Monday, December 30, 2013

Say Yes To Tomatoes Mask Review

Today, I used this mask sample that my mum got me for Christmas. I have to say that the amount in the "single use" package was a bit overloaded. The amount in the packaging was too much for one use. From what I saw, I think they could have cut this in half into two samples. I overloaded my face a bit with the whole sample. But when I took it off with the wash cloth, splashed my face with water, pat dry my face, my skin was very soft. Almost baby bottom soft. I definitely recommend this to those who like the brand Say Yes To Tomatoes to definitely try this. I am definitely going to purchase this product in tube form. 

Very British British

Hello loves! Tonight, my parents and I had a very British dinner. We had fish, chips, mushy peas, chip butties with malt vinegar. It was so delicious! I'm usually never a fan of mushy peas, but I am truing to expand my food choices. 

Doesn't it look mouth watering!
I am an Anglophile like my mum. I really do love England, I am trying to eat many of the dishes from England. Other dishes I've eaten is Shepherds Pie, and Crumble (Raspberry and Apple). Along with things that are British, my family and I are very keen on British comedies and dramas such as The Good Life, To The Manor Born, and Downton Abbey. 

Another thing is that I have been to England a few times, plus Scotland once. I've spent Christmas in Kettlewell which was in Yorkshire and it was such fun. In 2016, my parents and I and hopefully my aunt and her family will be spending Christmas there again. It will be different because my Nana and Poppy won't be there to celebrate with us, but they will be there in spirit with us. 

I really do love England, I'd like to live there one day. Maybe marry someone English… Always a dream of mine to live in England. If I did live in England, I would be in such a short distance from Italy, France, Austria, and Germany. These are some of the countries I'd love to visit. Italy has Venice, France has Paris and the Eiffel Tower, Austria has the Spanish Riding School, and Germany has Munich and Berlin. I just want to travel and see the world. My family and I would like to go to Hawaii for Christmas next years, fingers crossed. 

See you tomorrow!

Possible Wardrobe/Bedroom Evolution

Lately, I have been reading my "Wear This Now" book at night. I enjoy this book very much because it gives detailed information on what items of clothing you should have in order for them to flatter your body shape. I have been browsing Nordstrom's website also and the classy styled clothes are starting to call out to me. Maybe one day I shall give my wardrobe a face lift; a major face lift actually. 

Along with my wardrobe, I think once I move to the West Coast, I will give my bedroom a major face lift. This face lift would include a slightly larger bed, new bedding and maybe some new wall accessories. The wall accessories would be a few lovely posters of a few Monet's paintings. 

I have recently found this lovely Simply Vera Vera Wang bedding set, it's in a cream color with a type of lattice design on it. It's not too girly, but it has a hint of girly but it's still a bit neutral. I'm also looking at this headboard which is in a cream shade. I do believe it is a fabric headboard but I am not sure on what kind of fabric. 

At the moment, I am having a much needed FaceTime date with my best friend in Rhode Island. We love FaceTime, so we have our own little fun with it making up jokes all the time. We listen to so much music it's crazy! 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Additional New Year's Resolution

A few months ago, I was going to attend Oregon State University in Bend, Oregon. I bought the books I needed for the classes I was going to attend, but alas; my plans changed. I became homesick and wanted to go home. In the end, I did. I packaged all the books I needed to returned, returned them and got my refunds. Sadly, I made a mistake. I believe I sent a book to the wrong address and also I received a book late. Now, I had to purchase the book I returned to the wrong address and now must return a book again. Now I am at home, attending the local community college. I know rent all my books and buy the ones I cannot rent.

I have now learned from my mistakes of my disorganization of those few months. 

My additional New Year's Resolution is to be better organized in 2014. That way I will be able to keep track of things I purchase and be smart with me money. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

So Many Things, So Little Time

I've been thinking a bit lately about my future after university and struck a few things I must do during college. If I really do want to become an actress, I must start now; well when I get to Washington since I have found a few agencies that I will apply to. I'd start off there and also at the university by joining their drama club if they have one and also to take acting classes at the university. I must stop wishing for things without trying to make them come true, it's very idiotic to do so. Along with that, I do want to become a journalist/reporter and the university I will be attending next fall has the major (Journalism) that I will be doing. Also, I have done research and found a website that shows where to find internships at companies such as E! I am doing the research I must, I just need to get myself in gear. 

Everyone starts somewhere, no matter the size of the role.

Thor: The Dark World Review

Five Star Film

The film was incredible everyone. Its quality was utter perfection, it really wasn't what I was expecting; it was a great deal more! In the beginning when Thor brought Jane to Asgard, Odin spoke to Jane with such an egotistic aura. I believe that his ego was because he was king of Asgard, no offense to Odin. But as the film progressed, I found the character I was looking forward to seeing; Loki. I swear, Loki is so cheeky, it drives me crazy. I really do like the bad boys in films. Tom Hiddleston did a fantastic job as Loki, but he never fails at playing Loki. From my perspective, it comes naturally to him. 

