and I have improved since the last clinic and we will conquer our faults such as our speed and leads.

We started off with a small vertical and then added a small cross rail. Hercules didn't refuse at all until the second jump was higher, but that is normally expected with him, but we will fix that in the future.

Sorry for the blurriness! You get the idea!

Poor Hercules was getting bored when we had to stand and wait for our turn. He kept shaking his head up and down as if he was saying, "Come on, let's go!" I think most of the time when he was curving his head down that he was trying to chew his martingale. He's a strange little horse, but he's my baby. 

Little kitty cat sunbathing during the clinic. TOO CUTE!

I think that is the highest I've jumped so far. I think it is about 2'6''. I will check tomorrow to be positive. Hercules and I will be doing our second day of the clinic where will be jumping a course. It's exciting! 

Better jumping photo!

Finally, we cooled out our horses and went in the middle to chat with Ryan about how he has seen improvement in our riding.

My handsome man was such a good boy. He got many peppermints as rewards along with some good pats. He also got the privilege of rubbing his head on my back!

So glad my mum got this photo of him. He was just staring out the window at something I couldn't see. He is so photogenic. He should be in the Dover Saddlery catalog.

And there you have it, the end of Day 1 Ryan Minor clinic for me and Hercules. I believe we rode for about 2 hours or more since I had to get on to warm him up. It's astonishing because one of the girls in my group was 10 years old. The very age when I started riding. I love seeing younger kids ride; it reminds me of the past.

It made me smile to learn that a group of girls I know that ride at the barn were telling my mom that I was a good rider. One of them was bummed when I wasn't at the barn last week since I was sick; she wanted to ride with me. They were also in love with my winter boots. I love when younger girls look up to me as a more experienced rider. I enjoy being their role model. I wonder if they are riding in the clinic in the morning with me.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Tom Hiddleston's 1M Mark

Can you guys believe that Tom Hiddleston now has 1 million followers on Twitter. It is a glorious accomplishment by his talent and dedicated fans. I love the "Well, blow me down & slice me with hot buttered toast, what a thing." I have a feeling it means something similar to "Wow" or "I'm flabbergasted!" I would like to one day actually know what that means but I heard something similar to this on Black Adder this afternoon so I do think it means "Well, then. That's very surprising." I do however love the word "flabbergasted." It sounds so classy and high end. I've been trying t expand my vocabulary in order for me to sound more intelligent and appealing. I had a long chat about it with my mum last night. 

On that last note, congrats to the everyone who helped get Tom to 1M followers and to Tom being their idol and inspiration!

Congratulations Zara Phillips!

Olympic Silver Medalist Zara Phillips has given birth to a baby girl! The baby girl weighs 7 pounds and 12 ounces. This little one is 16th in line to the throne. I wonder if this little one will be an avid equestrienne like her wonderful mother? 

Anyways.. I congratulate Zara and her husband, Michael on the birth of their beautiful baby girl!

Photo Credits: Google Images

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Future Horse Related Post this Weekend!!

Hey guys! Since today is Thursday and I am still sick, I cancelled my lesson in order for me to get over this cold completely. With a few more daily and nightly doses of DayQuil and NyQuil, I should be better by the weekend.
However, most of you know that last year before Christmas, I did a Ryan Minor Clinic for two days. Guess who is going to be at the barn this weekend! Yup, you guessed correctly; Ryan Minor. I am so happy that I am able to attend another one of his clinics. He is here doing a three day clinic but unfortunately I cannot attend the third day since I am preoccupied, but I am able to attend the other two days. It's perfect to put on my equestrienne resume. 

Stay tuned for clinic photos! 

Ipsy Galm Bag!

My ipsy glam bag came in yesterday you guys! I am trying all the products first! Once I've tried them for a week and research price, size, retail size and if they are cruelty free or not, I shall be doing a Ipsy January 2014 review video which I shall post here and on YouTube. 

Stay tuned!

Good Morning

I am feeling a wee bit better after my two or three doses of DayQuil along with a dose of NyQuil. My throat is less scratchy than it was last night which is a relief. Also, I am not a congested anymore but only a little bit. I'm starting to take new steps to help ware off colds in the future. Things such as eating breakfast. As of right now, I am eating Peanut Butter toast.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I hope everyone is having a good day today! My day is going pretty good. I just got back from talking to a neighbor about pet sitting for her. Her dogs are absolutely adorable! I want to steal them! Anyways, I'm finally starting to feel a bit better since I have been taking doses of DayQuil and NyQuil along with the intake of orange juice and water. I've made three codes to tell if I am getting sick or am sick.
  • Code Red is the beginning symptoms of getting sick with a cold. Symptoms such as a runny nose or scratchy throat. That was all afternoon yesterday.
  • Code Grey is when I feel more sick. Symptoms would be a bad scratchy throat, congestion, lose of appetite and some lethargy. This was basically all day today.
  • Code Black is basically "I'm sick and miserable, don't bug me." This hasn't happened yet.
I have completely avoided Code Black, I'm in between Code Grey and Code Red at the moment. I can finally breathe easily through my nose but I still have times where I need to blow my nose. I am probably going to finish my mum's jug of Mango-Orange Juice. I've had about three or four glasses so far. Although I have lost my appetite, I did have some Ramen Noodles in Chicken Stock. Very delicious might I add. 

To be honest, I feel a bit like Raj from Big Bang Theory when he sneezed on Sheldon because he started drinking NyQuil or DayQuil through a flask when he was at work. The reason why I feel like Raj is because I have been taking many doses of NyQuil and DayQuil since yesterday. So far I've had two DayQuils and two NyQuils. 

This is absolutely terrible because last semester and over break I did not get sick at all! And now, I am getting sick! I can't get sick because I have babysitting, pet sitting, university, and maybe a future job. I'm trying to avoid getting sick at all costs. 

I've only gone outside once today and that was only to see my neighbor about pet sitting. I am actually going to start eating an apple everyday because one of my mum's friends swears by it. Her kids eat an apple everyday and they haven't gotten sick at all. I ate one last night and I am going to have one tonight before I go to bed. 

Right now, since I am feeling a bit under the weather I've been doing my a great majority of my homework. I have finished my reading for Public Speaking, nearly finished my homework problems for Math but I need help with one when my dad gets home, and now I am slowly working on my English Comp homework which is coming along very nicely. I love it when I have my homework done because then I don't need to worry about it later when I am in class. Being prepared is always a smart thing to do. 

I've been having a Black Adder marathon all morning. I am on Season 4 now! I love Rowan Atkinson. He is absolutely hilarious. I particularly love him as Mr. Bean and Johnny English. I have a dvd of his comedy show from when he was in Boston. My favourite part is his performance of Shakespeare. Very funny indeed because his knees would bang on the ground when he fell to his knees. 

Well toodle loo! :)

Photo Credit: Google Images

Monday, January 13, 2014

First Day of the Spring Semester

Hello everyone! Today I went back to university because the Spring Semester just started! Woohoo! Homework and papers to do! I had a great first day! I found all my classrooms easily since they are only in two buildings. 

My mom drops me off in the mornings because my first class starts at 8 in the morning. I went to my first class which was public speaking. It was a good day of introductory. My teacher is nice, she just got married over winter break. When she called my name for roll call, she actually pronounced it RIGHT! It usually takes someone about one or two tries to pronounce it correctly. I did get homework for that class, but it was just some reading. I am working on that right now actually.

My second class went great as well. The second class is a Math for Liberal Arts class since I am going to be transferring to a college on the West Coast. My teacher is very nice, but strict which is good when it comes to certain things such as cell phones being used in class. She also pronounced my last name CORRECTLY, you have no idea how happy I was. We went over the syllabus and such before we dove into the first part of the first section of the book. We talked about the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning. The subject is quite easy for me, however I did struggle on a question or two but I was able to figure it out. After that class ended, I headed out towards the Student Center; that has a cafe, game area and study area. 

I made my way over to the Student Center because a friend of mine from high school had a break about the same amount of time as I did. So we got to hang out and catch up on things since we haven't seen each other since the end of high school. It was a good down time between my second class and my last class. My friend said something I found very interesting. He said that he can see me hosting my own talk show or being on Fashion Police of E! I found this absolutely amazing because those are two dreams of mine in the future. We also talked about how I have a crush on Tom Hiddleston, hehe. 

When time of my free time ended, my friend walked me over to my class because hey, that's what friends do. He and I might be hanging out with another friend of ours from high school this weekend. I headed into my last class which was English Composition. My professor is pretty cool. The only thing that made me feel down was that my throat was starting to feel sore. However for the roll, we had to write our name, college email and an animal that we wanted to be. I put Tiger down for mine because I find Tigers absolutely fascinating, especially the White Tiger and the Bengal Tiger. After that class ended, it was time to head to the mall to meet up with Mum.