There were at least three scenes in Thor: The Dark World that really affected me. One of them was the funeral scene of Frigga and the other fallen Asgardians who fell during the battle against the Dark Elves. It was extremely emotional because you're watching her drift in a barge in her funeral garbs and then Odin signals an archer to light the barge on fire. The part that made me extremely emotional was when the family members of fallen Asgardians released what seemed to me was a star into the sky. The next scene was when Loki "died" fighting with Algrim/Kurse. My heart literally shattered thinking that Loki was gone for good. The last scene that affected me was the ending where Odin turned into Loki, which Loki was in disguise as Odin. I felt so much better knowing that he was alive. I wonder if Loki will have a film of his own where it shows Sigyn. 

There were many aspects of the films production that left me awestruck. The costumes were amazing, such intricate work on the gowns of Frigga, Jane, and the other Asgardian women. Another was the background, it was real; as though we were seeing it in person. The makeup of the Dark Elves was also impressive. I am so familiar with the process since I watched Face Off, I knew what had to go into the process. The artists did a fantastic job.

Sigyn in Norse mythology is the wife of Loki. Online it mentioned that Sigyn has reddish brown hair, but I believe that she would look amazing with darker hair, hair color similar to mine which is a dark brown. When put next to Loki, they would show the darkness of their characters aloud. I have found a new fascination with Norse Mythology. I am definitely going to purchase a Kindle book on Norse Mythology. 

I really do hope there will be a next Thor, fingers crossed.

Photo Credits: Google Images

Friday, December 27, 2013

Yes? No? Maybe? I don't know!

Hi everyone! I need help! I would really like to start a YouTube channel where I would do things such as Ipsy Glam Bag reviews, room tour, bathroom tour and such. It's just that I don't know where to start! 

Do you guys have any tips?

Thor: The Dark World

Hey guys! So tomorrow I am going to see Thor: The Dark World! So sometime after that I will do a film review for you guys!

Stay tuned!

Things I May Look into in the Future

Today, I did some exploration on possible future internships at E! I would really like to get into the entertainment or fashion industry so the internship at E! would be a great start. I would like to be a reporter who is doing small interviews with celebrities on the Red Carpet. That would be a dream come true for me. I'd love to be working on the carpet at a movie premiere, the Grammies, the Tony awards, and the Oscars. I know I want to be working in Los Angeles so that is the main part of the West Coast I will be looking at when it comes to internships and jobs. So, I shall be keeping everyone on tabs about my future options.

Oh and I just sent in my application to Western Washington University, fingers crossed! :)

New Year's Resolutions!

Photo credit to Google Images
Lately I have been contemplating what my New Year's resolutions would be and I have come up with a three resolutions and also three goals to go along with it. 

1. To maintain a constant workout calendar. I'm working on sticking to going to the gym twice a week. Also I would like to get a few pieces of workout apparel. 

2. I'd like to start eating healthier. Lately I have not been eating a lot of vegetables and fruits. So in 2014, I am going to eat actual meals rather than snacks.

3. I would also like to improve on my jumping by correcting any jumping mistakes and to also jump a bit higher than I do at the moment.


1. One of my goals is to maintain my grades for next semester. It is my goal to get on the Dean's List again.

2. My second goal is to not touch my savings. I still have a habit of taking out cash from my savings rather than my checking.

3. My third goal is to deposit every check, babysitting payment and such into the bank in order to build my accounts back up to where they need to be.

Benefits of a Hope Chest

There are many benefits of a Hope Chest. I have been using one since last year and I love it.

1. You can place things away that you find in a store. You never know if a set is going to become discontinued in the future.

2. You can save money in the future since you have put things aside for your future apartment/condo. 

My Hope Chest holds many different things. I have fall decorations, Christmas ornaments, kitchen accessories such as a cheese board and a few napkin rings. I also have some children's toys for my future children because some toys can be hard to find. I also have some baskets that I can use for my home in order to put things in and I have a set of dishes that I would use for say a brunch when I had friends or family over. The baskets are made by Longaberger which my mum had given me a while ago; they also have the protectors and the liners. Sadly, a kitchen ware set I wanted that was inspired by French blue was sadly discontinued. I only have a jelly dish and a set of napkin rings from the set.

Do you have a Hope Chest? If so, what do you put in it?

10 New Things in my Bedroom

I have been in love with this handbag since last year! I am now the proud owner of the Black and White Selma bag! I am so nervous to take it out! Every night, I place it in its dust bag on top of my dresser. I want it to last a long time so I am taking many precautions. 

I found this book when my family did our annual Barnes and Noble Christmas outing. It caught my attention because it's about a French woman's secrets to feeling beautiful everyday. Since I love anything French, I just had to have it. Once I read it, I will do a book review on it for you guys!

The spines of the books
The covers
I love these box books. They are so cute because you could hide things inside them or use them a box to put a gift in. Right now they are on my bookcase. I am also obsessed with how they have peacocks on them. I've been looking at them for so long at Michael's but I didn't buy them. So my mom surprised me with them!

I've been loving this perfume! I am so happy that I finally have one! Daisy "Eau So Fresh" is so fragrant. Every time I would go to the NEX, I would go and get a spritz of this perfume. I am so happy I have perfume again since I ran out of my Chanel #5. I miss Chanel but I am loving my Marc Jacobs perfume. 

I got this body butter in a set with a scrubby and a bottle of body wash. I haven't tried the body butter yet, but I have used the body wash. It smells so good! Cranberry scented shower gels, lotions and or candles are my favorite. I would like to get a Cranberry Chutney candle by Yankee Candle one day to light in my home. My home would smell so good.