Now, here is where the fun begins. I left my last class and headed to the mall for a few reasons. I had to go to MICHAEL KORS to check on my application, check if they had the boots I wanted, return a textbook I didn't need and find the one I needed, and to also try on the MK boots I was in love with at Dillard's. 
I went to MICHAEL KORS and asked for assistance to see if they could give me any news about my application. I talked to a sales associate and the assistant manager. The assistant manager said she liked my Barbour coat. This coat has been getting a lot of attention. The sales associate said that she would put my application on tope of the applications with a sticky note that said I came in asking about my application. Hopefully I will hear something soon. By the way, I dressed up a bit more so that my dress code could be noticed by the staff. Dressing good helps make a good impression. After that, I looked to see if they had the black MK boots I was looking at, but they only had it in brown/black and luggage. I then headed to Barnes and Noble to meet up with my mum. Let me tell you, I was walking pretty fast, say walking like the Flash. Once I got to Barnes and Noble, I was a bit hot since my coat was also making me feel hot. My mum said she returned the book I had previously rented, but the book I needed was out of stock. The sales associate recommended the book store across from the mall which we added to our list of places to go. Once we finished there, we went to Dillard's to see if they had the boots in my size. Sadly they didn't but I tried on a size 7 which ended up fitting very well. We didn't purchase them because my mum and I are still thinking about it. 

We went to the car thinking we were going home, but then my mum and I decided to check out the Textbook Brokers store to see if they had the textbook I needed. My mum dropped me off and I went in to see while she found a place to park. When it was my turn, things got a bit flirty or at least I think they did. The guy operating the register I was at was being very cheeky with me. He was saying stuff about Rhode Island not being a state because it was so small and that Virginia Beach is the same size and Rhode Island. I looked that up and Virginia Beach can fit in Rhode Island at least two and half times, so he was very wrong. He was quite cute actually, but I am not getting involved with boys at the moment because of university and also it being my last semester here before we moved to the West Coast. Although he did save my life since they had the book I needed.

I just finished my math homework and I am working on my public speaking reading and then later on my English Comp. homework. At the moment, I am sucking on Halls, drinking water, bundled like an eskimo, wearing some fuzzy slippers, and taking doses of DayQuil and NyQuil since my throat is feeling sore. I refuse to get sick! I had such a good streak last semester and over winter break. 
I refuse.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Life and My Ways

I was having a think while I was reading my book "Ooh La La: French Women's Secrets to Feeling Beautiful Every Day", I started thinking about the goals I've set for myself and what kind of future I wanted. I do like doing my homework and such on my own and figuring out ways to get closer to things. I always set three types of goals: short term, mid term, and long term. 

I love being single. It gives me the freedom to focus on myself, my grades at university, and time to think on what I want to be in the future rather than forcing me to give my full attention to a guy if I was in a relationship. Although, during my sophomore year of high school, I used being able to see my boyfriend as a reward for me to finish my work and to get good grades because if I didn't achieve the two, I wouldn't have been able to see him after school or on the weekends. I worked so hard last semester, and my hard work ended up with my name being on the Dean's List (I got straight A's) as my reward. That is a short term goal for me for this semester. I want to achieve the A's I need in order for me to be accepted into Western Washington when I transfer. I've also been focusing on my riding skills during my riding lessons which are now on Thursdays. I want my skills to be utter perfection for when I try out for the riding team at Western Washington University. 

Hercules and I
My mid term goals or really one of them is to revamp my wardrobe into a more classy version. Straight dress pants, classy blazers, chic pencil skirts, maybe one a Burberry trench coat, and a few gorgeous pea coats. I want my image to look more my age, or maybe a bit older. Another one of my mid term goals is to find a good paying job. I just dropped off an application at the MICHAEL KORS store at the local shopping mall. Tomorrow after my classes, I am going to go by and ask about my application.  I've already planned my outfit for tomorrow. I do love dressing up a bit more in order to look a certain part. It would be a dream come true if I got the job at MICHAEL KORS because the designer brand is one the I love very much. I own a few items of the brand; one being my new treasured Selma bag.

I adore the entertainment industry. I've always wanted to be apart of it. This is one of my long term goals for my life. I want to one be a news reporter for E! Network on the Red Carpet at the Golden Globes or the Tony Awards. I'd like to have a nice piece of property with room for me to stable a horse  or two and to also have a nice car such as a Range Rover. I want to major in journalism with a possible minor in theatre at Western Washington. I also want to be apart of a choir at Western Washington as well as many clubs as I can manage. I'd like to have a very eclectic resume for when I apply to internships and future jobs. The more eclectic my resume, the more job opportunities I would be in reach of. 

With determination, hard work, goal setting, and dedication I can and will achieve these goals I have set for myself and become who I long to be. A news reporter with E! Network. 

My Day just got Perfect… Not

Since tomorrow is the first day of the Spring Semester, I checked my Blackboard account this morning. Only one of my classes was showing earlier this week on Blackboard. When I checked it this morning, another one of my classes was showing. Just so you know, I just bought my books and went through a class schedule hassle. When I looked at the class just added to Blackboard, I found that I have bought the wrong book. Now, I have to return the book I thought we were going to use and rent/buy the book my professor said we will be using. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit


Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit was an amazing film! I have a knack for action films so this film pleased me very well. It had a great cast! Chris Pine, Kenneth Branagh, Kevin Costner and Keira Knightley! You couldn't ask for anymore! Another reason why it was so good was because Kevin Costner was in dress blues…. I mean, heart throb! A girl could die seeing a gorgeous man in a uniform. This was a very suspenseful film, it kept you on your toes nearly through the whole film.

My favorite line was when Cherevin told the minister "It was always for Russia," and the minister replied "So is this."

Rather ironic… But a great film.

Little Chef in the Making

This S'mores Dip is a quick and easy dessert! My mum found it online! But she cut the ingredients down because it called for a lot more. 

To make a small batch for 3 people it's:
1/2 a cup of chocolate chips
1/2 a cup of s'more shape marshmallows (About 8 does it)
A tablespoon of Half-n-Half
A microwave
An oven
A microwavable dish
3 4-ounce dishes

You place the 1/2 cup of chips with the tablespoon of half-n-half in a microwaveable container and microwave it for 20 seconds. Then stir it and place 4 s'more marshmallows in it, stir and then microwave for another 20 seconds. Once it is down, repeat the process after adding the last 4 s'more marshmallows. Once the dip is stirred fully. Pour it into the three dishes, place one s'more marshmallow on the top, and place in the oven which is set on broil. This browns the marshmallow on the top. Once they are browned, place the dishes each on a small plate with some Angry Birds graham crackers and you are ready for some dessert!

The dish size we use are about 4 ounces. It's a great size for one person. Along with the S'mores Dip, instead of generic graham crackers, we use the Angry Birds graham crackers. Easy dippers for an easy dip.

If you use the normal ingredients to make a larger batch, this is great for a girls night or having a movie night at home with a few friends. But if you use the smaller sized ingredients, it's great for an at home date night with a film.

The link down below is the recipe for the normal size s'mores dip.

Friday, January 10, 2014

My Idol/Role Model

Sarah Brightman
Photo Credit to Google
This beautiful woman has been my idol ever since I was 6 when I went with my parents to see La Luna. Ever since, I've listened to nearly all of her albums that I owned, watched her tour film, and went to see Harem and Symphony performance. She is one of the reasons why I love and adore music so much. Sadly, we did not get to see her Eden or Dreamchaser concerts. I never have a single favorite song because I love all of her songs. I watched her perform in the Phantom of the Opera on YouTube. I've enjoyed seeing her sing duets with Josh Groban, Antonio Banderas, Fernando Lima and Michael Crawford. I admire the talents of those men because they are truly extraordinary when added to Sarah's sensational talent. If Sarah Brightman ever took on a prodigy, I would want to do it because I would love to work with her one day because singing is one of my many passions.

She is my role model and idol, the inspiration to follow my dreams and to not question life.

College Blues

I swear, I have a case of college blues, but for two reasons:

  1. I am bored since I don't have any papers to write or a job.
  2. Also because of the Spring Registration and buying books.
Lately I have been rather bored. I enjoy having a paper to write and/or studying for an exam. Since vacation started, I've been missing the go I had when classes were in session. Another reason why I have been so bored is because I don't have a job. I applied to a place at the NEX but they never gave me a straight answer when they were going to call for interviews so I crossed them off my list for lack of response. I just recently applied to MICHAEL KORS, I also added a cover letter to help boost my luck of getting a job. It's a store I love, so I am hoping I get a job there. 

Ever since Spring Registration started, it has been such a hassle with me. I registered for an Oceanography course but a week later it was cancelled due to low enrollment. I then registered for an Earth Science course but that was cancelled due to low enrollment. After that I tried registering for the same class but different instructor however it did not coincide with my schedule. Then I tried registering for an American History class, but when I looked at the enrollment while it was in my schedule, only 6 people were registered out of 28 seats. 22 seats were still open, but I figured that it would be cancelled so I dropped it. Finally, I registered for a computer class that goes over Word, Power Point, Access, and Excel. The registered amount was full and reliable, so my classes are finalized. I returned my Earth Science books, then bought my History books, then had to return the History books and finally rented my computer books.