I am so in love with my new MK monogram cross body bag! It's tiny and easy to use. All I put inside are my ID, some cash and iPhone since I don't need to take very much whenever I go somewhere. I have a Kindle case in the same monogram.

This book also caught my eye at Barnes and Noble because it has so many fashion tips. Tips such as how to wear thigh high boots without looking like a hooker and what types of clothing are perfect for your body shape. I also like it because it has chapters on what to wear to the Hamptons, West Coast Cities, Europe, and Hawaii. I am so excited to read it that one day soon I will re-vamp my closet to clothes that are classy yet they flatter my body shape.

These two pieces are part of my Hope Chest which is a chest for my future apartment or condo. The one on the left is a decretive toilet roll holder to place on the back of the toilet. I really love it because it has peacocks on it and I just love peacocks. The one on the right is a glass dish that is holding a set of guest towels. Again the guest towels and glass dish have peacocks on them which is really beautiful.

I love this watch. I choose this on my family's annual Target trip where we each go around, write what we like and then someone chooses randomly with a $50 gift card. I was so happy my mum got this for me! I finally have a watch! My old one broke so I was forced to use my phone all the time. I like using a watch to tell time because it is classier. It looks so pretty on my wrist.

As you can see, I got quite a few things related to peacocks. I love this little journal, it is so cute. I'd use this for things such as quick little notes or grocery lists for when I have an apartment or condo in the future.

What are some new things that you go for Christmas?

How I use my 3 Pound Ankle Weights

Picture credits to Amazon

I have been using the ankle weights so much since I got them for Christmas.  I walk around the house with them on my ankles as if they weren't on my ankles. The work really well when I walk up the stairs with them on. Also, I do donkey kicks with them. I started doing donkey kicks with each ankle weight on each ankle, but now that my bum has gotten used to the weight, I have started putting the two ankle weights on one ankle which doubles the weight on one ankle at a time. I also keep them on my ankles when I do bicycle crunches and it really does help. They add an extra weight and causes me to work harder to hit 50 bicycle crunches. They also help tone my legs when I do scissor kicks.

I love that I am getting into a fitness flow. It makes me feel a lot more energized, especially after I come home from the gym. I did 50 minutes on the bicycle and 5 minutes running. Then my friend Hannah and I went in the sauna for about 10 minutes. I am starting to love the gym. 

New Film Haul

Seasons 1-6 of The Big Bang Theory

Since Christmas Day, I've been watching The Big Bang Theory with my parents. So far, we are on Season 3. I have been laughing so much my stomach hurts. I love the cast and the characters because they are so funny and humorous. I love Raj on how he is so nervous to talk to girls, it's too cute. Sheldon is hilarious because he is very superior to the others on what he has to do and how he can't change his groove. Howard is just funny because of his dickies and skinny jeans. Leonard is funny because he gets upset when he has to deal with Sheldon all the time. Penny is Penny, she is amazing! 

Jodhaa Akbar

I have a love for Bollywood films and this was the first one I've watched. I love the music because the music is so lulling and beautiful. I have some of the sound track on my iPhone and I listen to it often. The costumes are just gorgeous! The time and effort put into them must have been very intricate. Also I love the cast! Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai are amazing in this film. They have become my favorite Bollywood actress and actor. 

Memoirs of a Geisha

I really do love this film because it shows what a Geisha did. The kimonos are so spectacular! I would love to visit Japan one day since this film has created a love for Japan and their culture. The cast did an amazing job at filling their roles. This film literally gives you a strong glimpse of their everyday life, culture and what happened to them during World War II. 

The Miracle of the White Stallions

This film is based on a true story. Reasons why I love his film is because I love the Lipizzaners and it's historical. I've seen the Lipizzaners perform here in the states but I would always love to see them perform in Vienna, Austria. That would be a dream come true. The horses are so well trained through the consistency of their trainers that they perform the moves so flawlessly. It is just so beautiful.

Breaking Dawn Part 2

I have been a Twi-hard ever since I've read the books and since the first film came out. I love it! My favorite is the cottage that the Cullen's built Edward and Bella, it was very homely. If you watch the films from the beginning, you can definitely see the difference in quality because each on got better and better. I am sad the series is over. I do think Stephanie Meyer should write a series about Jacob and Nessie. I think that would be a cute mini-series. Does anyone else agree with me?

Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit

This is a very humorous film! I love it! I know I may be turning 20, but it's natural to have a few children's films to make you laugh; you know to bring the child in you to life. I love this film because it talks about the Washington International Horse Show and also because it has to deal with a horse of course. Since I just recently went to the WIHS, I knew from this film what kind of classes that might be there. Sadly, my parents and I missed the Military class. But we did see the Hermes Cup which was spectacular because we got to see Beezie Madden and Clint Farrington jump.   

I hope you guys will check some of these films out and find them just as enthralling as I did. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Patriots Twins

My MudLynn got herself a new bed from me and a Patriots bandana that goes on her collar that Mum got from a Christmas craft fair. She a Patriots fan just like the rest of her family. Ever since yesterday, she has not left her bed at all. She has been sleeping in the bed for the past two days. She is so happy to be in a cozy bed. We are using the bed as a decoy to start training her to sleep in her bed rather than on the furniture. So far so good!