As you can see, you can tell I have had such a journey with the college book store. I am so glad it is over. I really wish that the college I attend showed the amount of open seats are in a class so that we could know what classes I should register in and to also avoid classes being dropped from schedules.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Teavana Lover am I

On Tuesday, I went to the mall with my mum to check out the Alpaca coats, drop my application off and to also explore the tea shop. My friend Mary in Rhode Island was telling me about this tea that she had at a tea room that she went to in Bristol, RI. She told me it was a peach tea. After she described how wonderful the tea was, I was determined to find something similar in order for me to try.

Mum and I went to Teavana and looked around; and there it was, Peach Tranquility. The sales lady was telling me about how fruity it was and began wafting the teas aroma to me so that I could smell it. It smelled so delicious I had to take some home to try it. Mum and I got some along with a pretty tea tin and a measuring spoon. 

When I tried it, I actually liked it. On second thought, I loved it. It's so fruity. I definitely recommend this tea for other tea enthusiast. I enjoy it very much, I feel that I am becoming British because I am starting to enjoy tea.

I am thinking that next time, I shall try the White Chocolate Peppermint tea. It sounds so delicious.

Bye loves!

My Love for MK Signature

I am in love with anything designed by Michael Kors. Everything comes out so chic and beautiful. I won four beautiful items designed by Michael Kors, two of which are MK Signature.
I know I only show three of the four, but the fourth is an older bag and I didn't have a good picture of it to show you
These are my newest additions.
Photo Credit to 

What would make me extremely happy would be if Michael Kors made a Signature collar and leash along with a dog carrier. I would be in line for one of each, or maybe a few of each… Haha! I think Michael Kors should design a Signature collar, leash and carrier! Louis Vuitton has them but they are so expensive. Ralph Lauren makes dog sweaters, coats, collars, leashes, and carriers. I believe it is time for Michael Kors to expand even more. I think all of the people who buy Michael Kors would be in line for a MK Signature collar, leash and/or carrier. I feel that it would make the brand even more popular! I would love to walk onto a plane with my dog in a MK Signature carrier. I would feel ever so chic. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Video!!

Hey guys! Just so you know I have uploaded and edited my new and latest video! Please go and watch it! Leave tips, critique it and give me any advice in order to make my videos better!

Love you!

New Vlog video!

I just finished editing my new blog video and it says that it will take about 2 hours to finalize it. Once I post it on YouTube, I will be post it on here later!

Stay Tuned!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Upcoming Things

Okay, tomorrow I am going to filming my "What's in My Big Kors" and hopefully it will be uploaded by tomorrow evening. Then I am going to be outlining a new video for College Success and Organization Tips.

Also, my tipsy glam bag is in prepping mode so once it is shipped it should be here soon!

Stay tuned!

Monday Funtime

Hello everyone! Sorry I am blogging late, I was exhausted after my lesson yesterday. 

Oh my Lord, Hercules was filthy when I brought him out of his stall. They went out earlier in the morning and then came in before I got to the barn. I literally had the towel rub him so that he would be somewhat dry when we would start riding. I think it took me about 20-30 minutes to do both sides of him. I am sorry, I don't have a "before" photo of him. However I do have a photo of the towel I used on him!

This is only half the rag, the other half was even darker.
In the end of the grooming nightmare, I actually got him really clean. It was as if he was never even dirty. 

Before our lesson!
Surprisingly, Hercules was really quiet, it was a kind of creepy quiet. He usually was never that quiet. After about 5-6 jumps over a cross rail, he sort of lost his brain. I was starting to like the way he was when we started riding because he was nice and quiet. We didn't do very much in the lesson as it was starting to get very cold. We did a lot of walking, trotting, sitting trots, and a few canters. We had to be careful with his lungs because of the chilly cold air. He did get a few carrots and a core from the apple I ate earlier before and after the lesson.

My instructor said she loved the present I left her for Christmas! In return, she gave me a new pair of Zocks! I was in dire need of a new pair anyways for the summer! I love it when instructors do the sweet little things for their students, it is sweet when they show their love. 

Sleepy boy after the lesson…
On a final note, I just want to keep you up to date. I have now moved my lessons to Thursdays since my Spring Semester classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays. Instead of Monday Funtime, it will now become Thursday Funtime. 

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...