Who's your favorite NFL team?

Quiet Confidence vs. Loud Confidence

Do you have a quiet confidence or a loud confidence? I've a quiet confidence because I just don't want to be seen as a woman who is vain or conceited. I feel that a loud confidence is a persons way of getting the attention they want to receive from others. I find that a quiet confidence is more attractive because the person knows what they are and who they are rather than screaming it out to the world. I see many actors and actresses who have a quiet confidence. People such as Angelina Jolie because she doesn't show off what she has. She is the woman who thinks more of family than anything else. I personally feel that people with a loud confidence are often bragging about everything that they have all the time, it is rather unattractive to be bragging all the time. But sometimes when a person has a loud confidence, they aren't afraid to where anything because they know they can wear it. I mean, take Lady Gaga. She wore a dress made of meat and an outfit made of lace. She is never afraid to show people how she does, she gives people the feeling to not be afraid to wear anything or be anything. She gives them confidence. But quiet confidence and loud confidence has many things that equal each other out. They may have bad points, but they weigh more on the good points. 

We Can't Stop and We Won't Stop

Sorry, I couldn't resist! The We Can't Stop lyrics fit so well with this blog post since I can't stop blogging and I won't stop blogging. I have gotten in such a great groove with blogging that I can't stop! There are so many ideas in my mind that I want to blog about. I mean when I initially started to blog when I was younger, I'd start one for a week, then I would forget about it. But now that I am blogging consistently, I have accomplished the blogging with dedication. Things happen around me that I want to blog about. Things like my riding lessons, holidays, outings, trips and such and I just want to share them with you. Plus I just love to write posts since I've always loved creative writing and such. I usually have so many story ideas that I would write down on paper. I had a lot of fun during high school because I wrote two stories; one science fiction and the other a romanticism story. But when I write a story of my own, it tends to have a lot of incidents with a damsel in distress and such.

So yeah that's really how I can't and won't stop blogging!

See you later guys! 

10 Tips for Incoming Freshmen to Enduring the First Semester

I have really lived this since I just finished the fall semester. I know what it is like to be a freshmen just fresh out of high school and go right into college, it's tough but everything can be rewarding. I am doing this post because I want to reach out to any future freshmen to help with the craziness of the first semester.

Tip #1. Have a binder designated for anything college related. It could hold the copy of your class schedule, financial aid documents, scholarship letters, letters from the college such as the acceptance letter, and if your dad or mom is military and they give you their GI Bill, it can hold you VA forms and such. 

Tip #2. Rent your books. I rented all my books and it is easier on the wallet rather than buying a $100 book. But if you do end up having to buy a book if you can't rent it, buy one that is used. There are many used college book sites out there that you can use. I used a few, one like which has a great selection of books for rent or to buy.

Tip #3. Make flash cards for your vocabulary and spread sheets with info that you gathered from the textbooks that was on your exam study guide. Sticky note everything; literally. Trust me, I did the spread sheet and it did help me because it gives you the definition for an event, a person, a battle and a place that you have to know. Flash cards help a lot too because they are a form of repetition, at least they are to me. Sticky notes really do help when you have to do a term paper on lets say a compare and contrast of two books. You can place a note on a page and write on the note what you need and bookmark the page for later when citing it in a paper.

Tip #5. When in doubt, always ask questions. Whether you are stuck on a paper or unsure of a protocol, ask you professor or an advisor. They have the answers they can give you. Do not just sit there and do what you think is the right method. It is better to go to someone with knowledge and ask for advice or help.

Tip #6. If it helps you, print out the power points if your professor emails them to you and your classmates. It helps to have the power point in front of you because then you can write your own notes on the power point to review later when you have an upcoming exam. You can highlight the terms that your professor says will be on the exam.

Tip #7. If your professors says there is extra credit you can do, by all means do it! My Greek Mythology professor said that we could do a compare and contrast on Hercules (Disney film) and Heracles (Greek Mythology Hero). I did this and it was not that hard, I had a jolly good time because I got to watch the film which was nice. No college student can get too old for a Disney film.

Tip #8. Always check your student email! One time, class in the classroom for me was cancelled due to weather conditions and I did not know this and ended up arriving to my classroom with the door locked. All because I did not check the email.

Tip #9. If your college has an app for your smart phone; GET IT! It makes it easier rather than typing in into your safari app which takes a while since you sometimes don't have a great wifi source to make it go faster. I got my college's app for my iPhone and it has helped. Many college apps are free.

Tip #10. If you don't live on campus and you live at home, exchange numbers with people in your classes in case you want to do a study group, need information on homework, need notes that you missed, and or need to figure place and time to meet up to work on a group project. You make such great friends from college. Especially if they are in your grade/year, cause then you can relate and try to help each other through any struggles.

A lot of these tips did help me because it made classes a bit easier on me. I was able to complete all my classes with good grades, and my grades helped me get on the Dean's List. They could help you too. You just need dedication, consistency and confidence. You can make the Dean's List during you first semester, you have to believe in yourself, because you CAN do it.

And if you did or didn't notice that I skipped Tip #4, here it is.

Tip #4.  Read and re-read everything before submitting it to a professor or to a blog.

Current Man Crush

I know it isn't Monday because normally Man Crush is Man Crush Monday, but I do not really care because I want to get this off my chest right now. 

I have a new man crush, but if you follow my Instagram, you'd know from last Monday. My new and probably my last man crush is the dashing Tom Hiddleston. He is my man crush for many reasons.

1. Even though I don't know him personally, after watching many of his interviews and funny videos, I find him very handsome and attractive.
2. Even though he is 32, he does have immature outbursts which are adorable. I mean, everyone has their funny side and he definitely does; it is so cute.
3. He plays my favorite villain, Loki. I can relate to Loki because I am mischievous some of the time.
4. I can relate to his love for horses since I have such a strong love for them since I have been riding for nearly 11 years now, I'd love to go riding with him out in the English country side.
5. I just find his accent so alluring, like it pulls me in.
6. His laugh is adorable.

I mean, he is just so dashing and handsome. And his blue eyes are so beautiful, so captivating; I could get lost in them if I could. I do find him sexy, but I just prefer calling him handsome and dashing because he is that. He has that mischievous part of him that I find so intriguing. 

He is just so handsome…
Credits to Google Images

I may be turning 20 in February, but I do act as if I were older than 20. I did a Mental Age quiz and I received the age 28 which is pretty surprising but I agreed with the results. Another thing about me is that I am not a huge fangirl, but I am a fan; so I would not be the girl who be screaming in his face, I'd be the girl just calmly trying to start conversation with him. I mean, if I met a celebrity, I would treat them as though they were my family, warmly and welcoming. Since I worked as an extra in two parts of an episode that was never aired, I fell in love with the entertainment industry and actually got to talk with one of the actresses moms, and it was nice to know about the actress from the mothers point of view; that even though they are famous, they are just like you or me. And he is the kind of guy I would love to be friends with. He dresses like a gentleman which is what he is, a gentleman. I love men who dress in dress pants, a dress shirt and nice shoes; to me it shows how they can dress so wonderfully, casual dressed but not over dressed. I just love how many times, he chooses to dress like that rather than in a tee-shirt and jeans. It just shows that he cares about how he looks in public, which is the kind of guy that I like. I also find his knowledge of many languages (ability to speak) very intelligent. I find that a man that knows many things or can speak different languages very intelligent. I'd love to meet him one day.

Lets just end this post with me telling you that I do have a crush on Tom Hiddleston… :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey Review

Five Stars

Last night, I watched the film, The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey and I have got to say, it was a fantastic film. Since I previously watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy the week before, I was quite familiar with many of the characters so I was able to follow along very well. 

The film is excellent everyone. The cast was amazing because each actor or actress fit each of their roles very well. I recognized many of the actors and actresses from the previous Lord of the Rings Trilogy and from some other films I had seen before. I really do admire Cate Blanchett who played Galadriel because she portrays how the Elves are an embodiment of innocence and gracefulness. The makeup artists did a fantastic job on the makeup of the Orcs, Goblins, Gollum, Bilbo, the wizards, the Elves and the Dwarves. I've seen how the makeup is done since I have watched Face Off on SyFy. It is a very complex job to do and the artists did a fantastic job! Great job you guys! An Oscar from me! The costumes were so precise and very well done, the costume designers did a fantastic job, I'd give them another Oscar for them because they were the best I've seen! My favorite costume was Galadriel's white gown, it was a vision of perfection. Fantastic work! The music, my god! The music was fantastic as well! The orchestra was fantastic. I definitely knew when I heard the sound track that I would buy it when I got them money, which I did this morning when I received an iTunes card in one of my gifts. A particular favorite I mine was Misty Mountains. It was so fantastic that I had goosebumps during the film when it was being sung by the Dwarves. I definitely loved the cliff hanger at the end because I know I will be seeing the next one! 

I definitely recommend watching this film because you will be amazed with everything about it.

To Treat it as Gold and Goals

For Christmas, my Mum gave me the Michael Kors Selma bag in black and white along with the Michael Kors Monogram cross body bag! I was so ecstatic because I have been longing for these two bags to join my closet. I love Michael Kors so much because he is such as amazing designer. He has such a strong influence when it comes to the fashion industry. I kind of wish he was my uncle, haha! But since I want to become a journalist/reporter, I know I would like to work with him one day on writing an article for one of his collections in the future. 

Since I want to become a journalist/reporter, I am going to make a chart of short, mid-term and long term goals in my Microsoft Word. This way, I know what I need to accomplish and how to accomplish it. Right now, my past short term goal was to establish this blog, my mid term goal is to consistently blog, and then my long term goal is to expand the readership of my blog. These three goals were about the first step of getting into the flow of being a journalist because I am journaling each day about my life and any exciting events or news that I come across. 

To look like a professional journalist/reporter, I need to look the part. My mom recently attended an event sponsored by the spouses of the multi-national military forces stationed here in Virginia. Many of the wives are from Europe, countries such as France, Italy, and Germany and these women dressed so elegantly. So I have decided to make three goals for this step. My short term goal is to save my money in order for me to purchase classic pieces for my wardrobe, the mid-term goal is to look for pieces that flatter my body shape which is an hour glass figure, and then my long term goal is to purchase the pieces for my wardrobe. 
This is an example of a professional journalist/reporter's outfit.
Now for during college, I already know what steps I must do in order for me to become a successful journalist/reporter. For the short term goal I must take all the classes I need in order to learn more about the field, perhaps do research on the journalism major such as pay grades, percentage of demand, and such. I have done this already and the demand and pay grade changes depending on location. For my mid-term goal, I must consistently talk to my advisor or counselor at the university for any information on internships during each fall, winter, spring, and summer break and become involved in school publications in order for me to gain more experience in the field. Then lastly, for my long term goal I must have an excellent resume in order for me to gain the job I want to work after I finish at university. 

So these are my goals and with the help of others around, I will accomplish them.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone! I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy this holiday with the bonding of family because that is one of the main reasons why Christmas is celebrated!

Love all!

Merry Christmas!

Greetings Mortals

Sorry about my title, I couldn't resist doing in since I watched The Avengers last night. I just got back from the gym this morning and let me tell you, I feel so energized. I went on the bike again but I did it for 40 minutes then my friends (gym buddy) Hannah and I went into the sauna which felt really nice. So now I am back at home blogging to you guys. :)

I've decided that I would start reading again because I hardly ever read anymore, I am always glued to my computer and anything else technological. So I am finishing off The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon. Did you guys know that the Outlander series are being made into a series? I am so excited! The actor that is playing Jamie really looks like the Jamie that I pictured in my mind! My friend Katie from Rhode Island is just as excited as I am! She hooked me onto the books so I have to thank her for that. I love books that have a Scottish influence since I am partly Scottish; Buchanan. My aunt and uncle got married in Scotland, so that makes want to get married in Scotland too. I just love England and anything else European. I long to go back to England, I just wish it wasn't so expensive. 

I have been starting to think of New Years Resolutions already. I have quite a few now.

1. I want to eat healthier starting in the New Year, like eat a lot of vegetables, proteins, and fruits. I want to develop a better diet for myself.

2. Since I have been going to the gym, I will keep doing that. But I want to schedule an appointment with a fitness instructor so that he can help me set up a work out plan.

3. I do want to keep riding, but I want to get better than I have been this year. I sort of want to jump a bit higher, also I want to improve on my jumping with Hercules.  

4. Since I am looking for a job, I am trying to not touch my savings account for any reason. Well I just want to try and not spend any money right now.

5. Also, I do act a bit immature at some times, I'd like to start acting my age next since I will be turning 20 next year. I want to act like an adult, a mature adult. 

So today, I went by one of my neighbors house to drop off a gift for their two young girls. I have been babysitting these two girls for a while now and they are the cutest girls I have known. They both love Disney princesses so I bought each of them a Disney princess wand and some British chocolate from the English Store. The girls are so sweet; they came by on Thanksgiving and gave me a sweet card that they made me. I just wanted to give something to them for being such sweet girls.

Merry Christmas!!

The Three L's

For today's "like", I like that you can wear white jeans during winter. Michael Kors states that if you jazz up a pair of white jeans with a shearling coat, cashmere sweater, and a pair of booties (Camel colored maybe) it will look perfect. I think he said that you can add a Swiss watch to make even more wintery. It would be the perfect winter outfit that you or I would like to wear during the winter days. You don't have to abide by the rules saying you can't wear white after Labor Day because you can! You just have to Winterize it to make it look perfect.

Today, I am in love with Loki from the Avengers. I just love his bad boy nature and charisma, but I love that you can see the other side off him. I see a character who is in the dark, pushed away from family as the second best next to Thor. I mean, I love the hair, those luscious black locks that I love to run my hands through. Plus he has a beautiful accent. I mean, who can't resist an accent. Especially if it's a British one. Even though I like heroes, I prefer the villains. 

Frankly, right now I am loathing the weather here in Virginia. It's December, yet it is pouring buckets and buckets of rain down on us. It's winter and I wish that Mother Nature would get that through her head and not think that it is April. Bloody hell, it was like 78 outside today! That's shorts weather! It's too crazy. I just want a nice sprinkle of snow on Christmas so that it feels more like Christmas. It's not Christmas in July for heaven's sake. Rhode Island and Washington have snow already! I am so envious of them at the moment because it actually LOOKS like Christmas and FEELS like Christmas; what with the snowflakes and the winter wind nipping at your nose like Jack Frost would.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Carrie Diaries

So I am currently obsessed with watching The Carrie Diaries! I love it! I love how they are doing it as a prequel to the series Sex and the City about how they all come together starting with Carrie. I have a crush on the guy that plays Sebastian, sadly he's taken by the beautiful Vanessa Hudgens, much love to her! 
I'm still on Season 1 on Netflix, so I don't really know what is happening in the current season that is airing right now. I really love the season so far. If I became an actress, which is one of my dreams; I would love to be in the series. I would take any part they would give, except stunt doubles… That kind of weirds me out when you do crazy stuff, no offense to the stunt doubles out there in the acting world. I would just love to be an actress… Maybe one day.

Chanel, the Apple to my Eye

Is there anyone out there that are in love with Chanel and all of its beauty? I am so in love with the two-tone Chanel flats, the Classic Flap Bag, and the Butterfly Sunglasses.

 I just love how chic these glasses look. I really adore the cat eye shape because it looks very elegant.
 I have been obsessed with this Chanel bag for God knows how long… It is just so… Pretty. I mean, I'm a girl. Girls like pretty things. But the back just gives off that regal energy and I just love it. I am hoping to find one of these in my closet one day. I prefer the black over any other color. Black is just so chic.
These flats are ADORABLE! I'd kill to wear these out somewhere, IF they were in my closet. A girl just dreams all the time. I know I do. I love the way the toe part of the shoe is black when the rest of the shoe is beige calfskin. 

Another thing that Chanel is famous for is their fragrance, Chanel #5. I've had this fragrance before and I absolutely loved it. I definitely recommend it to others because its fragrance to me is not at all powerful, but it is beautiful. To determine that a fragrance is perfect for you, it is to wear it and see if it is perfect for you. You never know if a fragrance that smells good in the bottle with smells good on you. Sometimes, it can be overpowering and sometimes it can work perfectly.

*I don't own any of these products, I am just admiring their beauty.*

Photo Credits to Google Images

Thursday, December 19, 2013

On the List for ipsy glam bag January!

Hey guys! I am so excited to tell you that I will be receiving January's ipsy glam bag! Once I receive it in the mail, I am going to try the products for a week or two and then do a review video that I will post on here and on YouTube! 

Stay tuned! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Drum Roll Please!!!

I MADE THE DEAN'S LIST!!! WOO! This is such a blessing because now I can put these on my WWU transfer application! Gotta get working on the essay for the application! 

Bye guys!! :)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

iPhone Swapsy

Hey guys! Today I got the iPhone 5c! It was meant to be a surprise for Christmas from my mom but I shall tell you the story. So yesterday morning, I was lying in bed just starting to wake up. As usual, I always check my phone for texts, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter notifications. But instead, I saw that I had a missed call and a voice mail. I listened to the voice mail and heard a lady say that my iPhone 5c was ready for pick up. I was a bit confused because I didn't order an iPhone in the beginning. I went to my mom and asked her if it was a hoax. She didn't really say much, she just smiled and then I figured everything out! Today, I went to the shop with Mom to be her gift wrapper when customers came in. Then when we closed the shop, we went to the NEX to get my new iPhone and some other last minute Christmas gifts. It took a while for my iCloud to log in and for my contacts to transfer over due to the wifi at the NEX. What I really like about the iPhone 5c is that once I restored it by using my Macbook Pro, it recovered all of my text conversations. Also, I love how light  it is, along with it being longer length wise.  I am so obsessed with Siri, like I have a blast asking her questions.I asked Siri questions like: 
I just felt like asking her these questions because they were the main topics on my mind. Topics like Kanye and his ban on the Louis Vuitton label because the vice-president of Louis Vuitton in Paris  "said I don't understand why we need to meet with you."Personally, I wouldn't want to meet him because of his ego from what I have seen in the interview on that topic; that is just my opinion. Also, there is the topic on One Direction becoming bigger globally, and along with the topic of Harry Styles being linked to Kendall Jenner. I don't know the full story so I won't say things if I don't know that they are true facts. So these are some photos of my iPhone 5c in the blue color.

In the beginning, every phone comes packaged from Santa.

The lighting causes the blue to appear lighter, but it is like a peacock blue.

My beautiful Coach case which is an early Christmas present as well.

I love the iPhone 5c so much and I'm so happy mom gave it to me for Christmas, even though the sales lady ruined the surprise, I was still surprised to know my mom gave me the new iPhone 5c.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Funtime

Hello everyone! Sorry I didn't post last week, my instructor couldn't do our lesson because she had an appointment so we just skipped and moved to today. However, I had a substitute instructor because my instructor was sick today. We had a good lesson today again until we started jumping our course. We only jumped the course once. 

Before we started riding, we did our Christmas photo op. We had a lot of photos to choose from but my mom and I found the perfect one.

The halter says "Merry Christmas" on the noseband. :)

I warmed him up by doing the basic walk-halt-back up-trot and then we worked on our canter. We did accomplish a simple lead change in the middle of the ring when we changed directions at the canter. He has improved with me on him because he was a lot calmer and docile when we started riding when usually he is screaming for his buddies in the field. When we were just warming up, I did the exercise that I learned from Ryan Minor (photo down below).

This exercise really stretches your calf to help it become stronger for when you ride. Also it pushes your heel down a lot more than what you would probably be used to. 

We also worked on our sitting trot and I have a Dressage Star in the Making moment. Haha! I think I may switch to Dressage once I move to the West Coast next year, if we are moving. But for right now, I think I'll stick with it because Hercules does teach me a lot when jumping, especially when it comes to speed. 

Around 2:45, Jamie (not positive on spelling) who was the substitute instructor came and we went outside to the ring. When we went outside, he was still calm and docile which was different, but it was a nice change. We worked on our leads with the canter a lot. Jamie told me I ride with an "open hip" which is a major no-no. With the thigh being open, it does not give me the "glue" I need for staying in the saddle, especially when jumping. We jumped a line of two cross rails, a line of three cross rails as well as a cross rail in the middle which was sort of angled toward the right. We didn't really jump the whole course because he was very fast and would not listen to my half-halting so I was all over the place making circles or just making him stand still for a few minutes. At the end of the lesson we went in and he was very mouthy because if I gently pulled the reins to say "stop", he would toss his head all over the place! 

After I untacked him and groomed him, I gave him a few (three) horse treats and took him to his stall for his dinner and his apple. I stayed behind while he ate because it is funny to hear them eat a whole apple because he literally made apple sauce in his food bin.

That was my lesson for today! No riding lessons the next two weeks due to Christmas and New Year's. But I will still be blogging for Christmas! Have a good one guys!

Fall Semester Grades!

You guys have no idea about how ecstatic I am about my fall semester grades! I have 4 A's! That's an A in History, Developmental Psychology, Survey of 20th Century Culture, and in Greek Mythology; to be honest an A in each of the classes really make me proud. I worked hard this semester and I deserve it. The only class I am waiting for is my College Success Skills, which I think I have an A in already.  

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Constant Change of Mind

I really dislike my brain sometimes you guys. I change my mind about college so many times. Right now, I was thinking of moving to Rhode Island and attending URI by majoring in Fashion Merchandising/French. But now, I think of when I tried going to Oregon State University and how I ended up coming home cause I missed being home and my house. So I thought it over again since I wanted to get an apartment in Rhode Island and I thought about my finances in the end. I then concluded that it would be difficult because as of right now I do not have a job and I am currently waiting for a call from the dry cleaners that I applied to. As much as I'd love to move there and be with all my friends, I am not financially stable and I would rather be closer to my mom rather than an ocean away. Like, I am the kind of girl who is a family girl. I don't want to be far, just far enough to have my own freedom, but close enough of a drive home to visit on the weekends. 

It's my comfort zone that determines where I want to go. And that is WSU. Close to family, yet I still have my own space.

Friday, December 13, 2013

What I am doing Tonight and Tomorrow

I finished my last final today! Woohoo!! All done with Fall Semester! Now it is time to return all my books from the semester back to Barnes and Noble since I rented them. It is definitely time to get Spring Semester books. I am know I have 3 A's and I am hoping I get B's in History and Greek Mythology, but really I am hoping for A's.

So as of right now, I am waiting for butter to soften so that I can make some more cookies. I just made some that were frozen cookie dough squares. I am making Chocolate Chip Cookies from scratch now. Tomorrow I am going to a Toys for Tots community service. Marines and Sailors gather toys at certain venues where they left a box for donations, then they take all the toys to a warehouse where they categorize them by gender and age. Volunteer such as myself will be given a child who has a list of things they would like for Christmas, so we are basically shopping for the child. The cookies I am making are for the Marines that will be there. I love baking anyways, and I thought I could do something sweet for the Marines and the other volunteers. The cookies I already made are confetti sugar cookies.

I've actually figured out a way to make the butter soften faster for making cookies from scratch. Since I made cookies that were pre-made, the oven was still warm. So I placed the metal bowl of the Kitchen Aide into the oven with the butter, and it slowly began to melt the butter. Makes the process melt and soften a bit faster.

Finally they are in! Each cookie sheet holds 8 cookies so it will take awhile for me to make 5 dozen… So 16 are in, 34 left to go.

So I just took my cookies out and put them on the cooling rack. I decided to try one after my dilemma with getting the butter to soften and they taste really good actually. :D I am a little pastry chef, sort of… hah!

In the end, I think I have made at least 60-65 cookies in total… Oi, the volunteers and the Marines better be hungry!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Finals are nearly FINISHED

It is so crazy how this semester is nearly over. I mean, I only have two finals to study for which are History and Greek Mythology. I already took my others. I think I am doing well for my grades. It's my goal that I get on the Dean's List this semester and so on. I am an A student, and I will be one. So I am off to study for History and make lots of notes for Greek Mythology. For Greek Mythology, my professor is letting us use our notes for the first 15 minutes of exam time. Also, I have to start my Greek Mythology exam essay which I have to take to class. 

Oh my gosh, I have to tell you something! I got a 98% on my latest Greek Mythology test! I was so happy, you have no idea! Well, wish me luck on my two finals!

Bye Guys!

The Future!

I have been thinking long and hard and I have decided to do the double major at URI which is the French and Fashion Merchandising double major. I have been so undecided on what I truly wanted to do and I think I have also been a bit blind… I have always loved French and Fashion and it is the perfect bundle since they are part of the double major. 

Since URI is in Rhode Island, it feels more like home to me. Like it is the place I will feel happier in.

Today, with the help of my mom, we made a budget for if I had an apartment during the years I am at college at URI. It's gives me an idea on what I need to save and put away for future expenses. I am really hoping I get a call for an interview at ZOOTS because it would really help me because I would be making some extra money to put away in the bank. I would be so blessed if I got the job. It would really benefit my account tremendously.

Plus to increase my independence for my own benefit, I am taking more and more care of my dog, MudLynn. I've been brushing her coat, clipping her nails, making sure her water is topped, keeping note of when she needs her meal or snacks, and letting in and out of the yard for potty. I just bought her new bed which is her Christmas present this year. She'll be a happy puppy.

Plus I am starting to take more care of my bedroom so that it stays clean and that I don't have any unnecessary laundry to do. So I make sure I hang up the clothes I just wore that aren't dirty and wear them the next day. I do laundry about once every two weeks cause my hamper is always so low on the quantity.

So yeah, that's my future.

DIY Queen and the Weekly Reads

Lately, I've been a bit more selfish about things that I like to do. For example, reading and DIY. DIY is things are so fun to do. I h...